
Hello readers =)
How was your week???
Mine was pretty normal actually...I have nothing interesting to say lol.
So...It's freezing outside O.O I'm shoked! It's not usual being so cold. Last night snowed!!! Probably tonight will snow again. The mountain aroud the village are completely white!!! This is not usual at all...
I like the snow *o* I just don't like the cold xD
Tomorrow it's the Tokio Hotel Party's day! As I said befora I'm not sad for not going but I'm really curious about what gonna happen there xD
With all things that have happened i think it will be ... ham...hilarious xD
No,'s not funny...since people who stole tickets, till the all people who will be in front of the the building (I think that will be more people outside then inside). Anyway... I'll be warm in my house checking all news xP
And that's it! In the next Monday we will be officially in December!!! xD Ok...Christmas and all that stuffs...bla bla bla xD
Ow, it's me and my brother went to our dad's house to make the Christmas tree. Was really nice being with my dad... and the tree it's really beautiful =')
By the way, I already bought the gifts for my mom, dad and brother =D I think it's better like this...if not, the things get more expensive every sigle day so... I just have to buy the candies ^^
I really like to give more to them...I know that the "give" thing it's more important but I'm very sad for can't give more...I don't know...there's so many things that I like to give...but I just don't have that possibelity =S Anyway...I hope they like of what I chose =')
Well, and I think it's all...
See you soon,


  1. I have to buy my mother's present too =/ and I have no idea what to buy.
    Don't talk about the party,...I'm broken.. =(

  2. The problem is that I already gave her some stuff she likes, make-up, a massage, clothes, perfumes..=/ I want to give her something different..But I've no idea.

    Thanks love, the only think that makes me less sad is the fact that the paper said "An appearence of TH"...I mean they will be there just a few minutes, or maybe in a VIP room, the thing that makes me unhappy is that they will be some hot girls and Bill can fall in love..

  3. My mother said: "Don't worry, it's more important that you go to NY in the summer, you'll see new things and shopping a lot"...ok maybe she's right haha

  4. Yes probably..but tomorrow I'll pass hours reading the things about the party. I'm curious about Trina presence. I want to see their outfit, and if they are annoyed or happy

  5. ai o natal (x
    e e e a festa dos tokio hotel, que aposto que vai haver mesmo caquinha e tens razão em dizeres que a maioria das pessoas vai ficar fora do edificio e não dentro xb
    mas é assim. famosos, bláh.

  6. Hey :) finally have you written in your blog :) well my week was good but cold, im like you..i love snow but hate the cold ;o bye xoxo **

  7. Hey :) finally have you written in your blog :) well my week was good but cold, im like you..i love snow but hate the cold ;o bye xoxo **

  8. Hello my love! No kenza won't go


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