July 27th

Hey readers, how's it going?


I haven't done much...holidays! xD


Ow well, my brother is camping so today I went to cinema with my mom =) We saw the Knight and Day, with Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz. It's a great movie, I fully recomend it! You have a lot of action, comedy and also romance ;)


We also dinner together and I ended up buying two cute stockings to my cell and some little earrings eheh


And it's all... lol -.-''


So, I saw this Challege on Driii \m/'s blogs and I found it really interesting, so I'm gonna copy xP I hope she don't mind =P

Well, I have to write 30 letters as the stated in each one. I'll post three per day.

Here are the list:

  1. Letter to your best friend
  2. Letter to your crush
  3. Letter to your parents
  4. Letter to your sibling (or closest relative)
  5. Letter to your dreams
  6. Letter to a stranger
  7. Letter to your ex-boyfriend/girlfriend/love/crush
  8. Letter to your favorite internet friend
  9. Letter to someone you wish you could meet
  10. Letter to someone you don’t talk as much as you’d like to
  11. Letter to a deceased person you wish you could talk to
  12. Letter to the person you hate most/caused you a lot of pain
  13. Letter to someone you wish could forgive you
  14. Letter to someone you’ve drifted away from
  15. Letter to the person you miss the most
  16. Letter to someone that’s not in your city or country
  17. Letter to someone from your childhood
  18. Letter to the person you wish you could be
  19. Letter to someone that pester your mind (good or bad)
  20. Letter to the one that broke your heart the hardest
  21. Letter to someone you judged by the first impression
  22. Letter to someone you want to give a second chance to
  23. Letter to the last person you kissed
  24. Letter to the person that gave your favorite memory
  25. Letter to the person you know that is going through the worst of times
  26. Letter to the last person you made a pinky promise to
  27. Letter to the friendliest person you knew for only one day
  28. Letter to someone that changed your life
  29. Letter to the person that you want tell everything to, but too afraid to
  30. Letter to your reflection in the mirror

And I'm gonna start now =)


1. Letter to your best friend:


At the moment, I no longer know by which we can consider someone by best friend. I've lost my best friend, for years...5 years and half precisely. I'm really sorry for that...

Now, I have many friends, but everyone of them are different in their ways...but ok, a relationship between best friends I don't have anymore as I had. The only thing that I can say to my old best friend is: I'm sorry…



2. Letter to your crush:


Oh ohw, well... Wish I could tell you everything that I feel for you but I really don't know how to do it. I cannot deal with my feeling... This is me. There's nothing that can change it...


"And I don't wanna fall to pieces

I just wanna sit and stare at you.

I don't wanna talk about it

And I don't want a conversation

I just wanna cry in front of you.

I don't wanna talk about it

'Cause I'm in love with you."



3. Letter to your parents:


Dear mom and dad, I love you SO much! Although in most cases I do not show it to you, but never doubt about what I feel for you both. You can always count on me and I know that I can feel the same for you and I do my best to not disappoint you.

Love you both!





  1. ah desculpa, referia-me a paredes de coura xD

    gostei da ideia das cartas.. ^^


  2. nao, quem me dera! o pessoal cortou-se todo como de costume :/ tipo so 50euros.. *-*

    ah esqueci-me de dizer que nao gostei muito desse filme :S


  3. nao sei. achei muito cliche.. é a tipica acçao em que ja no inicio se preve que os dois acabam juntos. gosto de historias mais elaboradas xD


  4. Também quero ver esse filme mas a Diaz... É daquelas actrizes que não me dizem rigorosamente nada...
    Vejo quando o filme der na tv xD



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