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Music is Life

Hi guys! How are you???

This week was normal...
Wednesday was sooo creppy... Well, I dye my hair again... Yeah, I'm serious! And yeah, I'm crazy/stupid...wtv you wanna call...

The damn hair seems always darker in the photos -.- lol

I dye it at home...I bought on of those paint hair stuff in the supermarket. Well, the color it's cool. I'll prefer a little bit more whiter but it's ok...the color will "open" anyway (it is already)... Well, the trouble is that, now my hair it's extra dry...and it broke a lot and now I have to be really careful with it.
Well, but that wasn't the really crazy thing on Wednesday. At 9:00pm I was talking with my bestfriend on Messenger and she told my that she'll go out with some friends ans stuff and I was at home, with nothing to do (I was in my house - village, and she was in her house in the center of the city). Well, at the end, I beg for my father take me to be with her and, miraculously, he said yes!!!
So, I don't have to say that was a great night right?! xP
And, course, Satuday and Sunday I was with my friends too. But was really normal big emotions.
Well, I don't know why but I remember about show you some of my favorites songs at the moment, so today I'm gonna show you my Top 5 of rock / metal / screamo / gothic music:
My bestfriend show me this music and now I'm completely addicted to it.
It is and it will always be my favorite song from reminds me so many things...especially the "dream" stuff...
A friend show me some musics from this band. It's a little too screamo to me but some musics are really cool. This is my favorite.
Well, this music was written by Cjester Bennington (vocal from Linkin Park) and Korn. It's a song from one of my favorite terror movies "Queen of the Damned". In this link the music have the voice from the actor who play the vampire who sing this song (Stuart Townsend, who play Lestat de Lioncourt).
It's a kinda old song too, but an amazing one!
And that's it xP
Tomorrow probably I'll stay at my throat hurts all day and I have to get 100% till Thursday (we'll have partyyy xD).
So, see you soon!


  1. I wont call you crazy XP (bcs u arent) i mean if u werent happy with the other color just change it but now u have to be careful. :)
    ive been checking your blog for a long time but i couldnt comment bcs i didnt had one, now i have it, yaaay so i can comment :DD happy kid
    i love that color u hae now in your hair, you are so pretty <3

  2. Oh and btw i LOVE your music selection :D

  3. Ai não acredito que foste mudar o cabelo outra vez xD
    Mas se não te sentias bem, claro que fizeste bem!
    Eu gostava de te ver mas estive a ver fotos tuas antigas e cheguei à conclusão que a cor que gosto mais de te ver é preto.. :)

    Quanto à tua escolha musical, não posso dizer muito porque não conheço quase nada :x lool

    Beijinho :*

  4. Music is life «3
    Without music, life would be a mistake ^^
    Oh can't see the pic, but if you didn't like your hair, i think you did well
    yeah your needs need to recover xD poor hair xD
    Swetieee, the center of city is far? o.o you need a drive licence xD
    rock *______*
    i just know two musics of your top, and I love them *.*
    The flood and Bring me to life
    My fav music of evanescence is "Hello" *.*
    But i like the most known ones to +.+
    Party, party and some more party xD
    have fun, as always ^^

  5. Yah she's just BEAUTIFUL! Like you my love

  6. you can't? =S strange... it's like I had before xP

    yeah, it's, 30 min till there -.-


  7. o.O
    i can't see but is my anti-virus fault xD

  8. nice hair ! :)
    I looked at some pictures from the summer when i had dark, dakr brown hair...i miss it :/ but i haft to continue to get back my real colour :P have a nice day xoxo*

  9. yupp it is :) Np ^^ xoxo*

  10. Olá :)

    Tens um bom blog, já vi que gostas da saga Twilight :)


  11. Adoro o QOTD!


    Oiço essa musica todas as manhãs.
    O cabelo ficou tão giro, eu queria colocar o meu mais claro mas a maezinha nao está nessa xD


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