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Why life can't be easy?

Hi readers!
Today I'm not good. I Suddenly I "looked at me" and I was down. I don't know why exactly...
Ok, I look to my life and I'm not happy. My life sucks in so many ways... I look at me and I just...survive. I have to live! I need...
I know life isn't a fairy tale but could be a little more easier...
Today my mom came home, after her work and she was unhappy. Not because the job of course, but because her life...she's not happy, and that makes me feel really sad too.
I wish her life would be easier and she would be happy...but life is not fair...and I don't know how to help her =S
The only persons who have luck in this life are those who: or have a pretty face/body, or have helps from known people, or those who cheating...
This is our world, unfortunately.
I have many dreams...and nothing could be more wonderful to me then make those dreams come true...but I'm such a unlucky person... Try doesn't work. I try, I fight...but in the end, I always fail.
I'm sorry for this... It's just...I'm tired. I can't handle this anymore. I feel life I could explode anytime.


  1. hi princess! omg now i was sad reading that... but first of all i need u 2 know that im feeling exactely like that 2 (except 4 my mom cuz ive no ideia of what is goin on her life cuz we dont talk that much about 'personal things')

    well anyway if u need to talk im always here! and how i understand u... im trying 2 go though this thinkin about the little things i can do to make my life better. like step by step, instead of thinkin OMG THIS IS THE BIGGEST SHIT i try to define shit nº1, shit nº2... and then, think about a solution or improvement to each of them...

    but it's hard, i know... of course we can count in our friends but if we don't help ourselves, it's wothless.

    "God helps the man who helps himself" that's what they say... maybe it's true...

    and more "The darkest time is precisely the one before the morning" :)

    a huuuuuuuuge hug and kiss*

  2. Thanks honey!

    I really needed to hear have a shoulder where I can cry and say all the thing in my mind...
    you're a great friend! thanks for being here =')
    thanks for your support...

    I don't know...I think when I'm like this I just fall in my reality and look around and I see that nothing goes well
    and I want it
    but I can't make it...
    it's so frustrated...and sad

    I'm depressed...

  3. Oh best you can always talk to me, you can send me sms or e-mails, or in msn, I will always be there for you. I think I'm in the same situatuion, I look around and I haven't nothing to make me wake up tomorrow, no friends in school, no boyfriend, my life is school -home, and that's it another day.

    I totaly understand you, and you know what happened with my mother and my step father some months ago and the things aren't better =/ she's unhappy.

    Well, girl I love you and I'm here for you|

  4. awh.. you don't need to have a pretty face to live well in this world. well, i hope things gets better eventually. always look from the bright side. btw, you ARE really pretty.

    - mimi

  5. beside that, u need to focus too on what you have good! you are so pretty, nice and sweet. your draw very well, u are funny, u have a nice style and good taste 4 clothing, u r brave enought to always change your appearance (most ppl just don't) and plus, u always look great! and i'm sure u have awsome friends and family who love u for what u are and who just wish the best for you! (and probably a looooooooot of more stuff i just don't know...)

    well, if u check on it this way it doesn't seem so bad...
    u have everything to succeed and get out of all the shit! now u just need to say "i want" and put your hands to work :D

    don't need to thank me sweety, as i usually say we don't thank friendship we just enjoy it!


  6. Hey you. :)

    i feel very often same as you (except that mom-thing.. i'm not so close with my mom.) but i believe that someday our sorrow and pain will be replaced with something special and beautiful! As a reward for that we have pushed trough every misfortune.

    Be strong! :)

  7. Pam:

    yes, I have it all, but for what? if nobody give me the change to show it, to work it out...nobody give me the change to prove I good I am...

    kisses LY girl*

  8. they will! but u also need to give yourself a chance and create your own opportunities. take a chance, take a risk. and let everyone (who still don't know) realize how great u are!
    if u are great and u see yourself great there's no reason why other people, whoever they are, will not.
    (only if they are retarded and in that case im affraid i will just have to shoot them down XD)
    promise u will go up!!


  9. haha, shoot them!! xD (maybe not)

    I promise...I'm trying...but it's really hard...besides, I live in a place that don't give me the opportunities...stupid villages >.<
    will be great to me live in a huge city..for now, oporto...lisbon... but I don't have that possibelity =S


  10. you should move to Lisbon applying for university, seriously. it would be so good for you. but well, if u decide to make an experience and move for a while still this year, I wouldn't mind help you. i'm gonna get a job now if u wanted to "try to live in a bigger city" for some time u could move, get a job and stay in my house or I'd get you a cheap place with some of my friends from university. i did it for a friend of mine from Algarve and it was good, later she apllied for university and got her own room in some student residence :D

    just an idea ;)

  11. okeey, your english is very good! i thought you live in usa or something :D

  12. aawh, sure :)
    i don't see why you should look down on yourself, you're obviously really good-looking.

    just keep your head up gorgeous! :)
    have a great day!


  13. Hey, u´s about surviving, i have been through some stuffs mum have almoste died 3 grandpa almoste died..i lost my friend..i got friends mum died..and more. But i think it´s just surviving. Its hard, i think everyone agree on that. But i can tell you this, not even the pretty one, the skinny one or them with the perfect body has it easy..everyone is going through the same thing..and it´s calling Life. I hope your lifte turn out fine, and have a greate one ! :) kisses*

  14. Bem, vou escrever em português só para variar :)

    Muito deprimida hoje,nem parece a mesma pessoa que faz comentários tão interessantes no TP :)

    Há dias assim...injustos ou não...irão haver sempre, o segredo é saber como os tratar quando eles aparecem...e as possibilidades somos nós que as criamos!!!



  15. Pam:

    ow, thanks sweety *-*
    the problem is that I don't have the right qualification to apply for the course that I want >.< and I have no idea if the private universitis have those kind of courses...
    I agree with you...go to lisbon will be so good to me and and be with you will be sooo great! have a person that we already know and trust...but I don't want to bother you at all...

    kiss LY*

  16. Patrícia:

    muito obrigada pelo teu comment no meu blog =)
    sim, concordo que nós é que temos que criar oportunidades na nossa vida, mas as vezes parece que está toda a gente a fazer força para nos "deitar abaixo".
    mais uma vez obrigada ^^


  17. aaw giirl, dont be sad!

    you're really pretty, and you know you have friends and readers all over the world who will support you only if you need help ^^

    if a life does'nt have up and downs - there is no life, think about the good times - you can't be happy always, there is some days you are down and unhappy. But you're so cute when you think about your mum and how she feel and you support her.. thats a good thing kris!

    The most important things in this world is the family, if ya'll can stand next to eachother rest of your lives, then you'll see you'll be happy.. dont be sad ok?

    ok, my english sucks - but hope you understand.

    take care of your self and family <3

  18. i knoow, but we haft to try :) kisses *

  19. I think everybody goes through this no matter how u look... I mean, It doesn´t matter how good-looking you are, bad things are still just waiting for u around the corner. But sure, You might be more popular, have more boyfriends and such if you are better looking, but that doesn´t say that you are happy. Behind those walls there can be so much as family problems and such.. There is always something that each one of us has to go through unofortunately... But anyway, I hope things will work out for you in time, it will get better i promise u =) Kisses&Hugs**

  20. you're welcome :)

    " people change, shit happends, things go wrong - life goes on "
    i can imagine how you feel, i've felt the same once.. or twice.
    but you gotta try to think about the good times and yes positive.
    dont look down at your life and your self, you have a mum who loves you,
    you have a really pretty face, you have friends who supporting you.

    think about people who does'nt have a family, there is some kids that their mum is hitting them and
    yelling all the time, there is some who is fat and ugly they're are really really unhappy..

    so why look down at your life? i think you got everything that the other kids dont have ^^
    its like when you have a boyfriend and you two break up...
    why cry bcuz its over? smile bcuz its happend ^^ hihi.

    yes, always - even if we dont know eachother or are "best friends" - you'll know i will support you no matter what hehe.
    whats your msn can i have it? (A)

    take care <33

  21. hehe yes, think about what i just said ok? :D dont woeey.. be happy hihi ^^

    so, how are you now? <33

  22. aaw, tahts good to hear that you're fine :)


  23. Nao percebo o porqe de te sentires assim (:
    Eu olho para a tua vida e para os posts mais antigos e a tua vida parece-me muito melhor e mais interessante e feliz que a minha . Apesar de gostar imenso da minha vida e de nao a trocar por nada ^^

  24. i understand you. we all have our dark and sad moments. we just have to learn how to handle it :)


  25. Exacto :)
    Hoje em dia nao est'a facil para ninguem concretizar uma carreira profissional , por mais boa que seja --.
    E' a vida que temos e se nao nos habituarmos e adaptarmo-nos a ela , e' quase impossivel ser feliz ou sentir-se feliz :)
    De qualqer das maneiras espero que tudo isso se resolva :b

  26. aww, don't worry!! Everyone goes through hard times, but it's true that you just have to survive to get through and improve your life...or the way you look at life. Try not to focus on the negative, and look at the positive :)
    I feel this way a lot too but then I tell myself that a lot of the things going on aren't my fault, and if there is something I can do to improve the situation, then it's what you have to do so you can be happy.

    Things will get better! Trust me :)


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