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I readers! How's it going?

So, I do not have much to say about this week... Was a normal week... in fact, I think there were more negative things than positive ones...

1st, BA didn't re-opened this week... It sucks! I really hope that in the next week BA is already functional...
2nd, I'm getting disappointed with some of my friends because two situations that happened this week... I have to talk with them and, at least, make them think about they wrong behavior. In consequence, I went to Sadinha in the last Wednesday (AGAIN! -.-) and, in a 3rd position, I didn't saw him... Ok, how's possible see someone known in that ocean of people??? Gosh I hate that place... But now, without BA is the only thing that we have in Braga at night, unfortunately...
Btw, in that night I saw José Pedro Fernandes (Alex in the TV serie "Morangos com Açucár"). He actually really is handsome but he also seems to have the PDM (p* da mania) lol. Ok, I didn't know him but it is what he seems to be...

Ok...changing the subject, check out my new acquisition:

Nice hmm??? God bless the extra money of the Easter eheh
I was really in need of a new pair of All Star...

Another subject: You know Amy Macdnald?

In these last days a friend told me that I looked like her, and it's not the first person who tells me that... Now I ask you, what do you think? I think that I do not look like her but ok lol
The only thing that could be simmilar is the format of the face and the cheeks... Besides that...
And, to finish this post, I found this text in a friend's blog and I loved so I'm gonna let you with this words. Take care!

"I've already hid a love with afraid of loose it, I have already lost a love for hide it.
I've already held someone's hands in fear, I've already had so much fear, so far as to even feel my hands.
I've already banished people of my life that I loved, I have already regretted it.
I've already spent nights crying till fall asleep, I've already went to sleep so happy, so far as to even couldn't close my eyes.
I've already believed in perfect loves, I already realize that they don't exist.
I've already loved persons who disappointed me, I've already disappointed persons who loved me.
I've already spent hours in front of a mirror trying to figure out who I am,
I've already had so sure of myself, as much as I wanted to disappear.
I've already lied and I regretted later, I've already told the truth and I also regretted.
I've already pretended not to care about people who I loved, to later cry quietly in my corner.
I've already smiled crying tears of sadness, I've already cried with laughter.
I've already believed in people that not worth it, I've already stopped believing in those who really worth it.
I've already had bouts of laughter when I could not.
I've already broken plates, cups and vases, of anger.
I've already really miss someone but I never told him/her.
I've already screamed when I've sould shut up, I've already shut up when I've should scream.
Many times I didn't talked what I think to please someone, other times I've told what I didn't think to hurt other ones.
I've already pretended to be what I'm not to please ones,
I've already pretended to be what I'm not to displease others.
I've already told jokes and more dull jokes, just to see a friend happy.
I've already invented stories with a happy ending to give hope to those who need.
I've already dreamed too much, that confused with the reality... I've already afraid of the dark, nowadays in the dark "I find myself, I squat myself, I stay there".
I've already fall many times thinking that I wouldn't lift me,
I've already picked myself many times thinking that I wouldn't fall over again.
I've already called to who I didn't want to just to not call to who I really wanted.
I've already run behind a car because it take away who I loved.
I've already called for my mom in the middle of the night running from a nightmare. But she didn't appeared and it was an even bigger nightmare.
I've already called close persons of "friends" and figured out that they weren't... Some persons I never needed to call anything and they always were and will be special to me.
Do not give me right formulas, because I do not expect to hit ever.
Do not show me what you expect of me, because I will follow my heart!
Do not make me be what I'm not, do not invite me to be equal, because honestly I'm different!
I do not know love in half, I cannot live with lies, I do not know how to fly with my feet on the ground.
I'm always myself, but certainly I will not be the same forever!
I enjoy the slower poisons, the more bitter drink, the more powerful drugs, the most insane ideas, the more complex thoughts, the stronger feelings.
I have a voracious appetite and the wildest delusions.
You can even push me off a cliff and I'll say:
- So what? I like you."

PS1: I've already talked with a friend about those situations that I didn't liked and it's everything ok now =)
PS2: And here it is, the new trailer of Eclipse. AWESOME!


  1. Pois para a proxima pode ser que consigas vir... nao podes faltar! ;) nunca se sabe quando eles vao voltar entao temos que aproveitar.

    Sim foi tudo a correr para lá, o PA ficou vazio num instante eu só ouvia as pitas a gritar "vamos po hotel" "vamos po hotel" mas eles enganaram-as bem porque eles nao foram para o hotel. hahaha foram-se embora xD agora ha rumores (claro era de admirar se nao houvesse) em que eles ficaram ca em PT mas nao em Lisboa mesmo mas sim numa terrinha (saldanha acho) e outras dizem que foram mesmo embora nos tourbus pa casa.

    So sei que era so taxis a sair do vasco da gama cheios de pitas que iam po hotel e eles nao foram XD por isso é que ninguem comenta.

  2. pois, é normal que o tenhas visto, ele é de ca xD

    sao giros os tenis :P

    pois, encontrar alguem conhecido no sardinha é algo fantastico xD eu nunca la fui muitas vezes mas nas vezes que fui irritei-me por nao conseguir dançar! aquilo é demais, nao deviam permitir a entrada a tanta gente. é por isso que cada vez mais procuro os cafes e o bares

    oh as musicas estao melhores sim mas tinham muito mais significado dantes. eu adorava o cabelo do bill! mas eu sou suspeita porque adoro "juvas" ahaha mas agora nao é so o cabelo que esta horrivel. epah a maquilhagem exagerada, as roupas...

    olha ate acho que tens semelhanças com a amy agora que reparo!


  3. é, ou se calhar nos tambem mudamos :P

    a mim esta sempre a acontecer-me. a verdade é que tenho os armarios cheios so com a roupa de verao e os acessorios e nao me cabe mais nada mas eu adoro roupa e quando nao compro (que é raro comprar), a minha mae oferece-me da loja dela ou faz-me ela propria. mas ha coisas como por exemplo o calçado que ela nao vende e eu sou totalmente viciada em calçado e pronto adoro comprar e é sempre complicado porque os sapatos que gosto sao carrissimos.. eu nao tenho gostos la muito baratos, infelizmente. e bem, os meus pais nao me dao dinheiro para ir as compras, tenho que gastar o meu que normalmente é escasso ja que nao trabalho e as compras é ve-las por um canudo xD mas nao tenho razao de queixa, nao se pode ter tudo. pode ser que um dia seja rica e ande ai a esbanjar dinheiro em roupa xD


  4. com a sorte que eu tenho nem me vale a pena jogar xD um dia serei uma gestora de sucesso ahaha


  5. é que fiquei surpreendida. quando quero algo mais arrojado para um festa ou assim é a minha mae que me maquilha (ela tem imenso jeito!) e toda a gente elogia mas no dia-a-dia sou eu que o faço e nem é normal comentarem foi por isso que estranhei mas fiquei toda babada hehe


  6. Gostei dos ténis *___________*

    bjus :)*


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