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Little Advice and Special Thanks

Hello readers, how are you today???
Well well well, today I'm gonna talk much about you than me...
I sould have done this a while but ok. People who don't like me: you don't have to. I'm not perfect and I then even want to be. But you don't like me just close my blog. Done! Is that so difficult respect the others?
But hey, do you know that famous quote "Haters make me Famous"? Well, keep shitting on me xD Thanks to who support me and thank you so SO much to who hate me!!!
Jealousy is so bad xD
As I say in my personal presentation (if you haven't seen, you sould x}) then even I know myself, so I'm sure about your failure to talk about me. You are this, you are that...come on! Look at a mirror first, then you "can" talk about the others.
To who leave comment and think you are hurt me, or offend me or something else...lool, come on! GROW UP! As I said, you don't know me, then I don't know you either so whatever you could said to me will not mean anything. You're pathetic! Worse, you're sad.
So, keep doing whatever you want, I don't care. If you just turn off my blog page, great! If you gonna leave a comment saying this or that and bla bla bla you're this or, fuck you. You are being pathetic! Shame on you! Hey, as I said, haters make me famous ;)
Now, other thing... I really want to thank you to all people who read my blog, to who leave know, I always comment back =)
And a very special thanks to people from USA, Canada, Brasil and Sweden... after Portugal (course that count every times that I come here lool so you have always to divide that number xD) those are the countries from I receive more visits, what is amazing! I never thought that people from so far away could "find" my blog (specially USA, Canada and Brasil). Of course, I want to thank also to everybody else. It's really important to me =)
So, thank you so SO much, you rock!


  1. Love you know most of the people love you! So fuck for the haters! Like I have in myspace "Big ups to all my haters" haha

  2. Love you know most of the people love you! So fuck for the haters! Like I have in myspace "Big ups to all my haters" haha

  3. dont worry about the haters, they are just jealous. Hell, they could be some big 50 year old fat guy sitting at home with nothing better to do than pick on people:S

    anyways, today was a better day. Although, I would think that I would love my photography class but surprisingly, I hate it!! I hate my teacher most of all! she is so annoying! and I swear she is actually stupid XD

  4. Inveja de ti? LOOL nao me parece, haters make me famous? Lol tu ja te achas famosa , mas e tudo mania, enfim, mas consegues ainda ter mais mania agora do que no dia do concerto dos TH LOOL enfim se visses as tuas figurinhas Lol

  5. Ja vi que tem muita gente que gosta de ti ahahaha nao sou o unico a pensar o mesmo, ah é verdade filha. sou um rapaz e sinceramente raparigas como tu, assim com a mania e que pensam que sao boas, deviam todas ir passear, enfim o MUNDO está uma porcaria por causa de pessoas como voces.

  6. UPS love I think somebody saw us in the concert and didn't like! but why??? maybe ENVY??? They have envy of you love.. haha

  7. sim claro como se voces fossem muito boas Lol. altas aberrações. ,as como voces se olham ao espelho e pensam que sao boas, pronto é no que dá.

  8. Agora bem para aqui meter-se a gaija que copia a KENZA OMG enfim falta de originalidade é no que dá

  9. Hey, guess whp's back? Me, the marvelous, and on top of that, perfect TheBitch :D
    So, I need to get this straight: I don't hate you, ok? The truth is that I absolutely love your english and your big boobs... oh, I almost forget, and your beautiful (not) nose *__*
    You don't need to thank me, I know you love my comments.

    I think that's all

    kiss kiss Sugarpie, I gotta go. hope you don't miss me too much ;)

  10. ups, an error... it's not forget, but forgOt. Even I make mistakes xD but I always correct it, see? I always need to give a good example ;) Learn with me

  11. Sie verweisen Sie auf mich? Kopieren Sie die Kenza? Ja, dann bekam 1,72, ich bin blond und grüne Augen ... imitiert, dass sowohl die Kenza nicht wissen .. wenden Sie sich bitte, wenn Sie es mir! Beleidigung von Angesicht zu Angesicht, das heißt, in meinem Blog, wissen, ob Sie es hören klicken Sie auf den Link, den ich bezweifle es. Hier niemand fühlt sich gut an, Sie kommen hier Menschen zu beleidigen, wenn sie nicht wie zu verlieren, was Zeit. Folgen Sie Ihrem Leben ..

  12. apenas pra dizer: és a maior ;)

    e essa gentinha sem vida k vá pra casa ver-se ao espelho, devem ser mts boas devem xD

    e pra akela TheBicht, a verdadeira SugarPie n faria comentarios desses O.o


  13. "TheBitch said...
    UPS, an error... it's not forget, but forgOt. Even I make mistakes xD but I always correct it, see? I always need to give a good example ;) Learn with me"
    "I almost forget, and YOUR beautiful"

    HMM, you also forgot that in this case "your" is actually spelt as "YOU'RE" so you made an error there too. Doesn't seem like you can speak good english, so I don't know what you are talking about.
    Oh, another spelling correction, "ups" ya, well in english we spell it as "opps" so maybe you should learn better english before telling other people off.

  14. Nadine, não sei quem és, mas estou completamente de acordo contigo...

    No concerto tava com a puta da mania e o resto nao comentemos...
    Mas opah TH tá passar de moda por isso ela agr ta mais numa onde de Twilight (a nova modinha)...
    tas a ver, mais numa de vampiros...ate confunde a fantasia com a realidade..heloooo actor D-I-F-E-R-E-N-T-E personagem...get it Kristen?

    E se tu vais fazer trabalhos como essas gajas scene, eu vou ali à esquina e já volto...tu és uma pseudo scene...E talvez nem isso sejas...

    Inveja de ti...hell no...apenas digo a verdade que não queres ver!!!!

    (L) eheheh

  15. They are just jealous at you, and the dont got a life. If they had a life they should not spend there time to be a jackass ._. well anyway, i love your blog!<3 xoxo :)

  16. ó filha eu tenho vida,estas pessoas e que pensam que tem mas nao tem, limitam-se a pensar que tem, e a que sao as melhores do mundo. enfim. Ciumes? Ciumes de uma coisa como esta cheia de photoshop, lentes e cabelo pintado? LOOOOOOOOOOOOL se se fosse ~parvinha e que tinhas ciumes de uma aberração destas ahah

  17. Andrea said...

    HMM, you also forgot that in this case "your" is actually spelt as "YOU'RE" so you made an error there too. Doesn't seem like you can speak good english, so I don't know what you are talking about.

    Darling, you're the one that doesn't know english xD 'you are' and 'your' are different things.
    you're (you are) a big fat cow

    this is YOUR big fat cow. (your = it's yours, you possess it).

    About the ups xD leave my ups alone. You also wrote it wrong honey, it's oops, not opps.

    Did I clarify it all? Go learn some more english, you also need it

    xoxo The Bitch

  18. hi sunshine!
    Bem digamos que me parti a rir quando li estes comentários todos... realmente só mesmo alguém sem vida para se dar ao trabalho de falar sobre algo que não gosta...

    Olha deixa estar eu sei o que é ter gente que não conheço de lado nenhum e dizem aos meus amigos que eu vou ao solário, que pintei o cabeo de loiro, que sou uma barbie etc etc mas tal como tu sei que o que importa é o que nós e os nossos amigos e as pessoas que nos gramam gostam agora os outros... só quem se sente mal consigo mesmo é que critica as pessoas, quem está na paz (como eu :P) está-se bem a cagar para o que é que os outros fazem ou deixam de fazer.

    Esta gente deve ser do género que gosta de fofocar sobre a vida das pseudo-celebridades e das pessoas que não lhes agradam como se isso fosse realmente útil à sociedade. Olhem se tivessem de estudar, de trabalhar e tivessem um objectivo de vida como eu iam perceber que a tertúlia é bem dispensável ao mundo em que vivemos. So, as pessoas que realmente "deixam o mundo como está" como eles dizem, são eles próprios, que em vez de fazerem algo de útil à sociedade estão a criticar coisas que nem lhes interessam para nada.

    Ouve adoro o teu blog porque adoro ler pensamentos das pessoas sobre a própria vida, sabes que te acho uma brasa e toda a sorte do mundo no que queiras fazer da tua vida, aqui nos USA ou na China :D

    beijinhooo* LY

  19. muito convencida tu LOl

  20. oi pam *-*

    obrigada pelo apoio. é exactamente isso que eu penso. mas enfim...

    digamos que nao te conheço bem mas pareces-me ser bastante ciente (coisa que certas pessoas nem abem o que significa). obvio, es MUITO simpatica e tu é que es uma brasa rapariga! tu es linda! *o*

    bem, como já ouvi algures dizer: continua a tua vida, eu continuo a minha...e esta gente que continue a opinar sobre o que nao lhes diz respeito xD

    mereces tudo de bom pam!


  21. This is for "TheBitch"
    You clearly are true bitch. You obviously have no life. You are probably some fat ugly 50 year-old cow sitting at home alone with no friends and nothing else to do but hurt other people. And you hurt people anonymously over the internet because you are too big of a fat ass to get up out of your computer chair ;)
    And remember, jealousy is the greatest form of flattery so every time you "fight back" it goes to show that you are jealous of everyone you target.
    Why don't you put up a picture of yourself so we can all judge you. Just like the way you are dissing everyone else that are truly beautiful. Lets see what the Bitch with no life looks like. I can picture what you look like already ~most likely fat, lonely and repulsive~ so why don't you shup-up and get a life:) have a nice day=)

    **sorry for writing this here Kristen

  22. no problem Andrea. I understand. obvious...

    this already seems more a public chat than a private blog so xD (clearly I'm talking about you)

    I completly undestand why you had to answer...tell me, shoud be so funny listen a portuguese bitch correct our english...I mean, your mother tongue. seriously...hilarious!


  23. LOL poor Kristen, o teu blog transformou-se numa espécie de campo de batalha :P

    bem eu voltei aqui so para ver se tinhas visto o meu "testment" mas ja agora duas coisas:

    1 - nao tens de agradecer, es o maximo!

    2 - ao ser anónimo (que eu aposto 1000 euros em como volta aqui a ver isto): sim estou convencida das minhas capacidades e qualidades tal como a Kristen e tal como te aconselho a estares por isso POR FAVOR, larga o computador e o blog dela, vai ao espelho e repete "YES I CAN" umas cem mil vezes boa??? depois, se tiveres ambos os hemisférios do cerebro pelo menos 75% desenvolvidos vais compreender que a vida até é uma cena fixe e tu também podes ser uma pessoa fantástica e ir dar um giro com os teus amigos em vez de melgares aqui a rapariga :D BOA SORTE e nao precisas de agradecer

    KISSES n love,


  24. Love I think you should change your comments settings and put it moderated, like at did in my blog.
    It looks like a battleground here. I'm not saying for you don't accept comments from people who don't like you, but moderate ofensive comments, and comments from people who try correct a person who has english like native language. hilarious..
    Think about it.. Love you so much!

    "Edward Bite me" lalala

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. hahaXD ya, it is hilarious that someone would have enough time on their hands to do these things.

  28. Gruss von deinem D. :)


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