In the moment...


Well, this weekend had some village party or something (I don't know what but ok...) and me and my friend went to there....but nothing happened..lik always...I tired of this. Doesn't have nothing to do, not new persons to see (and if it have, they be so stupid or ugly or completely freaks...).
By the way...I said "my friend" 'cause, yeah, I just have one friend. Lol, it' seems stupid but it's truth. My best friend is the only one who really understand me and care about I "want". So, we have a "friend" who is like, when she is with us ok...but when she have the others friends of her she completely forget about us. I don't understand why but less. Then, our sweet school friend jut shit on our head. It's really like this. I don't give a shit already but my best is always asking them if they want to come out with us and everything and they always find the most stupid excuses to not coming out with us. nd you know what? I don't give a shit neither...more two less.Inclusive, today it's the birthday of one of that guys and yesterday he talk to coming out to celebrate his birthday at the midnight...and then, at the last minute he said that he can't coming and gave another excuse... -.-
Course I'm not counting with persons that I know from another cites or by the Internet...believe me, have much more people who cares about be then those stupid school "friends".

Gosh, I really wanna go out from here. this place don't means nothing to a very long time!

So, I'm waiting for know which on university I'm gonna enter... I'm still trying go to England study but it's not being easy...I don't have place to go, and my parents don't like this idea anyway...
Ow, about talk about my parents...they even don't let me take the driving license. It's SO stupid have divorced parents in situations like this... I'm tired! I want it! They say that I'm adult but I'm just an adult for what they want... stupid life...

Ok...another thing...I really think that I will never get a real boyfriend... Yeah it's truth. First, I'm...I don't know...I'm different...I'm very "close" on my own and I think I can't trust in people... Second...when boys look at to me they just see a good bubs or a pretty face...I'm not only that! I have feeling...and I really would like if somebody like my for what I am inside... third, I'm "obsessed" with a boy who doesn't know that I exist...yes, I'm talking about Tom Kaulitz. This can be weird 'cause he don't fit in the description that I made before but believe me, it's just appearance. he is the most special guy that i ever "meet"...when he saw me the first time (at Rock in Rio Lisboa) my heart stop, my breath get wheezing, my body trembled... then I just can scream -.- . we were there and ill was sing low and the instruments was low too...then Tom come to front and I call him with all my forces then he look at me and I "said" hello with my hand/arm...then he smiles...and was the most beautiful smile that i ever seen. I know the for him was just more one smile for more one girl...but for me was "the" smile... will never forget...

Anyway, I really think I will never gonna find the perfect guy to me...they just don't understand me...I'm just too...different...


  1. hey sweet =(

    I was very emotional about what I finished to read.

    well, I agre when you said we have a shit as friends, but, believe me...deep inside, they care about us, they are just to stupid to show that.

    now about the other things...we are to young, YOU are to young. we will grow up, and we will realise all our dreams, you gonna find a men who will really care about you, that will love you, and treat you as you deserve. tom or not...

    and about your "diference"..I love that. and is exactly that, who made me trust in you, and like you. because you're the only one, who understand me, even when I don't talk...the only one who said what I'm thinking at the same time as me =')

    you're my sister, my twin...

    and I love you...

    fuck the others xP loooool

    never forget that! *.*

    kiss ly girl

  2. You know I'm here for you!
    I understand you completely!!!

  3. I feel the same thing..but with Bill!
    I need to change my life quickly!

  4. you think, well thank you! :) Thats my natural hair colour.. Btw, where do you live? much love /M

  5. Gostei especialmente deste post. Colocas a nú os teus receios que, curiosamente, são bem semelhantes aos meus (desvantagens da adolescência).
    Relativamente aos amigos e rapazes, devo dizer-te que já percebi seres uma optima pessoa, pelo que, mais tarde ou mais cedo, vais acabar por encontrar quem realmente te valorize pelo que és.E não gastes as tuas forças a preocupar-te com pessoas que não o merecem!
    P.S. Peço desculpa por escrever sempre em português, mas só assim consigo que os comentários sejam espontâneos ;p

  6. Thank you! :) I think you are vety pretty too .. Küss! <3


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