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I need to get out of here!

Hi readers! How it going?

I'm in a bad mood. I already told you that I'm tired of my life? Well, it's truth.I really need to get out of here...this is not life for me! I'm in a isolated hole...literally!The problem is that I'm starting to think that I don't know what I want in all. I'm so confused!
I'm here, with nothing to do and I start to freak out! Really! Then, who pay for it? My mom -.- I love her and I don't wanna make her unhappy but sometimes I just explode... But I don't want to! That's why I wanna leave this town. I know that I'll miss my family a lot (I'm kind of mommy's girl) but I know it will be good for me... I NEED to see new things, explore the world, meet new people...but that requires money.

Anyway, this year I'm not doing anything. Well, I would like to be working but I can't find a job... With that, I'll can take my drive license, and get money for my stuffs, but it seems like a curse or something...everybody (friends) find a job, less me.To the next year I'll go to University, well, it's expected to be like this...You know I want to go to London...but things are complicated and I'll be in peace, knowing that my family are spend a lot of money with my studies, when they need the money more than's not fair.Then I start to think that if I really want to go to University. Well, I want to go but, for other side, I'm not so sure of that...and I don't know why...

Gosh, I hate my head!


  1. You're not the only one... I can't find a job too... it's hard these times ya know...

    And I'm confused too. Though I'm in University I feel this ain't the right thing for me and I'm freaking out too these days... I understand you... If Lisbon sucks, I can imagine a smaller town...

    But well, girl, you need to fight! it's gonna be hard but if you really want it, im sure you will find your place and if you have skills u can still do great in this life.

    Never stop fighting and looking for solutions! they will come. And don't forget whenever u want to try to live in lisbon, u can stay in my place as long as u want :D

    kiss and don't let yourself down... *** LY!

    PS- always here if u wanna talk ;)

  2. thanks hon*

    I think it's a teenager problem or something... but sometimes seems that I'm the only unlucky girl...

    anywy, be in a big city like lisbon would be so great but it's a big change, I don't know what my mom would think about that (anyway, that would not be THE problem)...but it will be good to me, absolutely! but I really don't wanna bother you >.<

    thank you so much for your words! you know I'm here to for everything!!!

    Kisses LY***

  3. I understand what you mean, I couldn't be a year in home too. You really need to find a job to pay for your stuff, you can use the blog, it's always a solution.

    BTW, I will make my birthday party at 14 March and you are invited to come to my party and of course you would stay in my house =)
    Take Care

  4. gezz encontrei montes de coisas pelo que estou a passar neste post.

    bem, LONDRES *-* quero tanto ir estudar para lá mas já estou no segundo ano da universidade e acho que já não dá para me inscrever para o terceiro. de qualquer forma, money... eis o meu grande GRANDE problema. Os meus pais não me pagam e bem, eu não trabalho e logo não tenho dinheiro. Também já mandei uma data de curriculos para trabalhar em part-time mas resposta nem ve-la. E agora os meus amigos vão de férias para Londres e eu vou ficar em casa a deprimir ainda mais do que estou. Quanto a entrar para o universidade eu tambem nao fazia ideia do curso que havia de escolher e foi mesmo no ultimo dia de inscriçoes que tirei um panfleto á sorte e saiu o meu curso. infelizmente tive média suficiente para entrar na primeira opção lmao . nao é que nao goste mas esta a dar-me cabo da cabeça ter tanto trabalho. e as cadeiras de contabilidade matam-me. faz este mês um ano que tirei a carta e ainda não tenho carro buaaaaaaaah. odeio dinheiro -.- nunca posso fazer nada sem ele. também nao estou com muito bom humor nao. ando deprimida á dias. há-d passar. passa sempre.


  5. It would be fun, Monday I only have one lesson, we could take a walk in Lisbon =)

  6. Hey xD

    Well, you know... people have doubts, no matter where they are.
    I mean... probably you need to get out of there for sometime, but those kind of thoughts and doubts happens to people everywhere.
    I'm here, in Lisbon, and sometimes I have the exactly same feeling. Sometimes I feel like I'm in a hole, sometimes I feel like I'm in the wrong place and studying the wrong thing. Sometimes I even think that I wanna quit college and do something totally different.
    And about the London stuff. Well, I totally understand u. I also wanted to go study outside of the country and when the 1st year at college arrived, I didn't had the courage to bring that subject to my parents. 'Cause I felt that I would be selfish if I did that...

    Just remember, doubts are always knocking in our heads.
    We just need to fight over them and try to be ok. You need to find waht makes you feel okay, and if that requires you leaving out of your town and trying to live in the big city, maybe you should try... You may always comeback home, if it doesn't work :D

    Be pacient with your head, 'cause with time, your gonna get to your dream life (:

    Kisses ***

  7. thanks for your words Cats *-*

    yeah, I know that I'm not the only person with this kind of doubts...but sometimes I really think so...
    anyway...I really need to see what will be good to me and take a decision....


  8. i wanna get out of here -.-

  9. Obrigada pelo nome das revistas ;D

  10. You can always try to take money from the blog (as Joana said) and you can also do handcraft like necklaces and bracelets. Okay, kinda childish ideas, but they might work!!

    (: W <3

  11. Why don't you ask Kenza ?
    She must know, I've seen a post about the money she makes with the blog because a lot of people asked her how much she usually does with it. I think it was about 23€
    It's not much, but it all together will certainly help :D


  12. Oops, I got it wrong xD
    I don't know where I've seen 230kr xD *sorry xD*

    But why don't you e-mail her :b?
    Then, you can't say you haven't tried (:

    W <3

  13. She gains money with publicity, but for that you must have more than 1000 to make some money =/ She has 55.000 visits per day it's the reason she makes lots of money. You and me can't make decent money FOR NOW

  14. But for now try Google adsense ( i think is this), and you will make like 30 € per month, is better than nothing.

    Good night =)

  15. Go to "Painel" in your blog, Page down until the end and see at " Ferramentas e Recursos" then click at "AdSense" it's all explained there. I can't because I hasn't 18 years old yet =/

  16. you know what you need? Another TH concert with me, totally drunk, without any sleep for two days and a big sign saying "TOM FUCKER KAULITZ FUCK ME NOW OR NEVER, YOU ASSHOLE!". (:
    And that's it, life can be so easy.
    Did I tell you that I'm almost finishing Crepusculo (yeah, I know I'm GANZGANZ GEIL!)? Seriously, if you imagine Bill as Bella and Tom as Edward you can feel butterflies on your tummy. Cute! =O

    The other day I got drunk and my friends from college had to take me home because I couldn't walk and I was always vomiting (but I still have style, even when I vomit 'cause like I said I'm GANZGANZ amazingly GEIL!) and the poor guys who took me home had to listen to me in the middle of the street in the middle of the night screaming "ALL YOU WANT IS BILL'S COCK! COCK, COCK, COCK!", bah, whatever, I don't remember much more from that night.

    Anyway, like I said you just need a bit of Tokio here and Hotel there and that's it. Listen to the "99 balloons" from Nena and you become happy again. I always laugh because I get this weird image of Bill being a 6/7 years old kid running and shaking his little ass while hearing it...and then I remember the perfect hot bitch diva he became and I need some time to hear Mozart and finally control my hormones.

    oh well, I'm just talking about the boys a lot because I miss your "squeals" about Tom, you were my favourite competition to get Tom's babies and now I lost you to that pseudo-Potter-wizard-wannabe-vampire-Edward. CAME BAAAAAACK! T.T

    Seriously, you better be better after this comment I spent 5 minutes writing it and making a fool of myself so I do really hope you have a smile on your face right now.

    Thanks for your attention
    The best and always number one.
    Staa - the queen.

  17. hey I have doubts about what im doing and im in my last year of university :s.....p.s. I notice we share the same background :P....portuguese! Noone ever for stopping by my blog

  18. looooooooool

    staa, I LOVE YOU! you know that xP
    well, now is not funny anymore 'cause now you're all "BILL" xD (I told you that you like bill more then tom! lalala xD)
    but, you know, is them fault! they are "missing" lool so I kind forget lool

    and, don't worry, I have a big smile on my face right now! thank you xP

    You rock girl!

  19. ow, and btw (I almost forgot) BILL AS BELLA???? loooool I have to say that would be so much fun than the original xD
    but tom can't be edward...Tom is a fuckin' fucker and edward is a not gonna work xD


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