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Hi people!!! How are you???
Well, as I told you, today i was with my ex english teacher. We werechecking all things about we just have to make a little phone call...and done =) I mean, for now xD
So, I want apologize myself...'cause I had with a little problem with my blog so I just saw all your comments now.
So, I also wat to say that as you can see, I'm moderating my comments now so I'll not accept offensive comments so, take your breath (I mean, your fingers) ;)
I want to apologize too to the anonimous person who says something about obert pattinson....I deleted the comment but was not with that intention... xD I really think that too...lool, I'm always saying that he seems like he's stoned or somoke something xD but that because I think he's sp funny (call me crazy lool).
To the other anonimous person...I'm not gonna spend my time explain such a simple thing like my name looool. One word: RIDICULOUS!
Of course my name is not Kristen's like a nickname ignorant person -.- But hey, as I can see you know a lot about me already...I'm impressed!!! Seems like that story of "haters make me famous" it's true (and NO, I don't think I'm famous, get over it! It'sust a way to talk...) But yeah, my name is Vanessa Cristina...happy??? And I not choose Kristen because the Kristen would be a little ridiculous don't you think? I choose Kisten long before I know about kristen Stewart (yes, I didn't know her before Twilight) and I choose it bucause it's very "close" from "Cristina" and I like it xP, and Annderson it's the translation from my 3rd name...
My friends know this all story...and people who doesn't know me but have brain knows the mean of my name.
Well, today ends the contest of TH Fan Party...I didn't won..but, you know what? I'm not sad...will be more opportunities..and hey, it just a party =) So, for the TH fans, don't be sad =) think positive and good luck to the future =)
Well, think it's all xD...I don't have much to say today...was a normal day...
So, see you soon and have a nice week =)


  1. ok.
    haha you don't say! freezin' my ass off if i walk outside haha.

    ya.. i luv her. always have, from the very first beginnin' ;)

    Read that you've leard english by yourself. yeez, good job.

  2. Oh love I don't know how you're not sad! I'm in broken in little pieces...just waiting for 27 th.
    You rock!
    And fuck haters!

  3. Oh love I don't know how you're not sad! I'm in broken in little pieces...just waiting for 27 th.
    You rock!
    And fuck haters!

  4. Hey =) i loooove your blog, you are so..real. your blog is not about how perfect life is, it´s about the downsides to :) Okey..i dont now how that sounded but what can i say? i love your blog ** and if you wanna read mine in english so do i have a traslatebox to the left on my blog ^^ but i dont know if ot works perfectly, try it out and tell me =) xoxo ;D

  5. Hey =) i loooove your blog, you are so..real. your blog is not about how perfect life is, it´s about the downsides to :) Okey..i dont now how that sounded but what can i say? i love your blog ** and if you wanna read mine in english so do i have a traslatebox to the left on my blog ^^ but i dont know if ot works perfectly, try it out and tell me =) xoxo ;D

  6. have u seen in my blog that it says homepage, blog, photo albums, etc. =) When you press the Blog so can you see my old blog posts, if you see astrology to the left when you clicked on the blog so you can press any of days and come to today's speech:) and there can u see little fact about me ^^ check it out, look up how tall iam xD just for fun ;)

  7. That is beacuse idont have any photos ;) xoxo ^^

  8. Well its in sweden, so im going to bed :) cya kisses**

  9. About..00:35 am ^^ and there? night ^^ xoxo

  10. Não devias ter dado uma resposta tão grande a esses anónimos, pq eles tbm não passam de uns.. Anónimos xD!

    Não sabai que dava para traduzir assim tão facilmente os nomes. Já agora, o Annderson em português é que nome xP ? Como é qe traduzis-te o teu nome assim ? É que eu gostava de traduzir uns dois nomes que odeio no meu nome para inglês para ver se ficavam mais bonitos ^^


  11. oi sei que nao devia ter dado tanta importancia mas é que irrita-me ver as pessoas a falar de coisas que nao sabem...

    bem, muitos nomes nao têm traduçao... Annderson em português é Andrade ^^ por exemplo o meu 1º nome: vanessa, nao da para traduzir, fica igual.
    bem, eu andei algum tempo até encontrar um pseudonimo fixe xD
    se eu disser os 1ºs nomes que me vieram à cabeça até te rias xD mas pronto. Cristina em ingles ficava muito parecido: christina. depois começei a pensar e cheguei a karen. mas depois vi que karen era carina...entao comechei a fazer trocas com o nome e veio-me o kristen... cristina -> kristina -> Kristin -> e depois lembrei-me do kristen em ingles xD (estupido eu sei lool). va, gostei e resolvi adoptar.

    se quizeres que te ajude com os teus nomes estás à vontade =)


  12. hi =) cool blog u got here! Dunno why i like it so much, I just do =P Would be fun if u checked out my blog to sometime, keep doing your thing! Kisses*

  13. Pois xD, já vi que foste vendo nomes parecidos com o teu e arranjas-te um.
    O meu primeiro nome é Ângela , a única coisa que se pode fazer é tirar o chapéu do primeiro A, lol xD.
    Vou ter que ver nomes estrangeiros, pode ser que encontre um parecido com o meu último nome, Cardoso ._.

    Compreendo que te aqueles anónimos te irritem, eu quando fui mais nova tive um blog, e tbm recebia muitos comentários desse tipo, mas eu irritava-me tanto que nei dava resposta para não dizer depois só asneiras e deixava-me estar no meu canto e continuar a postar xP


  14. pois xP
    bem, cardoso nao sei =S mas angela podes tipo colocar angi ou angel... ^^

    sim, eu já reparei que ha muita gente pelo mundo fora a sufrer do mesmo problema: nao ter anda que fazer lool


  15. Pois, mas já encontrei um site inglês com últimos nomes eoutro com nicks para cada nome ..
    O mais parecido qe encontrei foi Carson xD

    Obrigada pela ajuda na mesma *


  16. oh, ty very much! ^^ Ofc I´ll do the same! =) Kisses**

  17. Its too bad that you didn't win for the fanparty, but your are right to stay positive!! I didn't even bother to enter here in Canada because I wouldn't be allowed to go all the way to Germany at this time:(

  18. haha, ya, I was surprised that the goodie bag got here so fast!! Like, it travelled all the way over the Atlantic ocean!!

    Ya, and I am wondering how good this fanparty will be, because obviously Bill, Tom, Georg and Gustav won't be able to actually "party" with the fans. If anything they will have to be in a heavily guarded private room, or else the fans would go crazy at them!
    hmmm, maybe they will have a quick signing and maybe preform a few songs, but I can imagine what it will be like...

  19. Trina??, oh, is it that girl Ann-Katrin!!????? That did all that stuff with Tom???
    Because if it is her, she will definately get hurt by the other fans!! Something WILL go wrong...

  20. OMG!!!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!?? WOW!!!!! of all people in the world SHE got a ticket!!!!! OH MY GOSH!!!!! that is ridiculous!!!!!!

    but nothing good can come of her being there!!! OMG!! I wonder if Tom knows!!!!!?

  21. ya, wow, like what are the odds that she gets a ticket!! lol:P

    But, I don't have very high expectations for the party...I'm sure it will be fun, and its better than nothing, but some people are travelling from all over the World, so they would hope it will be good. Oh well...I hope it is good for them

  22. lol, exactly!!
    Like, I am guessing that they will barely even see the boys, but I wish them all the best:)

  23. ya, I have their autographs too so I guess its good for some of the people that have never been able to meet them yet...

  24. Did you downloaded Wikileaks docs? Give me link plz
    Thank you


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