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Hi everybody! How's it going?


Well, my week it's been great, but I'm SO tired at the same time...

So...on Monday was supposed to go go the center of the city but the weather was awful so we stayed at the university swapping toothpicks mouth to mouth and playing like little kids...literally! Was fun! xD


On Wednesday we really went to the center of the city and we made a video to the December 1st...we're getting famous loool No, seriously, was fun, but it took too long... I came home at 7:00pm with dinner's course at 8:00pm! Well, me and a friend! We had to take shower, dress up, dry my hair, make up... But there was no problems xP

And yes, dinner's course! The 2nd one...was SO much fun than the 1st one, I think it was because now we all know each others and we had much more to talk and so on...

To change a little bit many of us were already pretty drunks at the end of the dinner xD

Then we went to the bars area, near of the university, and it was like one more shot here, on more beer there...

Without realizing it was almost 3:00am, so we went to BA (Academic Bar) and was dancing the rest of the night xP

We went at home at 6:00am I think... Of course, next day we do not show up in classes lol

I love these nights...we have a lot of fun and we meet so much new people... Love it!


Me and my friend Olga woke up at 2:00pm and we went to the university...then we were with our Drs till 5:00am! Was really nice, despite the fact that it finished super late...but was cool =)


Well, needless to say that today we also do not went to the classes...

Now I'm here, with nothing to do (after cleaning my room xP WHAT A JOB! If you had seen how much dust I swept you would be scared! lol)

Tonight, 9:00pm at Krock xD

Krock it's the coffee shop that we went, EVERYDAY, at the same hour xD




  1. OMG que semana. Por um lado foi super cansativa, mas foi também bué animada. Começo a gostar da vida académica, tirando o pesa na consciencia com que eu ficava se faltasse ás aulas. Aí não há aquelas trupes que cortam o cabelo aos caloiros que tão na rua á depois da meia noite? xD

  2. que sorte! Aqui em Lisboa e em coimbra há sempre trupes, e nesta altura vê-se sempre um caloiro ou outro com o cabelo rapado --'

    Pois, nesse aspecto nem tudo é mau, estás mais á vontade para aproveitares a vida académica e te divertires :D

  3. Kristen! *.* Já vejo o teu blog há tanto tempo e sou uma reader assídua. Gosto muito da tua page e das tuas photographs :) haha!

    Keep it**

  4. Danie *-*

    Obrigada amora =)
    olha, tenho uma moça dos açores na no meu curso...ela viu agora a tua foto no blog e diz que te conheçe... diz ela que é a irma do braz xP ja sabes quem é?


  5. Olá Kris.
    Há tanto tempo ,que não vinha aqui que saudades ;D
    A tua vida já vi que tem sido em grande.
    :] não vim aqui estes tempos , pois tive muitos testes. Sorry!
    Bjinhos <33


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