Hi readers! I know, I'm sorry for haven't come here earlier but first I didn't had anything irrelevant to say and second, because I've been really buzy seeing the things about college, the new apartment... About the second one, it is getting good eheh I have to take some picture to post here but, believe me, I still didn't had time lol. But I will =) Other thing, I'm with a big questing in my head. Which color I sould dye my hair? lol I know it's a very material dilemma but, what I can say? I'm a drama queen about this thing xP I want something brighter, but not too much. But my doubt is about choose between a brown with blond tones or brown with red tones... I like both and I don't know what to do -.- Because, a thing I know, I want to change it. Love the first one. Just don't know if the color would fit me so well as in the girl in the picture. - A great comparation between the two tones. - Same tone but in the first one only the hair tip...