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Busy with my Thoughts

Hi people! How's it going???

Gosh I really need to get a job! Well, in this moment it's not a priority anymore... My Geometry exame is in the next month (22th June). I have to start to study!

But you know that I'm a compulsive consumer... I always want more and more...and when I put something in my head I don't relax till it be done.
And, you know...nothing it's free right!

I have so many thing in my haed right now...

Tomorrow maybe I'll go with my friend Rafa to the village. Then I can go to the optical choose my grasses (yeah, I went to the doctor yesterday and I really need to use it). I'll try to choose some cheap grasses or, at least, not too expensive. Well, my parents will pay it but I know they are not rich and the glasses will be mainly to be at home...I'll put contact lenses so... And believe me, it's a theft! Each lense from the glasses cost 50€! More the frame...

Well, this weekend start the "Enterro da Gata" in Braga and I want to go...but I know that I'll have the oportunity to have my own so I'll not go every single day. Saturday and Sunday I'll be there for sure! And then I'll go to one or two more days.

Apart from that, I want to dye my hair.
My mom told me that she would give me an extra but with the story of the glasses I don't thing about that I'll try to not spend my money and save the money that she give me every weeks.

And June...I want to buy the 4th book from Twilight Saga - Breaking Dawn. It will be available in portuguese on June 9th. I'll finally complete my collection =D
After that...start to think about my the exame...get in the university...wish my luck!

Well, now I'm gonna continue to read The Host. I'l loving the story! I recommend =)


  1. Ya, ela é tudo menos actriz plastica de hollywood xD
    ya *.* o filme foi bastante melhorado e está super romantico, e os extras são mesmo fixes.

    Hahah eu sou o contrario de ti, sinto-me super mal em fazer a minha mae gastar dinheiro, por isso compro o menos de coisas que posso ( tirando roupa claro, isso é de primeira ordem xD)

  2. gostas, eu nao estou muito feliz com ele ainda! :P
    i want a nice header above kinda liek what you have, but its not working right for me! :/
    ohh eu estou assim, mas porque eu quero o livro lua nova! ;)
    BOA SORTE poiz claro para university.. :))
    and i soo wnat to see what clour you dye your hair!!
    vais usar oculos?! a serio!? wow..i wonder what you will look like..??

    bjks.. x

  3. acabaste de me relembrar que os meus exames estão quase aí de novo. dia 15 de Junho recomeça tudo bah! btw, espero que o teu corra bem =)

    eu tive a fazer as contas para o enterro e os bilhetes individuais para todos os dias para estudantes fica por 56euros. é muito. felizmente sou socia da associação e o bilhete geral fica so por 32 euros. Sabado nao vou =( nao da para ir todos os dias por causa dos meus pais mas fora sabado e segunda devo ir o resto dos dias. esta quase *-**

  4. awww its so prettyyy, i like the colour and the cut!! :)
    i want long hair again :/
    ooook, contant lenses, yer im the same, im gonna need glasses to drive! :P

    yer that picture was yesterday but my hair was so greasy, i just finished washing it and im drying it and styling it now. :) i also need to go to the hairdressers again, for touch ups! lol


  5. yeah you said it right extensions ;) aw they'll look nice on youuu.. my godsister had them done and they were beautiful.. she dont have them no ore though..i'll post a pic of her soon...her hair is amazingg.. :)
    yer the road signs, i need the glasses for that. :P

    aww you like the houses like that, hm i liek them like vilas..em portugal! ;]


  6. im like that with all of europe, i wanna learn the languages, i wanna know about it all.
    yer ima post my 2 sisters and my godsister for you to see! :)
    yer hairdressers in the city are wayy more expensive..and yer im trying to save money too, to see if i can book a holiday! i need to know weather i have time off work first! :P


  7. ya, agora que reli vi que percebi mal. Desculpa xD.
    Eu tambem detesto que a minha mae gaste dinheiro comigo, mas claro que ela tem que o gastar, tenho 14 e infelizmente trabalhar es´ta fora de questão. MAs ela parece que gosta de gastar dinheiro --' enfim.

  8. : D

  9. yer shes beautiful right!
    i want her hair badly, she so lucky!! :)

  10. Exams....My gosh.. I have so much to study!!!

    I understand you about the money thing, when I bought my glasses I tried to pick not a expensive one. Try POLICE glasses.

    I love the shorts but I don't know if it's appropriated for the event. =/

  11. Eu não vejo mesmo na net, saco do torrent :x. Mas de certeza que encontras sites em que dê para ver online ou mesmo para sacar ;)



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