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Hi readers!!!
Sorry for my delay...this weekend has been so crazy!
Well, spent all the weekend with my friends...on Friday was pretty cool, but no big surprises. On Saturday I slept in my bestfriend's house. We were with the guys and then we went to her house. Was cool xD the night we spent together are allways great! We laugh a lot xP
Weel, on Sunday me, my best and our other friends went to the village, take a walk and that night we went out again xD then my bestfriend slept in my house xD we saw the Oscars (we saw Robert Pattinson OW-MY-GOSH!!! He was just perfect!).
Yesterday was Carnival. As that, we were with our friends again. Was SO CRAZY!!! I was so amended OMG x.x anyway, they I get ok xD and was pretty fun anyways...much people were masked and was everybody there! Was awesome!
Today I was a big headache -.-
Briefly, this is how my weekend was.
Today I'll go to my bestfriend's house in the center of the city...we gonna have party tomorrow night! xP
Then I'll tell you everything!


  1. I hated so much the carnival.
    Yours seems like it was so cool.
    I just saw half of the oscars, i didn't see robert x] what a shame.
    your life sounds like "party" x] all the time x]

  2. in the matter od the really seems lool

    well, I can't find a job, my studies are delayed so -.-


  3. I hate carnival!

    sorry love, Robert was gorgeous but a mess presenting the cathegorie. =/

    I'm glad you had fun =)

  4. -.- é que é mesmo porque bem, os sonhos nao podemos controlar.

    eu nunca fui ao Sardinha, acreditas? xD mas quarta devo estar pelo B.A.. Nós vamos mais é ao Gota, um café, antes de ir ao B.A. XD se me vires fala porque o mais certo é eu nao te ver loooooool ja nao basta ser despistada, quando bebo nao vejo ninguem a frente x) mas nao te preocupes que eu bebo bebo bebo e nao fico bebeda, so fico é meia cega xD

  5. Parece que tiveste um fds mesmo em grande =D
    Junta-te ao clube :P

    Beijooo :*

  6. Ora aí esta a minha reacção assim qe vi o Rob nos Oscares !
    OH MY GOSH, foi a unica cooisa qe consegui dizer no meio daqela baba toda :D

  7. Lol did you noticed him in Harry Potter? I remember that I said to my mom, " that guy is hot less is hair" haha

  8. I never liked Daniel! He's so ugly, so it was easy for me notice RobPatz<

    But he's so EVERYTHING like Edward** GOSH!

  9. We HAVE TO watch New Moon together. I'm so excited and then Eclipse is in the summer of 2010, it's MAJOR!

  10. I would kill somebody if they don't make the movie! BAH

  11. Sorry but:
    O Rob estava um bocado desajeitado a apresentar.

    Parece que te andas a divertir muito :)
    Ja agora, mudaste o cabeçalho do blog? Parece diferente. (quer dizer, ja nao vinha aqui ha algum tempo...dsc)


  12. é pá eu sei um monte de sítios onde fazem Kebabs agora um café chamado Kebab não estou a ver mas deve ser para o lado dos Horas Felizes não? hoje vou checar xP

    sabes que eu ate gostava de ser assim. porque eu bebo bebo, misturo bebidas e o caralho e nada -.- eu nunca fiquei bebeda xD so fico é meio coisa quando me ponho a beber =$ e vou para a casa de banho dos rapazes xDDDD e as minhas amigas raparigas vem atrás de mim xDDD ja fiz uma amizade feminina na casa de banho dos rapazes. as nossas noites sao o rir xD

    oh o cabelos esta a perder a cor e ainda nem fotografei. amanha vou colar-me á minha prima para vir comigo ao cabeleireiro e levar a maquina xP


  13. WoW, Party girl =P
    Oscars were amazing :D


  14. sounds like you had fun :)

    oh, i saw the oscars too!! they were actually pretty good this year:)

  15. ai é? o nome do salao onde eu vou chama-se Olindina. Mais logo vou à loja ver se a máquina já voltou da manutenção *unf só espero que sim.

    mostra lá esse cabelinho *-*

  16. sera que podias fazer um post com fotografias do Twilight?


  17. sera que podias fazer um post com fotografias do Twilight?


  18. Miley ~ :

    claro que posso ^^
    vou tratar disso amanha =)



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