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Hi readers how are you?
Let me just say a little thing about my last post... My father was talking with me. I say the same, he say the's always the same conversation but we stay cool and Saturday I was with him and my little brother too.
. weekend was pretty cool actually. On Friday was SUN!!! *-*

Ok xP, on Friday I went to the center of the city as I said before. My mom gave me this pair of boots.

I love them! They are very confortable!
Then I bought some basic shirts too.
At night I was with my friends...well, a part of them... There's always that kind of friends who went to the cinema and don't invite the others... Better, invite one friend of our group because they had "one place available" like, what a stupid thing to say to a friend...
Anyway...was Friday 13th!!! xD I'm not superesticious but in this days people always talk about it.
So, Saturday...I spent the afternoon with my dad and brother. Was nice.
At night we were all together again. Was SOOO awesome! People were all there and we had a lot of fun. Me and my best were so "happy" xD. I slept in her house so we were laughing all night along xD and talking with two friends by her cell phone xP (well, kind of xD)
And, btw, Was Valentine's Day...SOOO anoying! I don't remember if I already said this but I don't like this day. I think it's a day just to spend money. It is like Mom's or Dad's Day... Mother is not only mother in that day, like the boy/girlfriends... anyway xP
. we went to the municipal football stadium to see the game with the team of our village (it sucked so much! xD I don't like to see this kind of football). Anyway, then me and my bestfriend went to the coffee shop to lunch something and then, home.
Was a really nice weekend!
The the next weeks will be sooo damn awesome!!! Well, I hope xP
We have a lot of "places" to go with the friends. Then I'll tell you everything ^^
Now I'm gonna see the last episodes of my fav. novel "A Favorita". See you soon!


  1. Que botas lindas! *.*

    Wow! Eu sou supersticiosa, mas felizmente nada aconteceu =)

    Beijinho Kris*

  2. I'm glad you're having fun my love * It's really good to know. I want to know everything later.

    BTW, yes it's spanish,all of them in portugal are I think. It's stupid but it's true ahah


  3. You look so beautiful in the sun *-*

    W <3

  4. era suposto eu ter tempo agora que tou de ferias se nao acordasse as 12h30 xDDD

    bem ja tenho saudades de estar assim com os meus amigos mas eles agora andam todos ocupados a arranjar as coisas para irem para London *unf ja vao amanha e eu sou a unica que fica em terra :'( vai ser uma semana e tanto


  5. Parece que tiveste um fds mesmo em grande! É sempre bom sair com os amigos e ficar "alegre" :P

    Gosto mesmo da cor do teu cabelo, estou curiosa para ver como vais ficar loirinha ^^

    Beijinho :*

  6. holy cow :O! were is the snow over ther? oh right sweden took it -.-' we have sooo muuuccchhhh snoooow! I love snow, but I love summer more ;)

  7. ya beautiful... nao acho mas obrigada xP
    a questao é que ela nao so enviou uma foto como enviou um texto comprometedor :S

    vou pintar so quinta agora -.- a minha mae ganhou, conseguiu convencer-me a pintar em vez das madeixas xD vamos la ver como fica xD eu vou ver se arranjo uma maquina para fotografar assim que pintar porque a minha foi sabado para a loja para arranjar mas nao deve demorar muito

    eisha xD quem me dera que me deixassem dormir ate as 3h lmao ha sempre alguem que me acorda -.-

    o mais dificil é ficar so *snif-snif

    ah, ainda nao te disse, adoro a foto que postaste ***

  8. pz é, tem estado um tempinho tão bom *-*

    ya, segunda a minha mae que se pos a ler as instruçoes, so posso deitar a tinta 48horas depois de ter lavado o cabelo xD e eu tinha acabado de levar o cabelo portanto não deu. é tipo Caju a cor... entre o roxo, vermelho e castanho, uma mistura xD eu era para comprar antes ruivo ou laranja ou o que mas acabei por desistir. so espero gostar do resultado xD senao vou lavar o cabelo 10 vezs seguidas para ver se desaparecesse xDD


  9. hehe well i love the sun too, but its so cold -.-' like -26 degrees

  10. cool u r having fun woth your friend i would if i had a cent to spend... being falt broke sucks so much I just can hang with them a little but i need to go home like 1 a.m so i wont miss the public transports (no money for the cab, again XD).

    about your hair, i can't wait to see it too! i'm gonna make a tattoo on the end of the month so i understand the anxiety hahahaha

    kiss LY***

  11. ooh i forgot to mention, check on my page on Deviant Art if u get the chance ;)


  12. really?? then I wanna see it! what you gonna do? and where...?

    do u have a deviantart page? cool! me too xP I'll check it now!

    gosh I'm so excited and my hair will not stay as I want yet...imagine if it will xD

    kisses LY***

  13. I'm gonna tattoo my left wrist with a draw i made about my passed grandmother's adress. I show u the draw :) then, in April, i'm gonna tattoo a lotus flower my neck (they say ppl get kind of addicted when they start making tattos but i hope so not!!!!).

    I'm freakin scared about the neck but i still got time to assimilate the ideia XD

    (i saw your devian art page is so cool i need to write sth there :D)


  14. (eheh thanks ^^ but now I just go there to see the messages... lol I have to add new draws)

    I wanna make a tattoo too but the pain scared me so much >.<

    well, good luck!


  15. we can have like 35- :P xoxo*


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