
Good morning everybody!!! (it's almost 8:00pm xD)
So, how's it going???
Gosh I'm freaking out...I have nothing to do this week and if that's not enough I'm going crazy with my hair...
trying the webcam x]
I don't like to see me like this...welll, I like too see me...with a lot of make up in my eyes -.- and I don't use to weart it every day...gosh, I miss my old hair so much T__________________T
I'm so tempted to dye it again...
Damn I'm so confused right now... and angry! I had a fight with a friend...gosh, why people say that women are complicated??? MEN are complicated! Only! Gosh!
But now it's everything ok...thank god! I don't wanna be upset with him...he's too important...
Well, now I'm talking with my bestfriend...she's the only person who understand me...mostly of the times xD


  1. looooooooooooooooool

    first of all: your hair it's just tooooo cool, stop saying that -.-

    you're such a fucking hot blonde bitch, please... don't mess with that xP

    and then... yeah... guys are a rare specie that was put on the Earth to make women's life an hell -.-

    ok, not so melodramatic Ju xP but, I understand what you feel =D

    luv ya best


  2. loooooooool

    you're such a bitch you know? xD that's why I love you so much! lool

    well, you're totatly right about guys!

    and...SHUT UP! I don't like to see me like this! loool
    srsly, i'm THE one o have to like...you say that 'cause you haven't see me without make up -.-

    kiss, LY girl*

  3. owww pe-lea-se!!! xPPP

    I never lie to you, and you know that --'

    if I'm saying you're gourgeous with blonde hair, it's because is true...

    and, I wasn't the only one telling you that!


  4. loool

    yhyh I know...but no one of those persons who told me that hve seen me without make up xD

    serious...I don't like much as I liked my old hair...I'm thinking in a color not too dark but not too white as I have now...

    please, aprove! xD

  5. omg... xDDDDD

    you're the most crazy person I've ever.... EVER meet!!! you gonna paint it AGAIN???

    =D well, u'r the only one who knows! just... not black, please =D

  6. loool

    no no, not black! xD

    I said...in the middle of thi color and the last one I had... xP

    I know I'm crazy but that's why you love me right?? xD

    kiss LY bitch*

  7. ok =D your choice!

    I like both...

    and yeah... that's why I love you! xPP


  8. Gostava imenso da cor do teu cabelo antes .
    Mas assim nao te fica mal .
    E mudar as vezes faz bem :)

  9. porra já aqui comentei ontem mas não ficou. a ver se ainda me lembro de tudo xD

    ya, dois meses ainda é um bocadinho mas sempre podes pintar com aquelas tintas lavaveis --' ou entao nao, como ja tens cor, nao sei xD mas acho que vai valer a pena esperares mais esses dois mesinhos, really xP
    eu tambem tenho uma ruivinha linda na minha turma *-* tao fofinho o cabelinho dela. mas agora estou curiosa sobre esse ruivo que falaste xD
    ya, moda hippie é para esquecer xD comigo não pega
    Beijinho **

  10. you looked better with your old hair color... :/ you're such a cutie but in my opinion blond doesn't suit you. a darker color would emphasize better your natural beauty. but it's up to you. ^^ kisses

  11. you should keep your hair like that, sooner or later you will get used to, than you can dye it again.
    (aqui vai a parte em que não consigo dizer em inglês XD)
    a amizade tem dessas coisas, zangas só fortalecem as relações, tu vais ver que vai ficar tudo bem :]

  12. you know, "anonymous", you're right...
    I love blonde but I think I looked better with the other color..that's why I dye it again... (yeah, I'm crazy -.-)

    I'll post photos later ^^


  13. MariaR...

    I already dye it again..lool I'm stupid I know... but I think I look better like this way...

    sim, agora está tudo bem, mas nos as vezes stressamos um pouco...com tu dizes, faz parte =)

  14. sabe algum site/blog onde tenha photes da scene queens?

    kiss **

  15. Anonymous:

    conheço um...cotuma ter fotos fixes^^



  16. Lol you are hilarious about your hair really!! You are beautiful in all ways!

    Answer: Tomorrow I take photos with the dress and show you =)

    I'm in love with it! The grey part doesn't appear because the tissue is stronger! But I like it in black and white!

  17. Também concordo quando dizes que os homens são complicados. Mas bom... já que não vivemos sem eles... (nem eles sem nós) xD ... tentamos fazer os possiveis para nos descomplicarmos mutuamente =) Só temos de pensar que se fossem simples, talvez não tivessem tanto encanto ^.^

    Beijinho Kris*

  18. eu acho esta coer gira, mas a minha preferida era aquela que tinha no Verão antes de o pores preto. xD

  19. You're crazy girl xP
    All that frenzy about blonde hair and now "I don't like it" ? Come on girl, you look gorgeous !!
    I'm sure you also look pretty without makeup ;)

    And about boys... Oh god, where do I start? They make our world spin, don't they xD ?

    HUG <33

  20. Oh homens são way more complicated que nós.

    Acham que somos fracas, que nos queixamos muito, que somos isto e aquilo, são machistas etc etc. Bem não vou falar disto tudo aqui :F parece mal xD



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