"Hi my dear readers! ;P
Today I'm gonna tell you the last news or, at least, those that I remember xP
Let's start with FITU.
It all started already on Tuesday night. Was the official opening from the festival and, let's say that the night ended in a strange way lol Not to mention that I was with someone which with I never even thought to speak again...oh well, but was good. I rather make clear all the things up than "have" to forget that person.
So, on Wednesday, academic night...I don't have to be more clear xP and, on Thursday were the Serenades from FITU. And, finally Friday, the first day of the festival (and Saturday the other and final one). Was really awesome! A can't describe all single moments, were so so many, but I can assure you that was really nice.
Now here I am, at home. Yeah, Easter holidays...one of the most anoying season of the year... Oh
well, at least I'll have time to rest this days 'cause, that's right the Enterro da Gata is coming! Two more weeks (three with this one) and the best week of university is ready to start eheh
The truth is that the poster suck... Luckly I don't go there to see the artists xP
This night was good. Although being here writing and stuff, I was with Ângela, Rafa and Fernando, three high school friends. That's right. Ângela was talking with me and convinced me to go take a coffee with her and Rafa (then Fernando shows up too).
Was nice. We didn't had time to talk about everything, was not even the rith place for that (besides Fernando was there and there's some 'girl subjects' so), but was good anyway, being with them here in village... You know how long I didn't go out here? Yeah, I don't know either... Not that I miss that...this place suck, but I miss my friends, my old friends.
Well, but let's not talk about this, not tonight...
I have to go now, good night!
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