Live? For what?

This is not good. This is really not good, at all!

I can't stand this. I don't know what to do... My life is such a mess! Right now I'm wondering if it was ever normal...
There's a lot of things going through right now, and most of them are too painful/personal/kinda embarassing...wtv. I just don't want to talk about that... I've cried too much already for just a weekend...
The question is: How can I fight for something that I know is impossible? How can I keep fighting when I'm always going down? How can I keep myself up? How can I find the strength to all this?
I just can't... I really can't... I'm not that strong, I'm not that fighter, I'm not that believer...
Wish I could just dissapear...
The few good thing of this week: The surprise of the freshmen, the Wednesday night...I didn't saw "the new one" but I talked with "the old one" (and right now I'm confused again -.-) and I finally found THE jacket.

Next week, let's see how it will be...
I only know that I'm with no patience TO NO ONE but, I also know that I have to start going to college, make copy of the lost classes and study, and study, and study!


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