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Christmas Season

Attention: If you love Christmas not read this post! Just an advice...
Ok, it's almost Christmas Eve...
Gosh, it's unbelievable how time go by so fast... seems that it was yesterday that I knew about my academic future...

Well, December it's the Christmas month... Everyone decorate their houses, malls are full of people... it's everything really beautiful... but, I think people don't know what truly is the spirit of Christmas... Now, it's everything about trade and, 90% of the people get even more 'fake'... peace, give love, affection, ... should not be only at Christmas but during all the year.

For example, my family, father side, are all together at the Christmas and everybody are nice to everybody....but during the year they rarely talk between them... but at the Christmas seems that it's everything ok and we are all friends... disgusting! I hate this kind of atitudes...In the other hand, the family of my mother side do not disguise that they can't see each others...too many problems between the two sisters of my mother...

Well, as you can see I loooooooooove the Christmas Season (NOT!!!).Nowadays, Christmas means gifts, shopping, travels, hairstyles... My family it's like: "Merry Christmas", real meaning: "you're a whore!"; "I love you!", real meaning: "go fuck yourself!"...
This is what I feel these days....that's why I don't like Christmas and I think it's all fake...everything...
But I try to think only in the good things, think about my mom and my mom...and my dad, though he doesn't deserve it but anyway... c'est la vie! those who loves Christmas I wish you a HAPPY CHRISTAMS and a GREAT NEW YEAR!
(well, I'll come back here before the new year, but it's just in case xP)



  1. concordo com tudo o que disseste. Eu não gosto muito do Natal, não recebo prendas porque recuso-me a fazer parte deste consumismo todo e porque as coisas estão mais caras...e sinceramente DETESTO estar em familia. É a pior coisa que me podem fazer. Gosto do ambiente, da decoração, de tudo, mas do Natal em si não gosto, o que é parvo. Consigo compreender-te muito bem, sinto coisas parecidas

  2. Eu gosto de fazer a árvore e da parte de juntar a familia (que quase nunca se junta por causa das incompatibilidades de trabalho ou zonas de residência) e da comida xD Mas os tradicionalismos inerentes não os pratico, como as missas do galo e afins.

    Bom Natal =D

  3. ena grande confusao de jantar!

    eu gosto bastante do Natal mas mais pela tradiçao, as luzinhas, familia junta em harmonia... mas la esta, é como tu dizes, tornou-se mais um motivo para comprar. btw, espero que tenhas um bom natal (:

    beijinho * FELIZ NATAL!


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