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Almost there...

And here it is! Finally the official poster of Enterro da Gata '10!!!

(click in the image to see it larger)

The theme of this year is "Gata d'Assalto". Was an idea and the way that AAUM found to get attention to the problem of assaults to students close to the university. Nice hmm?! I think it's the most original poster from an event like this that I've ever seen... Sorry, my opinion xP
About the music I think the event could be much much better (comparing with, for example, Guano Apes in the last year) but ok... Music it's just one of the things that make me wanna go to the Enterro. There's much more ;)
Will be such a great week! Grrr, it's almost there but at the same time seems like it will take SOOOOO long!!!
I don't know if I've told you this in the last posts but this week was our "Julgamento de Curso", more properly last night.
Was not that scary as I thought that would be...was kind of disgunsting but nothing that we could not tolerate, I mean, mostly of us lol. The negative part was that we were praxados for 'Sua Santidade o Papa' because mostly of the caloiros missed an important praxe from the Cabido. I got really frustrated 'cause I went to that praxe, and for what? Last night I was praxada just like everyone else... Me and the others 5 caloiros that also went to that praxe... But ok...
But Sua Santidade was nice with us and also the cardeais that were there...they just want that we get the real point of praxe and the story of our university.
I only got kind of upset with him when he started to talk about respect and that we sould, for example, greet our parents every morning 'cause there's many people that probably wanted to do that and they could for this or that motive and it reminded me my family situation, as my dad used to be before get divorced of my mom and now, that he barely give us attention and what that all situation caused in my life... When he was talking I was just about to cry right there, right in that moments... But I controled myself. Was not easy and in that moment I felt every single word that 'Sua Santidade' was saying in that really touched me...
But lets stop to talk about negative stuff...
Lets talk about the new music and videoclip of Christina Aguilera: Not Myself Tonight.
It reminds me the videoclip of her music "Dirty" but as it had evolved. And an evidence of that is the ring that she shows in the begining of the video "Xtina". She adopted that nick when the 'Stripped' CD came out. I just think she don't need that kind of advertising in her videos (I'm talking about her perfume) but taking that the video it's pretty awesome and she looks amazing, like always right?!
Other things... This week the BA finally re-opened!!! Thank god! ahahah
The space it's amazing! Seems bigger... But the music sucks...too much Sardinha -.-
Eheh, btw, now I have, well, I think I have, two godparents of praxe =) I have my official godmother Dra Sofia and now I have a 2nd one, Dr André. He's such a nice guy!
He haven't told me 'yes'...yet xP but my godmother, 1st was happy for me, then she told me that she have sure that he will say yes :3
I hope so.
And that's it. I hope I'll have time to come here before Enterro if not I only will be able to update it in the end of that week (day 15 lol). Let's see...
Take care!


  1. São pessoas que falam sem saber..enfim...


  2. vou tentar escrever algo e se sair alguma coisa de jeito acho que vou aceitar (:

    ouvi dizer que quem ganhou o concurso do b.a foi o dono do sards..

    o papa é do meu curso xD eu acho os papas umas figuras ahahaa acho que so fui praxada uma ou duas vezes pelo papa. eu adorei o meu julgamento, foi das melhores praxes sem duvida :'D


  3. nao sei se ja disse mas tambem adoro a personalizaçao deste cartaz! esta girissima com o rosa e tal

    sim, é de gestao. mas eu nao fui praxada por este, quando entrei o papa era outro.. estas rodeada de pessoal de gestao sem saberes ahahaa

    bolas, odeio musica house! as vezes o b.a. ate tinha musica porreira, passava l.p. e tal ..

    vais a queima do porto?



  5. Queria apenas avisar que mudei o URL do meu blog para:

    Actualizem nos vossos favoritos, por favor.

  6. eu vou hoje ver franz ferdinand e estou taaaao ansiosa *-* espero que seja super fiche xD e que nao chova bah para isso chega o enterro. oh pois é, o dinheiro! ainda nem comprei o bilhete para o enterro, que stresse! ja sei que vou apanhar altas filas mas enfim


  7. obrigada! foi tao ficheee *-* curti tanto :D
    agora enterro! uh uh

    ah, desculpa o comment anterior, enviou sozinho e nao consegui acabar de escrever o nome, ficou so t mas pensei que ainda tivesse ido a tempo de escrever o resto


  8. tadinha :/ eu no baptismo nem fui para dentro da fonte porque ia no autocarro e o motorista nao deixava entrar mas tambem a minha madrinha nem me pediu para entrar, so me deitou agua na cabeça com o sapato xD

    no corteja tambem vou (: so nao fui no ano passado para a fonte mas este ano estou la *-*

    as melhoras !



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