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Global Crisis

Hello people!
How are you today?
Well, I'm better today. Last night me and my mom talk and today the things are better.
She's just being mom. She's worried about me. I understand...but she have to undertand my side said, things are better now...
So, today I decided to talk about a problem that everyone should be aware: the Global Crisis.
Honestely, I'm worried about this. The crisis is installed. The United States are in crisis, which means that the rest of the world will suffer with that. What is already happening.
Many countries in Europe are stoping (in the real sence of the word).
Japan is also in crisis! JAPAN!!!
There is no money, no jobs...nothing! As I said, the world is, literally, stoping.
To mobilize the market, some countries in Europe have begun to do things...ham, unthinkable! Till now... Such as France, Sarcozi is offering 1000€ to the persons who buy a new car, because the country is not manufacturing cars anymore (of course is not him who offers... I ask myself where's the money come from...); or Germany, where the governator is offering 500€ per family to buy Christmas gifts, because almost nobody was doing that.
I'm really worried! Right now in the TV news that Portugal is in crisis too... and saying that in the year 2009 it will be worse =S
And I wonder, there's nothing we can do??? The world will just stop??? Without jobs, wothout essential needs, without money...nothing?
Where is thing will stop???
Well, give me your opinion...


  1. i agree, but you know..we can do so much more but ppl think "I don´t haft to help, there is others who will help" ..Unites States makes there crisis our crisis ;o well have a goog night sleep Kisses*

  2. As Lisa said, many peoples think that they don´t have to help, others can do that instead.. and that´s not even true! without everybodys help it just wont work =S Me myself are affected of this crise, my dad has almost lost his job, or he will have a job but not as good as it was before..

    he´s producing iron to do cars, but nobody wanna buy them so why should they produce it anymore? In 6 months they think, before this is gonna get bettter.. I´m not sure I think it can be longer.. well, hopefully it will get better by time... wow my comment got really long this time xD Hah, guess I´m really worried about this to :P

  3. thank u so much =) someday it will, but it can take time =/ And yes, absolutely! I dont understand how u cant care =S It is here we live and then we have to deal with the qonsuecenses (spelling? xD) Kiss**

  4. i believe banks are affraid Portugal ends up this year in recession... All we have to do is search for information and see what we can do best for us and our family :S ...

  5. this year already? jesus =S
    But what we can do? well, I really have to search and find a solution...

  6. Yeah, i and if everybody just care a little bit it colud chance the world :)

  7. Yeah, i and if everybody just care a little bit it colud chance the world :)

  8. Yes, all this things are true!!!
    I just don't know how a lot of people still have money for new cars, expensive travels,..
    I just don't know where they go take the money!!!! :/
    People with a lot and people with nothing. Crisis is instaled!
    Take care and kiss*

  9. Mia Skolin* I agree... I don't know how people have money for everything and other then even have money to eat =S

    thanks for comment =)

  10. I'm very scared about it too, cause the bank wich I work with asked for help. =/ And I already have some good money on it.
    But we still can survive and buy some things, but people who lives with less money may will pass hungry.

  11. Yup, just wait and see :/

  12. ya, this is happening in Canada too. But the way I think of it is that if this is happening all over the world, clearly they will do since more people will be without jobs, the companies will be forced to lower prices of things and stuff like that. But I hear about it all the time on the news here so I am a little worried too.

  13. Ola..
    ainda bem q as coisas com a tua mae melhoraram! por aqui tbm andavam um bcdo mas, mas ja ta tudo melhor.
    quanto à crise para ser sincera ja tinha ouvido falar levemente mas ainda nao tinha dado grande importância. nao tenho ligado muito aos telejornais, e jornais so leio os suplementos do expresso (todas as semanas).
    acho que vivo constantemente na realidade que vejo nos livros, e isso nao é necessariamente uma coisa boa.

  14. Pois, isso preocupa-nos a todos. A culpa nao é nossa, mas nos é q levamos com isso.
    Beijinho, gostei do post :D

  15. Sabes de algum site de onde se possa ver o crepusculo? Beijinhos o teu blog é muito fixe :)

  16. Oi ^^

    sim sim conheço. podes ver aqui:

    beijinhos e obrigada por veres e comentares o meu blog *-*

  17. Obrigada beijinhos*


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