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Quick Overview

Hi readers!
I know, I'm sorry for haven't come here earlier but first I didn't had anything irrelevant to say and second, because I've been really buzy seeing the things about college, the new apartment... About the second one, it is getting good eheh I have to take some picture to post here but, believe me, I still didn't had time lol. But I will =)

Other thing, I'm with a big questing in my head. Which color I sould dye my hair? lol I know it's a very material dilemma but, what I can say? I'm a drama queen about this thing xP
I want something brighter, but not too much. But my doubt is about choose between a brown with blond tones or brown with red tones... I like both and I don't know what to do -.- Because, a thing I know, I want to change it.

Love the first one. Just don't know if
the color would fit me so well as in the girl in the picture.
A great comparation between the two tones.
Same tone but in the first one only the hair tips are dyed
and in the second one all hair is dye.
Another great combination between the two tones. Love both -.- lol

And now, let's end this thing, 'cause it's getting kinda boring already xP The last letters of the challenge:
25. Letter to the person you know that is going through the worst of times
Be strong, you can do it! I’ll always be here for you.

26. Letter to the last person you made a pinky promise to
Don’t remember sorry…

27. Letter to the friendliest person you knew for only one day
Diogo (from Barcelos xP), I loved to meet you last year on that endless queue of "Ídolos" eheh
I never saw you again but I know that I would not mind. You were really nice and you always had a smile to give to any person =)
Kisses and hugs ^^

28. Letter to someone that changed your life
Dear Tokio Hotel, yeah, you guys! You really changed my live... Maybe because I "met" you in a important stage of my youth...I don't know... The fact is that I started to see life in a different way and deal with different situations in the best way...
So, I just hasve to say, thank you SO much! =)
PS: Tom, you still are so fucking HOT!!! LOL

29. Letter to the person that you want tell everything to, but too afraid to
Excerpt of the question number 2: “(…). Wish I could tell you everything that I feel for you but I really don't know how to do it.” I don’t know how you deal with it, and also don’t know if you’ll accept it…

30. Letter to your reflection in the mirror
That’s hard…
You can do it! Believe in you and in what you are.
So, see you soon and wish me luck to the college stuff please, I really need it...


  1. ui grande questao.. olha eu vou fazer madeixas loiras que as minhas ja se foram! mas como o meu cabelo ja é loiro, nao muda muito, so lhe da um pouco de luminosidade. eu se fosse a pintar de alguma cor diferente agora talvez fosse ruivo mas tambem adoro castanho xD grande ajuda pah!

    oh é facil gostar das nossas qualidades!

    bem, boa sorte com a university :P


  2. eu tambem ja o tive de varias cores e adorei todas. é complicado quando nao se tem aquela ideia fixa do que queremos. bah

    vais ver que tens! pois, acredito, deve ser uma seca nao? :S


  3. ja somos duas. e em gestao o que mais ha e matematica mas pronto ja acabou xD

    oh uau obrigada *-*

    yes! acabaste de me dar uma optima noticia! assim talvez ainda consiga fazer praia no fim de semana <3

    realmente so se ve desses casacos que falaste. nao tenho nenhum assim, o meu é um pouco diferente porque nao é bem pele, e brilhante :P
    600?! que abuso pah! é que nem que tivesse dinheiro o comprava -.- ainda eu acho a desigual cara xD



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