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Hi readers! How's it goin'?

Well today I did a lot of things that I wanted to do.
So, I woke up at 1:15pm, took a shower, eat something and I packed my bag to come to the village. My dad arrived at 2:30pm and we went to the mall. I bought the long awaited book "Sangue Furtivo" from Charlaine Harris and a very long time I was looking for a simple dress and finally I found one. I also bought a t-shirt and a shirt.

I also talked with my bestfriend about that post I wrote about Friendship. Things are good =) I promissed her that I would try to be with them this weekend. Unfortunately my best was without car and she couldn't take me home so I stayed at home. But at least she knows that I was available to be with them and to try fixed this all thing, 'cause I love them...

So, about this week, was kinda normal xP
I don't remember well of what I did on Monday and Tuesday but I remember very well from Wednesday. 1st Iwas with a friend that was from Math but she changed to Gestão and I knew that she's of the same course that Taci AND that guy that I'm kinda obsessed with is from the same course of both of them...isn't that curious?!?!
Well, at afternoon we had praxe. We were with other course and we had a lot of fun together =)
At night we were caught for Trupe da Morte and you know what? I LOVED! Ok at the begining we were afraid of what would happen and we were like "OMG we are so fucked up!" but then I realized that we have no reason to be like that. Was a good night and they were all nice to us. And I didn't had nothing to do in that night so xP... (I'm tired of go to Sardinha -.-) They were really nice and, tou you see as I loved be with them, after praxe I stayed with some of them till 4:00am! Happened a lot of significant things and I can assure you that I will never forget that night because the lot of positive things that happened =)

And that's it.Next week will be awesome...well, I hope... BA will re-open so we'll have a lot of fun eheh
Oh, btw, it's already available the trailer of one of the most expected movies of the year (from my point of view of course xP). Resident Evil: Afterlife. AWESOME!
Well, see you soon!


  1. obrigada (: ja o escrevi ha algum tempo mas so agora tive coragem de posta-lo porque, bem, eu escrevi-o no dia em que a minha colega suicidou-se, sem saber o que tinha acontecido (so soube no dia seguinte). e fiquei assustada porque no texto estava a descrever uma morte...

    O.O a serio? e esse rapaz é de que ano? se me puderes contar, claro :P
    ah pensava que essa tua amiga era de lei antes de ser de gestao ahahaa

    gosto especialmente da camisa..


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  3. Gostei bué das compras principalmente da camisola com o laço :) *


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  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. ok, vou fazer isso :P

    podes adicionar-me entao!/profile.php?id=100000484329825&ref=profile :P
    sim, fazes bem.. primeiro adiciona os teus amigos e isso e depois entao adiciona-o xD epah daqui a pouco ja nao te pode praxar mas tambem nao o estou a ver a ser muito mau, nao sei, acho que nunca fui praxada por ele :D


  7. é, as vezes inspiro-me xD mas quando é preciso nunca me sai nada de jeito. enfim

    tiveste praxe ontem? passei junto ao carpe e vi que estavam la alguns cursos a ser praxados..

    conheço sim. quer dizer, conheço como a ti, dos blogs xP

    claro que nao leva a mal, mau era xD


  8. Olá =) Desculpa nao ter respondido ao comentario que deixas-te lá no blog mas nunca mais la fui depois daquele post, fui la agora e vi.

    Obrigada pelo comentario. depois com a cabeça fria decidi que nao ia deixar de ir a uma coisa que amo por causa de certas confusoes. Mas passando a frente, obrigada novamente plo comentario

    Postei la o meu "resumo" do concerto depois se quiseres e tiveres paciencia para ler visto que aquilo ficou enorme...

    ps1: foi pena nao teres vindo ao concerto ias gostar deste =) pelo menos eu achei muito melhor que o do dia 29 ;)

    ps2: gostei das camisolas ^^ sao mt fofas.


  9. obrigada! por acaso nao tenho muitas fotos de jeito de andorra porque la andava tudo de fato de treino na rua (incluindo eu que nao gosto nada de fato de treino ahahaa), ou seja, a maioria das fotos é de fato de treino -.-

    é, e depois ficas a pensar no que devias ter dito e nao disseste!

    e que praxe era aquela? os meus colegas disseram que era de cardeais..



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