Good night everyone, how's it going?
Well, I'm here to tell you a little about these last days.
After Optimus Alive I went to mom's home for a few days.
On last Thursday I went with my mom, brother and our Brazilian cousin (and with a bunch of other people) to Spain. It was nice, after all... But I want to come back there just with my mom and my brother.
Talking about Spain, I'm thinking about save some money and go (finally) to Barcelona for a few days. Now I just have to find the right company ;p
Well, I'm here to tell you a little about these last days.
After Optimus Alive I went to mom's home for a few days.
On last Thursday I went with my mom, brother and our Brazilian cousin (and with a bunch of other people) to Spain. It was nice, after all... But I want to come back there just with my mom and my brother.
Talking about Spain, I'm thinking about save some money and go (finally) to Barcelona for a few days. Now I just have to find the right company ;p
So, after this, on Friday I received great news!! Those so expected grades of my exams! Were good, one more than other but ok...I'll repeat that exam on next Friday but either way I still can use it to my application to University.
I don't wanna talk much about that. It feels like if I talk I will have no lucky at all so, let's stop here and wish me luck! =)
Well, at the same day I went to Braga because I would have a farewell dinner with my friends on Saturday...but the party started already on Friday eheh
Was a really great night, but I think the next one was even better =D Flávia have to give me the photos from these last two days and then I'll post here, promise ;3
Right now I'm not in Braga, the academic year already finished, so there's no much to do there (at least until September...with lucky...).
Although I still have so much thing to think about... I feel I'm not on vacation until I solve all of it.
Well now I'm going to watch a little more of television an then have a good night of sleep because tomorrow I'll take a look to the books to be prepared to the exam.
And, by the way, with all this I almost forgot that next Wednesday is my Birthday...oh well.
See you soon! *
I don't wanna talk much about that. It feels like if I talk I will have no lucky at all so, let's stop here and wish me luck! =)
Well, at the same day I went to Braga because I would have a farewell dinner with my friends on Saturday...but the party started already on Friday eheh
Was a really great night, but I think the next one was even better =D Flávia have to give me the photos from these last two days and then I'll post here, promise ;3
Right now I'm not in Braga, the academic year already finished, so there's no much to do there (at least until September...with lucky...).
Although I still have so much thing to think about... I feel I'm not on vacation until I solve all of it.
Well now I'm going to watch a little more of television an then have a good night of sleep because tomorrow I'll take a look to the books to be prepared to the exam.
And, by the way, with all this I almost forgot that next Wednesday is my Birthday...oh well.
See you soon! *
Eu ainda nem de casa saí pah :(