Hi everybody! How are you today?
Well, now I'm just chilling a little bit. I had to put my sleep in order (I woke up at 1:30pm lool).
And why?
Well, Thursday I went to my bestfriend's apartment to spend the night there xP. A friend of her was with us too. He's so funny! xD Anyway, we have dinner in the Bragashopping - PizzaHut hmmm, taste so well but make so bad...lol whatever... then we went to the cinema (1st we saw a Twilight poster and we (I) had to stop to take some pictures xD) and we saw...the Saw V...
When we get out of the cinema I just couldn't stop to talk about...TWILIGHT! xD
Well, we were there, waiting till the filme begin and then the trailer of Twiligh start...OMG was so awesome! I was crazy, I just could make strange sounds and say "look, EDWARD *-*" shame on me... lool. I think the most people on the back was looking at me in that moment but ok, I don't care xD. But hey, the film was very cool. I think the 2nd Saw it's the best of the all saga but of, this was cool anyway.
So...the filme finish at midnight I guess, or later...then we went to a bar, drink something ... chilling a little bit ... you know xD
In the end we went to Ju's apartement. Was a really cool night actually. But ok...I think I just sleep 3 hours lol, so you can imagine my good mood in the next day xD
Well, in the next day (Friday). My Ju had to go to univeristy so I went to the center of the city looking for a job...part-time. I have to find one...then I'll have money for my stuffs and I have to do something in this year. I pick up some registration forms and then I have to wait.
So, then I call to my friend Mii. and she had lunch with me. We great! The last time that I saw her was in the Tokio Hotel concert (29th June), So you can imagine... We talk many times in the internet but it's always good see the friends personally ^^.
So...we lunch in McDonald's (other bad stuffs xD) and then we where looking around the city. We went to the Bragashopping to check the cinema xD. You can imagine our faces when we saw this poster:
She loves Twilight too so...we were hmmm, 10 minutes looking to the poster loool, I'm not kidding!
Then we keep walking and then, what we saw? Another poster!!! This time, a big one!!! We were crazy again XD
How you can see the poster it's really big and ok...we toke a lot of pictures again loool. Believe me, we'll keep those posters 8D
So, when we finally get out of the cinema ... we were crazy again loool, look at this:
Was like "OMFG! LOOK AT THIS!!!" xD
The poster it's amazing! Really big and everything...and Edward...Edward it's sooo handsome in this picture *-* (And yes, I'm with my hand in Edward's ass xD)
Ok, I think it's better stop xD
Well, as I said earlier, don't look at my face please, I was wake up almost all night so my face it's not the best in this pictures...the truth is, I'm horrible but ok... loool
And this is how was my last days. Then I came to Ju's apartment and then I come back to my home.
Today there's nothing to do. The weater sucks and I'm at home just listening music and chatting a little bit.
I think I'll lunch with my father tomorrow and with my little brother. I don't know more anything so, then I'll tell the news for you =)
And that's all for now, I hope your days have been so fun as mine =)
Kisses&hug, and see you soon ^^
Twilight**** I'm glad you had fun haha