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Freaky Dream...

Hi readers, how are you today???
My week has going so slowly...I'm counting the every hours, minutes, seconds xD But finally the day is's finally tomorrow!!! I'll see Twilight *o* OMG I'm so excited, you can't's crazy! I think I'm gonna have a collapse or something (gosh -.-).
Well, my last night was so freaky!!! I just woke up sooooooo frustrated!!! xD
So, I had a dream...believe, when I dream, it just like...I really dream! lol Well, basically I don't remember of all dream, that's why I'm so frustrated, but I know that was a really amazing dream *o* So, I dreamed with Robert Pattinson (yeah, I'm just getting big deal xD)... I remember that being on a beach, I have no idea of what beach was, I've never being there before; and Robert was with, REALLY with me* I don't remember about the first part of the dreams...then I remember that we were with some friends (that I've no idea of who are they...neither) and we went to other side of the beach where was many tents, but not like the usual tents on the beaches...were biggest...several tents forming a giant tent in a square...bahh, I don't know how to explain...
I remember about the boys of our group were "jokking" with me because I didn't know playing some sport...shoud be futball (you'll see why...).
I just know that we came to the giant tent and went to one of the tents with Robert (OMG what crazy dream...) ...some of the guys who were with us started to saying that typical quotes "we know what you want", or "give them some privacy" (you know what I mean xD).
But then I had another blank in my head -.- and I don't remember much things about that situation...I just can remember...after that...the boys were playinf futball in the middle of the big tent and I was in another tent with a child, that I have no idea of who she was either, and then she wanted to go the the bathroom (seriously, this is not normal -.- specially because I have some traume with kids xD and I start dream with them...bahhh loool). Then we get out of the tent and the ball came right to my side and I held it, very well actually xD, with my my foot (inside), I then even turn myself to it (XD what a crazy shit!), and I keep my walk with the child just like saying "I also play it well" xD. Then the little girl and I got to another side of the beach that we already had before and was there another kid of our group -.- (with some other people who were not with our group) , this time a boy. We started to talking about that we were going to the toilet and he indicated to us other toilet (more closed of what toiler that we were thinking) and then said to have careful with the doors O.o
Then we went and I remember about the sogns of the doors are indecipherable...I mean, it was not clear at all...and that's all, I can't remember about more anything ='(
I'm so so frustrated because I know that in the first part of the dream I was with Robert and I forgot that part -.-''' I feel like I want to kill my unconscious loool
Just knowing about the cast it's already in London (so close and so far in the same time) and I'm here in the country -.- bahh, life sucks. (forget, mine stupid thoughts xD)
Ok...tomorrow I'll tell you everything about the movie *o* I badly can wait to see it *____________________________*
So, see you soon


  1. Não paro de rir! Eu sonhei com ele, e juro-te lembro-me de tudinho! LOOOL coincidencia mesmo!!! (nao tou a guzar, juro!)
    London (so close and so far in the same time), nem tu imaginas quanto :X

  2. Juro-te que sonhei com ele esta noite também. Mas eu lembro-me de quase tudo, depois na melhor parte tive que acordar para nao ir fazer um teste no meio da greve -.- Eu juro que nao tou a guzar, eu sonhei mesmo LOL se quizeres depois conto-te xD
    E adorei a frase "London (so close and so far in the same time)" , nem imaginas o quanto :S

  3. Omg i wanna see Twilight too! =( But i live in such a small town so i have to wait much longer for it! =/ Have just started to read the first book to, really great =) Lucky u who gets to see it tomorrow, im jealous! xD

  4. It's tomorrow! I'll see it too! With my mother and some friends!***
    You're so crazy...your dreams haha

  5. It's tomorrow! I'll see it too! With my mother and some friends!***
    You're so crazy...your dreams haha

  6. fico feliz por concordares.
    Ha muita coisa que eu quero dizer, mas que nao sei como o espressar.. acho aquilo que foi escrito do TP um absurdo... mas prontos..

    aquilo nao ira servir de nada porque a Summit já comprou os direitos de autos dos 4 livros e vão haver filmes dos 4 por isso, whatever...

    problema deles que tiverem contra. não vejam. :d

  7. eu ouvi uma coisa diferente.
    ouvi que, no breaking dawn eles iam dividir em 2.
    como acontece muita coisa, eles tavam a pensar em dividir o livro em 2 livros .-.

    e como e que eles vao por o essencial do BD no eclipse, se o eclipse é maior que o crepusculo, e o twilight tem 2h?
    iam fazer um filme de 3 horas e meia, nao?.-.

  8. e uma coisa é LER o edward nu na praia a noite sobre a luz do luar, outra é VER... se fosse em 3D ainda melhor

  9. pois é!
    são esses peqenos grandes pormenores que tornam o livro incrivel! *--*

  10. Então era assim.
    Eu estava com os meus melhores amigos (que sao rapazes) e estavamos no pingo doce (eu sei, esquesito) xD E ele estava lá comigo. Depois andavamos la de um lado para o outro, fomos a uma discoteca dançamos e coiso e tal. E eu no sonho falava em ingles tb xD E entao, fomos para a casa nao sei de quem, e eu tava la sentada no puff e a minha irma ligou-me a dizer se ja nao eram horas de ir para casa. Vai ele e pega no telefone e começa a falar com a minha irma, a dizer que eu nao me podia ir embora pq ele ainda nao tinhamos feito montes de cenas , e começou a dizer "ainda nao comemos, nem vimos o filme e eu ainda nem a beijei", e eu fiquei do genero wow. Depois de ele desligar eu tava do genero, "ele devia tar só a guzar". Depois ele da-me o telefone, e ai nos tavamos sozinhos, eu ia abrir a boca e ele vira-se "nao, nao estava a brincar" e beija-me LOL Entretanto a minha mae acorda-me durante o beijo, para saber se eu tinha escola ou nao por causa da greve -.-
    Fiquei bue irritada xD LOL
    E foi isto :P

  11. Hey :) i wanna se twilight toO! :D

  12. who aren´t??? xD Hehe yeah u kinda get addicted to them (a) Kiss*

  13. Haha xD ooow i wanna see it now NOW! xD But is the book better? Thats what I´m guessing on..

  14. Haha xD ooow i wanna see it now NOW! xD But is the book better? Thats what I´m guessing on..

  15. Oh :O! i wanna see it even more now!! :o

  16. Heh yeah many people have said the same to me.. Well I´ll just wait and se until it comes in theathers up here ^^

  17. Dreams are stupid most of times...I spend my time dreaming I'm pregnant! seriously! with twins! lol

    A dream with Robert would be far nicer! :D


  18. haha, yes Pam, dream with Robert it's really better then AMAZING *o*



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