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What happened and what will happen...

Today will be my day..well, not in a good sense =/

Yesterday I did m math exame...actually I was not nervous, I mean, not too nervous as the way that I thought I would be... well, if all this shit going for the best, I can pass, what is great!
Anyway, today I have to study for geometry exame, that will be tomorrow... meantime, my friends will be in the pool, enjoying the sun and that amazing whater, and I will be here, in home --'

Ok...well, I need to buy new clothes! Really! My clothers sucks I need a new one... x}
There is a shop that has amazing clothes! I really want to go there but it's a little far from my city, that's why I never go there. The shop calls EKSTRA (click xP). I don't know if I can post some photos of the store. I already talk with them by Hi5 but no one answer me...anyway, here is the link.
Now, other amazing brand is Skelanimals. I just LOVE it! But I think isn't for sell here in Portugal. I just can buy by internet and I don't like it 'cause I must to see first if the clothes wear good xP

Conclusion: I'm a fashion victim --'


  1. I didn't know about these stores, but it looks great.
    I'm sure that you will have a very good grades!

  2. Olá :)

    Bom ver fãs "não-histéricas" dos TH x)

    Espero que não te importes que vá passando por aqui...

    Espero que tenhas boas notas nos exames :) Depois já podes ir às compras descansada :P

    Jinho ;)

  3. I love your blog!
    And, your clothes don't sucks xD
    küss :)

  4. Olá xaninha. Gosto da tua coragem em exprimires o que sentes, principalmente no que toca a assuntos mais pessoais. Vou passar mais vezes se não te importares.
    Ah, e como alguém já referiu num comentário anterior, é bom saber que há fãs minimamente "sensatas" dos TH.

  5. Hallo Ana Filipa!

    muito obrigada por comentares =) e claro que podes passar mais vezes ^^

    fans nao sensatas nao rulam xP


  6. Obrigada pelo comment, e já agora muitos PARABÉNS. Disfruta bem da maioridade! Beijinhos


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