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University Rave

Hi everybody! How's it going???

So, this weekend was crazy!!! I was more time outside home than inside!
Well, Friday was not a normal day...people didn't work and the students hadn't Thursday night we hang out. Then my friend Rafa came with me and slept in my house. Was cool. Was a crazy night 'cause Friday was the owner's (of the bar) birthday so, after midnight was absolutely awesome!
Friday I was helping my friend Juliana with some stuffs to university...then I dinner in her house and after that we hang out again... Then I slept in my bestfriend's house.
Yesterday I was with my dad and my little brother all day. He came pick us at 12:00pm and then we went out lunch and then get a little walk in the city. At night my and my friends were al together again. Was a little boring 'cause much of then went to Oporto.
It's the "Week's Party" there xP I mean, That week that every universities have...with concerts and stuffs... It starts yesterday till day 9 I guess (I'm not sure).
About that, I really wanted to go there but it would get really expensive. I want to go to Braga and I still don't know if I'll go every single day...I know that if I really wanted to go my mom would let me but I don't want her to spend money with that's not fair and I know that she need that money to other things.
Either way, one friend of my said that he will pay me the ticket to next Tuesday! Many people will go in that day to Oporto and he said that he will pay me. It's really generous but I feel bad for that, it's not fair...I still don't know if I'll go...

In Braga, I already saw the poster...

  • May 8 (Friday) - Funeral and Serenata
  • May 9 (Saturday) - Deolinda and Pedro Abrunhosa
  • May 10 (Sunday) - Peixe: Avião and Guano Apes
  • May 11 (Monday) - UHF and Wraygunn
  • May 12 (Tuesday) - Da Weasel and Orishas
  • May 13 (Wednesday) - Leonel Nunes and Quim Barreiros
  • May 14 (Thursday) - Per7ume and Rui Veloso
  • May 15 (Friday) - winner band of UMplugged and Xutos&Pontapés
  • May 16 (Saturday) - Santoinho

Tickets are on sale in the usual places - AAUM, Student Services Office, the Gatódromo - and across the country - FNAC stores. The price of ticket for all days is 32€ for members of AAUM and 35€ for non-members. Separately, the tickets can cost, depending on days, 7€ or 9€ to shareholders of AAUM and between 10€ and 12€ for non-members.

So, I definetely want to go see Guano Apes!!! I already saw them one time at Ermal Festival and they are awesome!
I was thinking go 4 or 5 days... (depending of the total cost). Then I could go on May 10, 12, 13, 14 and/or 15...

Well, I have to see...


  1. eu tambem queria ir ao Porto mas nao me parece. ainda por cima esta semana vou estar á rasca com um relatório que o meu grupo deixou para a ultima da hora... o costume xD quem vai ao Porto nesse dia?
    eu quatro dias vou de certeza, agora nao sei é se vou mais algum dia xD mas o bilhete geral está garantido

  2. oh, na boa
    estou a ver que vem ai mais uma semana animada xD

  3. its okey ^^ im good ty, how about u? :) hugs*

  4. eu adoro o edward, e adorei quando ela o reencontrou, mas adorei o lua nova , porque ela ganhou vida, fez-se á vida por ele nao estar com ela. A depressão dela acabou por dar vida á história, o que é estranho xD

  5. that good :) so what are u up to?

  6. that good :) so what are u up to?

  7. é por causa da Kristen que te " chamas" kristen?
    ( ok, pergunta confusa)
    Gostei bue do bocadinho pocessivo mas é querido, e está sempre ao lado da bella quando ela mais precisou dele.
    O edward...em nem precisamos de falar nele né? Rapaz perfeito, vampiro sexy...
    Já sonhei que tava a fazer coisas preversas com ele e com o Jacob ( com os actores claro, nao com a personagem) o que +e muito triste--'

  8. Opah que grande cartaz *__*
    Só espero que o festival académico daqui também tenha um cartaz minimamente decente =D

    Vais ter mesmo uma semana em cheio :)

    Beijinho :*

  9. realmente kristen é mais fixe :P
    Eu nao gosto muito dela ( kristen), quer dizer, como atriz acho-a óptima, como pessoa nem tanto mas coiso.
    Acho que ela vai estar bem á altura do lua nova, ele entra mesmo na personagem

    Comprei o Dvd do twilight na semana passada, ainda não acabei de ver o filme, mas aqueles extras *.*

  10. Sim a minha mae diz a mesma coisa, que é coisas e problemas da adolescencia e que passa com o tempo..é esperar para ver =/

    BRIGDA por tares "cá" amor. LY

  11. Se aquilo fosse um baile de mascaras, acho que estava adquado. Eu odeiei o vestido mesmo, pareçe das senhoras que limpavam as ruas antigamente. nein! Mas vá como é do Lacroix todos acham que high fashion, se fosse da feira era horrivel lol. Pode ser o estilo dela, e que nem é bem...porque pelo k usa no dia a dia nunca a estava a ver num vestido daqueles...mas vá,,,


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