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Hi readers! How's it going?
I'm SO so sorry for haven't update the blog earlier...I was always thinking about that but then I forgot about it all the time x.x

So, I don't have much things to say...I mean, nothing new.
It's always the same things, the same persons, the same stuff...this same stupid village. It's starting to annoying me for real!
Anyway, I'm with my friends so, not bad at all =)
Although all the complications that people do about this or that situation... You know what the problem is? Too much knowledge! Really! People are freakin' out for nothing... damn people with split personality!

Well...besides of that, Danny is here!!! eheh
Danny is a friend of us that is living in Switzerland (I guess xD). Now he's here on vacations with his family and a friend from Czech Republic. He's a nice guys and we can say that he's learning Portuguese very well...I mean, he only say bullshit xD (yeah he doesn't speak Portuguese. Only Swedish, French, English and a little bit of Italian...only XD)

OMG I HAVE to say this: Danny's brother seems Jacob [aka Taylor] (Twilight Saga). Like, he REALLY seems Jacob! It's amazing! But, of course, Taylor is Taylor eheh
We took a lot of pictures these last days so I'll show you everybody eheh (but first Danny have to give me the photos xP).

More stuff... oh, my father is freakin' out too.
See the situation: he's almost all nights in his girlfrend's house and then he come back home. So, until I get my drive licence he can bring me to not so far from his...but NO! He can't bring me home 'cause he have to sleep! And, jut to know, he never go sleep early...
But last night I told him "I have no ride, come and get me!". I got ride with a friend but I told him that I'll go home with my dad...and he come get me. He don't play with me!
Well, you can see what can the father I have...

I love him but he can't do things like this...for god sake! In the other day I was in his house with my brother and he turn on the laptop and as wallpaper he had a picture with the son of his girlfriend...who can understand it? He's NOT his son! Come on... where is my and my brother place in the middle of this situation? Please... I'm tired of this...

But changing of subject...I already did my application to University so wish my luck, 'cause I'll need it!

Well, I haven't much more to night we go play pocker to Danny's house xD it will be fun! x3 Now, check out the Addictive Song at the Moment. I found this band yesterday in a blog from a friend and I fell in love with the song....after an hour I already had the all album eheh



  1. good luck to unievrsidade love *_____*
    believe you can get min.

    Yesterday I also did my online application and had to eliminate some courses that I wanted to come too because of the stupid test that went wrong .--'' but I also finally applying the many courses I wanted mainly in minho but I doubt that my Dad let me go to minho -''
    put the power of the port as princiap and I regretted the course as a second chance XD is the way of language literatures and cultures XD but this has many vacancies so I put as a second chance and also as a way the basis of many languages and is complicate for me XD though I love this course XD I for second hipoetse as a form of prevention. placed first in Portuguese and Lusophone studies that have very few places and media is reasonable for me to come XD but regretted what I did XD should perhaps for the things we will not know XD. then see if I was right or not, sometimes when we think we did the wrong thing right, from experience I can tell you that. know what you would say "when God closes a door in, opens in a window" XD but now we pray for me at least look into some XD my cousin is anxiously you answer the other post XD answered before the boy is die XD


    and sorry for my bad English (I'll stop writing as though he is qd promise XD) and apologize for this text so great.XD
    ps:You pray for me and I pray for you. okey? XD
    bye bye love

  2. Hey Xaninha, tudo bem?
    Tens andado desaparecida >.< O que é feito de ti? Já esqueceste os velhos tempos? Ai ai...LOOL xD

    Tava a ver o teu video no karaoke e sinceramente acho mesmo que devias concorrer aos idolos. Ja pensaste nisso? Acho que devias tentar... tens uma boa voz e tentar nunca fez mal a ninguém eheh Just saying

    Vá bjus, THolinha ;)

  3. Já sabes como são os pais.. De vez em quando definem mal as prioridades e quem paga? Nós..
    Nada a fazer..
    Ah gostas.te assim tanto da música?
    Ehehe a banda tem sons brutais mesmo :D
    <3 *

  4. olááá, estou de volta :P
    bem, comentando o post - OMG quase que me apetece escrever em ingles, mas não, vou-te poupar a isso xD -
    agora que falaste em pessoas da republica checa...OMG fuck as saudades voltaram. reencontrei um grupo de amigos da republica checa la na bosnia e tenho tantas saudades dos rapazes ate me deu uma rosa...que saudades, o pessoal da republica chega é todo muito fixe, mas na nossa idade não falam muito ingles... já com os meus amigos tinha problemas de cominicação xD

    quanto ao irmão do teu amigo OMG ACHO QUE VOU AÍ ATÉ Á TUA CASA SÓ PARA O CONHECER. taylo *_______* *baba*. juro que tive um sonho parecidissimo com o que te aconteceu. sonhei que o meu melhor amigo de chamava jake, era parecidissimo e gosh *_____*

    quanto ao teu pai...percebo.te tão bem. As vezes definem-se prioridades, que mesmo estando erradas acabam por nos prejudicar...é normal que te sintas mal, e que te sintas farta, eu tambem sentia, mas tenta ter calma...senão desesperas :/

    beijinhos :D

  5. sim, é mesmo isso. numa viagem cheia de coisas boas nao me quero lembrar das más. já te candidataste á faculdade?

  6. isso é um stress horrivel...e se não entrares como é que te candidatas a outra? :O
    estas confiante?

  7. isso é um stress horrivel...e se não entrares como é que te candidatas a outra? :O
    estas confiante?

  8. aww hey i feel like i havnt said hi to you in ages!!
    helllooooooo how are you babe?
    yeh so much is happeneing cause its summer yet i feel like theres nothing to write about! :/

    soo any new things with you?

  9. Um amigo parecido com o Taylor? That seems interesting, ahah :P

    Espero que corra tudo bem com a candidatura para a Universidade :D



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