
Hi guys! How's it going???

Gosh, these days have been so crazy! Just to have an idea, last week I slept at home just one night! eheh
Well, we have a friend in our course from Madeira (island) and he have a lot of space in his apartment (I mean, beds xD) and, last week (day 7) we started to sleep and dinner all together there. Now, for us, his apartment is Pensão Madeira (guesthouse Madeira), onde a gente janta, dorme e apanha a borracheira! (something like: where we dinner, sleep and get drunk! xD).
It's been really nice be with the people almost 24 hours per day! We have a lot of fun together and, as a friend said yesterday, seems that we already know each other at very long time.
Well, tha's why I didn't come here earlier x3

So, tomorrow it's the dinner's course...and we have to go with dresses, heels and all that stuff...it will be fun xD

Well, I have to go now... Bye! See you soon =)


  1. ahahah pensão madeira onde a gente janta, dorme e apanha a borracheira xD OMG que slogan xD
    Bem tens-te divertido mesmo imenso *.* e isso é óptimo porque segundo fui percebendo pelos teus posts estavas mesmo a precisar de sair um pouco de casa e de viveres experiencias novas.
    AWWW, depois se puderes posta uma foto do teu vestido do jantar de curso *.*

  2. lool que slogan lindo
    Espero que o jantar tenha corrido bem =D



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