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Hello sweet readers! How are you today?
As I use to say, Sunday is a really boring day. There's have nothing to do, only shoppings are open and with this cold I just want to stay home boring xP
So, Wednesday is THE day! At the midnight (already Thursday xP) we'll be in 2009!
Well, I have to say this. This day is not important to me at all. I don't know why people celebrate this day. It's a normal day... New year, so what? It will not change anything. Your life will continue the same (and that crap of "new year, new life" is sooo unnecessary -.-). It's just like the old year doesn't matter and in the new year you'll have everything you want and life will be great... Wake up! We're not in a fary tale...
(sorry for those who love this day but I really had to say that)
But hey, have fun =)
I'll enjoy to be with my friends, now because the new year, but because them. We are planning to go to a friend's house. Nobody lives there so it's cool to spend the night with some friends, alcool and stuffs xP But I know that for my mom is not just one more simple day and I really don't wanna let here alone then even my brother... So, probably iI'll stay home...maybe after midnight I'll go see my friends... I don't know.
So, if I'm not come back here before 2009...HAPPY NEW YEAR =)


  1. I freak out with new year too cuz everyone thinks is soooooooo important and r absolutely crazy planning trips n everything and im like... yeah, new year so what? I need to study -.-
    of course i want 2 party, spend some time with my friends and get drunk lol but I don't need new year 2 do that!
    And all my "new year resolutions" for 2008 I just accomplished one which was not to eat cheesecake LOL so it's useless to say oh im gonna do this and this cuz i end up doing nothing haha

    kiss ***

  2. yes, it's exactly what I think.
    anyway, we're in crisis but people are always ready for a party xD
    as you said, I don't need the new year to spend a night with my friends...

    kisses LY*

  3. lol =) percebo o teu ponto de vista =) mas não deixa de ser giro chegar ao final do ano e ter alguma coisa para comemorar, passou mais um ano de vida, mais um ano onde aconteceram várias coisas importantes (ou não xD) e as pessoas em geral necessitam de um dia especifico para se embebedarem e esquecerem as suas frustrações habituais :P acho que essencialmente é esse o significado do ano novo =) mas não deixa de ser giro... anda tudo bem disposto nessa noite *.* E é uma noite marcada pelos desejos de mudança, mudança de vida, de atitude... e é se calhar a unica altura do ano em que as pessoas do mundo festejam todas juntas (apesar do fuso horário) =)

    Beijinho Kris =)

  4. Sim... lá isso é verdade... um ano é no aniversário... mas pronto xD há sempre quem goste de fazer festa duas vezes xD eu sinceramente prefiro comemorar o ano novo do que o natal *.* mas isso é como tudo... são opiniões =) porque para mim, o natal fazia mais sentido quando era pequena, agora tento seguir os adultos e utilizar essa noite como descarregamento de frustrações xD acho que é um pouco assim que funciona essa noite ... ainda por cima com a crise de portugal, as pessoas bebem para esquecer e nada melhor que uma noite em que existe desculpa para os abusos xD também pode ser encarado como por exemplo: natal= reunião de familia e ano novo= reunião de amigos =) assim há maneira de passar a época festiva com as pessoas mais importantes :P

    Beijinho =)

  5. podias postar fotos de scene/emo hair?
    e se der sites também com scene/emo hair!

    beijinhos e feliz ano novo*

  6. oi muder-black.

    eu á uns tempos já postei esse tipo e fotos ^^

    vou colocar aqui os linques e tambem outros de sites:


    espero ter ajudado ^^

  7. cool! what colour are you planning to put in your hair??

  8. Hi!

    What a nice blog you got! Always fun to read!

    Have a good night!

  9. oh, blonde would look really cool!!
    But, since you have to put a middle colour, light brown is a good choice too. I'm sure it'll look nice:)

  10. ok, totally random but...

    a passagem de ano não é de quarta para quinta? eu pensava que hoje era dia 28/Domingo, logo 31 é na Quarta. o.O
    Eu preciso mesmo de saber porque tenho um aniversário nesse dia e posso aparecer na casa da moço no dia errado. LOL

  11. sorry, my mistake =X

    sim é de 4ª para 5ª, fix confusao xP

  12. oh thank god!
    i was starting to think I wouldn't have time to buy her a present. oh well, anyway...

    Happy New Year, babe! :)
    I'm always depressed during this days but, whatever...xD

    *vai abraçar o Tom imaginário*

  13. Hey Kristen!
    Thank you very much for your comment. I really like your style, hair and you have a beautiful face. And you're a tokio hotel fan. I can't dislike you even if i wanted to ;)

    Have you heard the acapella version of monsoon? What do you think about that?

  14. I was thinking in other things and write tuesday -.- xP

    HAPPY NEW YEAR TOO *____________*
    and don't feel alone...I'm just like you...
    (em dezembro ninguem me atura xD)


  15. I really liked it. I love Bill's voice. Totally amazing. How long have you been listening to TH? What other kind of music does you listening to?

  16. I've been listen to them since march this year. I had a dream about bill without knowing who he was, and i also heard the song reden for the first time in my dream. that was actually kind of creepy :S I was really surprised when I heard it on a cd for the first time (:

  17. yeah, he is. But Tom is also very beautiful tough. I like them all in a special way, but I think bill is the most handsome and with nicest style. I suppose yours is tom? ;)

    I visited your deviant art site, and my GOD. You know how to draw. Your drawings on tom is absolutely stunning! Keep up the good work!

  18. yeah, you really must make some drawings of gustav and georg (:

    yeah, tom has a stunning face. but i doesn't like his clothes. But his smile is.. breathtaking.

  19. Yup, now I can ^^ Saw what u wrote about New years day and at some point I agree. Why we celebrate it I don´t know, as u said it´s just a day right? But then I still hope that the year of 2009 gets so much better then 2008... I feel like it can be a new start of another bad year or a better =)


  20. well I think that 2008 sucks (Not everything but much) i hope that 2009 will turn out better :) kisses*

  21. Allo ^^
    Descobri o teu blog agora e por acaso, nao gt mt de diarios online, mas o eu e qq coisa miuda :P Adicionei.t no hi5, nao m recuses LOOL
    eijocas e voltarei ca (:

  22. olá rafa =)
    (tinhas tantos links na pagina que nao sabia em qual blog comentar xP comento aqui e tambem comentei num dos blogs ^^).

    obrigada por comentares o meu blog. fico contente por gostares *.*


    (ja te aceitei no hi5^^)

  23. I love new year's night, thousands of people in the beach, it's really cool, but I understand your point of view, I never say that I'm going to change something because it's a lie. LY KUSS

  24. I actually agree with u on that point. It is more like a hopeful day I guess... u wish for the next year to be better more then celebrating that it´s a new year :P



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