
Hi guys! How are you today???
Let me guess: sunday...monotony...everything is close...BORING!!!
Well, my Sundays are like this, usually xP
So, about last night...was SO DAMN FUN!!! My friend was sooooo happy to see us there! She had no idea about the surprise...she loved!!!
We arrived to the restaurant a little bit earlier and we wait for her and a friend who went to pick her to her house.
That friend should had sent a message saying that they're coming but she forgot and when they got in the restaurant was everybody like: O.O loool but then everybody laugh and said "Happy Birthday".
Anyway, was cool. They we show the video that we made of her...everyboy loved!
The rest of the night was amazing 'course xP
After the dinner we went to our usual coffee shop and was everybody there. Like, all our friends from the village...amazing!
Everything was so fine that in the end of the night we climbed up to the bank to dance! loool Was crazy! I was with a dress!!! loool
Anyway, was so much fun! My friends took a lot of pictures...then I'll post here 'cause I don't have them yet.
Gosh! Now I'm anxiously to Wednesday!!! Porto here we go!!! xD Will be great! Well, I hope xP And I'm gonna see my friends from there!!! I'm so excited!!!
Well, cya*


  1. Wow! Vais ao Porto? =D Que saudades dessa linda cidade *.*


  2. xD was really, really fun... *.* and she loved it^^

    we're great (yeaahh) xDDD

    wednesday will be AMAZING (I hope... xD)

    lyyyy <3

  3. xD was really, really fun... *.* and she loved it^^

    we're great (yeaahh) xDDD

    wednesday will be AMAZING (I hope... xD)

    lyyyy <3

  4. eheh Wednesday will be HUGE!! looool

    btw, Ihave to talk with you about vanessa, the orther one xP, she goes?

    ly twin*

  5. aw, ya eu tb sou assim, adorava esta em new york, Paris ou ate Roma lol.
    i love europe..but its great to get out and explore the whole world..!

    ohh vais o porto, eu nunca foi la :( mas deve ser muito bonito, eu vou sempre para os lados de lisboa e cidades a volta d la!

    yeh you shoud come to london, its okk depending on what part you come to hehee.

    have you ever been out of portugal?..

    bjks x

  6. Sabes o nome da actriz que entra no Twilight e também no ''Thirteen ''???


  7. :O

    Leva me ctg *.*

    Ainda bem que a tua amiga se divertiu e que gostou da surpresa =)

  8. Ai tb quero ir ao porto, mas nao devo ir tao cedo, gastei um balurdio na viagem a amsterdao no fim de abril *.*

    Essa festa deve ter sido animada ;)

    quando dizes "we climbed up to the bank to dance" num apanhei :S


  9. Anonymous: a actriz chama-se Nikki Reed =)


  10. e eu a pensar que era anormal por odiar os domingos xD é aquele dia em que nem da vontade de sair porque nao se ve nada, nem da vontade de ficar em casa porque tambem nao se faz nada (odeio ver tv)

    eish vais ao Porto de novo *-*
    depois mostra as fotos

    sabes que eu ja tive essa ideia de pintar eu o quarto? os meus pais passavam-se *-* Lol

    eu ja nao tenho tantas esperanças que fiquemos juntos =/ btw, a esperança é a ultima a morrer, nao é o que dizem?

  11. E onde arranjaste essas revistas?

  12. Ainda bem que a tua amiga adorou a surpresa :D

    My god, you're such a party-girl, eheh =P


  13. tu foste para liverpool, foi para os EMA's?? e bue fixee!
    aw switzerland parece ser uma terra muito linda..! ya eu tb ja tive e espanha e tb franca..foi a paris :) adorei..muito bonito.

    haa ya o meu tio diz que no porto a sempre festa da boa ;) lol por isso ja estou a imaginar com e para la.

    tu morras em qual part de portugal?

  14. ahh ya ja sei braga! LOL
    ya nao e muito longe.

    ahh tb ja intendi, nao ficaste porque? nao gostavas!? lol

    ahhh the alps..that sounds wicked..i bet it was freezing though!! LOL xD


  15. haha entao nao foste skiing!
    just went for the parties and stuff! sounds like it was fun!

    really? what course did you want to do!?


  16. isso e fixe, eu fix quando estava na escola tb.. foi bue dificil para mim xD
    Sewing machines are so NOTTT made for me! lol
    My sister does it now too, she wanted to be a fashion designer too :)

  17. Era óbvio que ela ía adorar *__*
    E pelos vistos tu tb te divertiste e não foi pouco :P

    Aiin gostava de voltar ao Porto!


  18. When your friends are with us is always the best birthday party ever"""
    I don't like Porto at all =/ But I like Viseu and Braga

  19. Its my favourite fnac poster, his eyes in the poster are so so so ....I can't find a word for what I feel when I enter in my room and see the poster. I'm in love with the poster. <3

  20. that sounds so nice!

    aw, and I just watched that video a few posts down for your friend. Its so beautiful! It reminds me of my TH experiences, and I almost want to cry! They were the happiest days of my life :D

  21. bem, estou a ver que vai ser uma noite mesmo especial xP btw, espero mesmo que melhores! e que te divirtas muito, claro *

  22. Haha that sounds like u hade a wonderful sunday ;D xoxo**


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