I'm a really Unlucky Girl -.-

Well, at very long time that I want to go to Oporto spend my money in one of my obcessions: clothes xP and, like I'm saying, at very long time that I beg to my mom to go with me and finally she say yes. to the next Tuesday (tomorrow) we would go there.
Till here everything is ok... But, my mom, I don't know...probably was something that she eat, spend a very bad night and she is very sicke. No my uncle take she to the hospital 'cause she even coldn't walk...
Now, probably tomorow we will not go to Oporto anymore =( I know that is not her fault and I know I'm being selfish but I can't control myself...
Ok, I don't have more nithing to say...Ieven can't...I'm really worrie with my mom =/


  1. Aww poor you!
    Hopes your mom gets better! And that it's nothing serious!

  2. Oh my love!!! I hope your mother gets better fast!

  3. How is your mother my love?


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