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20th January

Hi guys! How are you today?
I'm getting better. My arm is practically good. It don't hurt already but I can't make "hard" stuffs with it yet.
. it's my dad's birthday. And you ask "What you're doing here?".
Well, 1st, today it's a normal dad have to work, and 2nd...he'll dinner with his girlfriend...
Last week I call him to talk about today...what we'll do and that stuffs...I was really excited. I bought a gift to him and I thought make a cake (I don't know if I said this already but I'm a good cooker xP well, at least when we talk about cakes ^^). Well, he told me that he had plans already...
So, he prefers be with his stupid girlfried than with his children...ok x.x
Honestly, right now I don't know what to say about this all thing. I don't know what I'm thinking...
I just know that I'm not really mad with him...I just can't (that piss me of -.-). I already sent him a message. I want the best to him.
Anyway, he told me that he had thought about being with us on next Sunday. He said then we would have more time to be together...we could lunch together and then do something fun.
Well, we'll see...
. will be really boring.
Right now I'm with my brother 'cause my mom had to go out.
Oh btw, my brother started to like pizza! (lol, yes he hadn't taste it before...last week he tasted and he liked xP so tonight I'm gonna make one for him ^^
See you later*
Hey hey hey!!! I've good news!!!
My dad was here!!! He came to visit us. My mom told me that she sent a message to him to do that. He was here for a while..was really nice. Sunday we'll celebrate his birthday =)
And, btw, the postman comming...and, guess what...? My other DVD arrived from! Avril Lavigne - The Best Damn Tour - Live in Toronto (I said that I would buy the DVD xP).
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Nice, now I have something to do xP


  1. eu não levei injeção, na primeira vez que fui lá a medica nem acreditou que me doia mesmo :S apenas disse para repousar. mas depois andei mesmo mal do ombro e voltei lá e ela já acreditou. agora nem voley posso jogar ._.
    obrigada :)
    wow tenho de ir a esse site do, tamém quero isso tudo men xD

  2. Eu sei bem como é sermos colocadas em 2ºlugar, pelo nosso pai -.-
    Gostei do teu blog, vou cá passar mais vezes ;)

    Beijinhos @

  3. I'm glad you're better love**
    Oh was a bad attitude from your dad. Mine have some of these too =/

  4. nice, avril is soo goood! :D

  5. Felizmente nunca passei por nada semelhante mas imagino que seja muito doloroso para ti, mas tenta seguir em frente... Lembra-te que tens um irmão, mãe e amigos que certamente fazem tudo para te ver feliz.
    Noto imenso carinho quando escreves sobre o teu irmão. Certamente terá muito orgulho em ti...

  6. nem vou comentar as atitudes do meu pai 8) homens!

  7. Oh how nice! :D She´s so good! Wish i hade money enough to buy the Dvd, but gotta save it for more important things =/

  8. Hehe yeah i oftren spend all my money as soon as i get it xP But this time i have promised my self to save it ^^^ Thanks by the way =)


  9. Hey!

    Well, this is going to look really stupid, but wtv, I'm the kind of person who does stupid things, so... ^^

    I've started checking out your blog 'cause when I descovered it, I was on vacation and I really had nothing to do.
    But then it became an daily habit, and checking your new posts is like a routine.

    So, Its my 1st time writting here (and with a bad, bad english. Sorry for that o.O), and I've decided to do that 'cause I saw that your posts were getting sadder and sadder in this current month.
    I see that today you look much better and I'm happy 4 that.
    You just got to smile, girl. Believe me, smiling is THE therapy! If you can do that, everything is going to get really better (gosh, I'm here doing this shity talk, but I'm not in my better days 2 :|).

    So, about your dad... I never had that kind of problems with my dad, so I'm not a good person to talk about that, but... One of my best friends had a similar problem. And she was just like you talking about her dad's girlfriend and stuff.
    I know that that kind of stuff are really hard to get over. She hasn't yet, but she is learning how to live with it.
    You'll see: it won't cost so much in a while ^^

    So... I've finished my (big) speech (sorry for that) -.-

    Oh and now I've noticed that I haven't presented myself yet. You probably know me from TH forum.
    I'm that girl who has no balls to colour her hair, even though she really wants it: cats.

    See ya *

  10. Hey cats!! *-*

    Thank you SOOO much for read my blog ... I'm glad that you like it and I was really touched with you comment.
    Thank you so much for all the support! (and you can write in portuguese if you want =D - my english is not good at all either xP)

    I know I have to smile and think positive but some days I just can't do's just so many bad things...
    yes, it's really dificult deal with the situation of being divorced parents...I think it just will get better with time...

    one more time, thank you so much!
    (and, come on...dye your hair girl! change it's all good^^ If you don't like you dye again xP)


  11. You certainly don't have to thank xD
    I've reading it in a while and I really like it. I specialy like when you go shopping and you show us what you bought. I'm a shopping addicted (really, really addicted!).

    Now I was studing in my friend house and getting really bored. So, since my internet is dead, I asked to use her's (I don't want to bother her while she is studing, so this is my distraction) and I checked in and saw your recent post.
    As if I had nothing to do (gosh, I really don't want to think how much studing I still have to do 4 today), I've decided to leave my mark.
    It's nothing special, but it hope it helps ^^

    And I know how is to feel like that, but... Sometimes I just get so tired of being sad that I completly change my atitude in like a day to another. And usually smiling with no reason can really increase my mood.

    About the divorced parents... My parents aren't divorced, but I have to confess that if that hapened, it would be REALLY difficult to me. Specially 'cause I'm a spoiled daddy's and mammy's girl.
    So I totally get you.

    You have nooo idea of how much I want to do it. But it's like... I'm such a chicken, really -.-
    I love my natural colour and I'm scared to not see it again, at all.

    Yeah I know that I don't have do write in english, but you know what? I dont have english classes since I was 14 or something, so I really need to work in it -.-


  12. eheh, that's the reason why I write my blog in english xP

    gosh I'm a shoppind addicted too lool I'm always keep money to then go shopping something xD

    well, good luck for you study =D

    and yes, if you like your color you have to think really well before dye your hair.


  13. Pais... :S São sempre mais 'desligados' do que as mães... acho que os cromossomas y dão lhes esses efeitos estranhos +.+

    Ainda bem que estás melhor Kris da tendinite =)

    O DVD é porreiro? ^.^


  14. Também tenho o DVD The best Damn Tour da Avril.
    (Na verdade tenho todos os cds e dvds dela. xP )
    Nice blog!

  15. @Anonymous

    sério? fixe! os nao tenho os CDs originais >.< xP

    obrigada pelo comment ^^



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