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Hi readers!!! How's it going?
Last night I was with my friends in our village. Was...normal xP here we never have much to do so we just chilling in a coffee shop.
But the best part was when I was already at home...xD
I can't tell you details but, OMG I laugh so much with my bestfriend... Like, was the joke of the century xD
And, other thing...we forgot to pay the things in the coffee shop -.- looool WHAT A SHAME!!! The good thing is that we know who work there so today we'll come back there and we gonna pay...of course xD
I'm sure I'm gonna be so embarassed...
.'s been a great weekend ^^ (btw, for the the weekend begins in Friday night and ends in Sunday afternoon xD)
Today we'll stay with our friend who didn't was good on Wednesday (remember?). I hope she has get better..I don't like to see her sad...
Ow, it's truth!!! Everybody get shocked with one pictures that appeared on the internet...
The most of the fans form Twilight are crossing their fingers to Rob and kristen dating.
Well, actually I don't have an opinion about that... I think people think that because their realtionship in the movie, then people confuse the reality with the fiction...
But, the truth is that, the pic it's fake! Yeah, you read well!
Has one photo from Robert in London with a fan, and someone did that excellent montage.
If I don't had seen the pic I'll say that te montage it's truth...'cause it really seems real!
here is the real picture from Robert:


  1. OMG*** HAHA the montage is great, but I saw the original pic like 1 week ago, I don't visit Twilight site everyday, but if I visited I would tell imediately that was fake! I miss going out with my friends or chilli a bit with them. Hope you have fun! LY

  2. haha, funny that you forgot to pay! :P I've always just wanted to run out on the bill, but I'd feel guilty, lol

  3. haha that was funny ;p

  4. lool quando vi essa montagem no TP fiquei mesmo :O
    mas mais uns minutinhos a olhar e pronto... Aquelas caras demasiado brancas denunciaram td xD

    Mas bem.. era fofo se fosse verdade x)


  5. Eu ontem fui ao supermercado com a minha mae e tinha uma revista na mao, e so depois de passar a caixa é que me lembrei q tinha a revista na mao, e lá dei a mulher da caixa para pagar. LOL Acho que esta semana ando com alguma atracção em nao pagar revistas, porque no outro dia fui a Lanidor e tirei um catalogo, e na aula de matematica (como n se faz nada), tirei o suposto catalogo para ver e dizia lá "preço:2,5 euros" LOOL mas as mulheres n me disseram nada, e eu pensei q era um catalogo xD e a minha amiga Filipa fartamo-nos de rir xD
    Espero que a tua amiga esteja melhor :D Cheer her up :)
    E já vi que a noite de Quarta foi boa, ahah A minha de ontem tambem foi.
    Mas agora tenho que estudar, q seca.
    Beijinhos querida Kristen :D
    Bom Domingo <3

  6. o teu blog esta mesmo fenomenal... asserio... gosto msm mt! (ja agr é uma pena que a foto seja 1 monagem! xD)

  7. I love her style. She's amazing. I saw the film too, it's amazing

  8. WOW! Quando vi a foto fiquei chocada, mas depois li o teu texto e vi a pic de baixo, fiquei mais descansada xD

    Acho que a estadia com os nossos melhores amigos resulta sempre no mesmo, um monte de gargalhadas :P Eles têm sempre forma de nos colocarem sorrisos na cara *.*

    Beijinho Kris*

  9. Omg haha I so believed it for a sec xD

  10. It's more than boring. It's hell!

  11. Obrigada =)

    Eu acho que todos passamos por esta fase, talvez seja uma maneira de nos fortalecer... ou de nos fazer aprender qualquer coisa... ^.^ Mas que é difícil é. Não há de ser o fim, poderá ser o inicio de algo bom quem sabe...e talvez um dia me lembrarei desta época com um sorriso nos lábios ;-)


  12. HAHAAHHA, omg. Pretty well done actually.


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