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Tokio Hotel won the Best New Artist!

OMG!!! *.* They won! GOSH! Was SO great! They deserve it! I was in panic then when was the turn of Best New Artist categorie gosh! The the presenters said "Tokio Hotel" ... AHHHHHHH!!!! Was crazy!!! I cream so loud! I was hysterical... Then I entered in the a denial mode...and last, I was So happy! I just seems like a ghost, I just can look at the TV and repeat over and over again "they won, tey won *.*" gosh...was amazing!

they won too the best entry...and they really deserved it too! Look:

Just crazy! Was really cool! we can saw I best twincest catch when Tom was hold Bill's arm *.* mein gott I love those guys! I just hope they haven't done nothing "stupid in the after-party... or not...
By the way, HAPPY BIRTHDAY GUSTAV!!! I hope you have a great day! Especially after the last night! Those guys deserve everything! They fight against everybody who dont' believe in them and they arrived where many otherst can't reach...
Kiss and see you soon*


  1. WE DID IT! *____*
    They were so awesome. Bill was absolutly hot...oh, that boy! xD

    XaNHiNHah, como é que fizeste upload da tua foto naquele passatempo da MTV? É que eu tento fazer e parece que encrava...estou a entrar em fase de desespero!!!!!!!!!!! T.T


  2. ok, tipo, desculpa ser xata mas é que agora tipo, eu carreguei no upload a barrinha foi andado como se estivesse a mandar e agora continua na mesma página. -.-"
    NOTA: Não, nnão tenho calmantes!

  3. thanks! *___*
    Are you supposed to receive a message or something saying that you're picture was uploaded? Because I think that I uploaded three different pictures. -.-"
    Well, at least I still have the fanwalk which is more easy to vote and it's also cool, you'll meet new people and spent days(?) with them. You're in that constest too, right?
    I seriously NEED to go to that freakin' After-Party and be TH stalker. xDD

  4. (I swear it's the last comment! lol)
    When you receive the e-mail telling that you were accepted tell me so I could help you with the voting (I'm trying to make all the people I know going! xD), I think we have more chances with the fanwalk is way more easier to vote and in one afternoon you become one of the 100 people best voted. wiiii...can't wait.

    And now, I'm gonna take a bath and sleep a little because VMAs killed me. ;p

  5. oh! always -.- buuuuuhh xP xP

    CONGRATULATIONS BOYS! like you said, they really deserved it...

    ...and we make as became true (jump) xP *.*


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