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Hey everybody =) How's going the week?

So, exams are comming...I've told you that before... So this week it's been all about study. I've done three English exams and now I have to review the study to the Portuguese one.
About my Geometry exame...I haven't decidesd yet...I think I'm not capable to up my classification and I already done it so... Well, let's see.

Well, but before that was cimena time! eheh
I was watching the movies "The Unborn" and "My Bloody Valentine 3D".

Horror movies of course xP (my favourite).
Well, The Unborn it's about a 19-year-old girl (Odette Yustman) haunted by a "dybbuk" (a malevolent wandering soul of Jewish folklore) that was once a young boy ruthlessly slaughtered in Auschwitz. Casey Beldon (Yustman) was just a young girl when her mother vanished out of her life. And though Casey has never forgiven her mother for abandoning their family, she begins to understand why when a tortured ghost begins stalking her by day, and horrific nightmares make her scared of falling asleep at night. Hoping that her spiritual advisor, Rabbi Sendak (Gary Oldman), possesses the power to make these awful visions stop, Casey enlists his aid and gradually uncovers a family curse that stretches all the way back to Nazi Germany. An entity with the ability to possess anyone or anything that it comes into contact with is stalking Casey from another plane of reality, and it's gaining strength with each new possession.
Now, as the curse is unleashed, the frightened girl realizes that her only chance for survival is to close a door that was pried open by someone who was never born, and prevent the force from crossing over into the physical world. Though her sympathetic boyfriend (Cam Gigandet - James from Twilight x3) and best friend (Meagan Good) do everything they can to help, Casey is ultimately left to face this otherworldly horror on her own.

Unfotunately, I couldn't saw My Bloody Valentine in 3D. It would be even better I bet! The scenes were made to be view in 3D, but ok, was geat anyway.
The story it's about a tragedy (at 10 years ago) that changed the town of Harmony forever. Tom Hanniger (Jensen Ackles), an inexperienced coal miner, caused an accident in the tunnels that trapped and killed five men and sent the only survivor, Harry Warden, into a permanent coma. Then, exactly one year later, on Valentine's Day, Harry Warden woke up... and brutally murdered twenty-two people with a pickaxe before being killed.
Ten years later, Tom Hanniger returns to Harmony on Valentine's Day, still haunted by the deaths he caused. Struggling to make amends with his past, he grapples with unresolved feelings for his ex-girlfriend Sarah (Jaime King), who is now married to his best friend Axel (Kerr Smith), the town sheriff. But tonight, after years of peace, something from Harmony's dark past has returned. Wearing a miner's mask and armed with a pickaxe, an unstoppable killer is on the loose. And as his footsteps come ever closer, Tom, Sarah and Axel realize in terror it just might be Harry Warden who's come back to claim them.

If I had to choose, I would choose The Unborn...have more story. But The other it's really great too...and it's with Jensen Ackles *O* you know, that man kills me!

Ohhh it's truth, I have something to tell you...there will be a party in my city to celebrate the launch of the book "Breaking Dawn" in portuguese!!! I will be there for sure!
Be with fans from the saga, talk about it...I think it will be very nice =)
I'll giving you all the news about it^^

Well, now I let you with some photos from New Moon's filming in Italy. I almost drool the laptop lol. Are the best! Loved (L)*


  1. haha eu detesto filmes de terror.
    Mas o unborn deve ser giro. Anyway, não o vou ver, tenho medo xD.
    Arranjei os 5 harry potter's...vou ter tempo de os ver :P

    As fotos do reencontro em volterra estão mesmo lindas.

  2. Os vids ficam logo indisponiveis, e uma treta. bem mas discordo... acho qe ela cnta mesmo bem *.*

  3. aw thank youuu :)
    i was thinking about it all day and i was like i need to write this down nowww..! LOL
    yer you can write it in your notebook..! i wrote it in mine too!

    OBRIGADA..faz me sorrir..! haha

  4. ha momentos em que gstava d ser homem, e na foto com aquele gostava..tao lindo..

  5. Não, também não consegui =/ Bah

    New Moon *__* lool

  6. Your welcome, de nada! :$ lol

    ya eu tenho..e tu tbm ja tens?! ;)


  7. a serio so 20!? ai meu deus!
    thats not fair!! :O
    i was shocked we had it here, usually we get nothing from them! :/
    whats esgotaram mean? (sorry) lol

    that really suckss!

  8. Oh my goddd, I cannot wait for this film =(

    Those pics look amazing <33

    Nice blog btw ;)


  9. Hi Anna!

    Thank you so much for visit my blog =)

    eheh, I'm just like you, I badly can wait to see this movie *O*

    (I can't comment your blog =S I can't see your posts...I olny see the title =S)


  10. Devem ser porreiros... Nunca vi, mas há muito tempo que não arranjo uma tarde fofinha para umas pipocas e uma cinemada caseira. =/

    Quanto ao Rob... não comento *baba*

  11. a serio???
    only 20 in the whole of portugal, thats terrible.
    they should have many more, tokio hotel are really popular there! :(

  12. hahaha eu havia de ser bonito.
    nem de dia quanto mais de noite :P

    Hoje estive a ver o HP e a ordem de fénix ás 11 da noite e já foi mais que bom xD

  13. sabes algum site onde the fotos do twilight??

    nice blog btw!


  14. MyuBitch:

    podes ir aqui (por exemplo): tem tudo =)

    thanks *-*



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