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Hi there!!!
I'm so excited! Finally Fnac already have to pre-order the Twiligth DVD!!! And it is the secial edition for the fans!!! I already made my reservation =D
The special edition includes: a jewelry box, the edition collector of the movie - with 2 discs (over 2 hours of extras), 6 photos, a bookmark and a certificate of Authenticity.
Now I just have to wait...21 days!!! AHHH, I'm gonna die... loool

(btw, you can make your reservation too HERE)
So, apart from this, my day was pretty normal...I did some exercise...with my mom! xP We go out to run^^ now, I'm tired! xD
Ow, I have something to show you. 1st, I'm addicted to two songs...
Everywhere from Michelle Branch
and Remember the Name from Fort Minor
They are completely different from each one but they are both great! (I think xP).
2nd you already seen the new videoclip version from the music "Thinking of You" from Katy Perry??? It's awesome! Really great job!
I like the first one but this make more sence that the other...
Well, cya*


  1. Hey there how are you?:)

    I am soooooooooo excited with the dvd edition... wow I never thought Portugal could have this edition!!!! I'm so going to save money until 8th April and make my pre order *___*
    And I'm going to the release party too on Marshopping, I live very close, so I can't loose the chance^^
    God this is AWESOME!!

    You got tired of your blond hair very fast girl, what happened??

    Kisses :)

  2. wow, I feel so pathetic...
    I STILL HAVENT SEEN TWILIGHT!!! ahhh, omg, I have to just finally watch it once and for all, haha :)

  3. thats cool! :D chek out my new blog, have a greate day :) xoxo

  4. Aii também quero essa edição do dvd *__* Mas é tão cara... Tenho que ver!

    Essa música e esse video da Katy estão lindos! Sempre foi das minhas músicas favoritas dela :)

    beijinhooo :*

  5. Taa:

    Hey^^ I'm fine thanks =) and you?

    yeah I say the same!! I thought that edition just would be available on USA. I'm so excited too *O*
    I already pre order it *________________*

    I think I'll not go to the party =S I live so far away >.< well, then you have to tell me everything!! xP

    gosh, don't even talk about my blond hair >.< loool
    I didn't liked to see me seems like I was a piece of contrast...I was so down 'cause blond hair it's my big crush...but I don't like to see ME blond...
    well, no problem xD


  6. Estive a ver o video, estou oficialmente a chorar ;/

    Adorava ter essa ediçao de twilight mas talvez compre apenas uma normal... essa é super cara :|

  7. Heya Kris!

    Twilight! *.*

    Músicas porreiras =)Gosto especialmente da primeira ^.^


  8. Viste a ediçao deluxe da soundtrack? O meu sonho são três productos twilight:

    Este é especialmente para mim e para o namorado que NÃO tenho ;/

    Este é mesmo sonho total, adoro vinyl *.*

  9. aw, allergies suck. I'm lucky I don't really get them, at least not too bad.

    I really can't wait until summer!!

  10. Sold out? I'm glad I made the reservation yesterday, and I already paid.

  11. estava a ler o comment de cima, uma amiga minha tá PASSADA por nao ter conseguido a ediçao, ja n ha na fnac.

    Sim esse das musicas novas.

    Nao tenho best friend definida, o unico que tenho é o meu Jay *.* sempre posso dar a ele... ou entao andar com um fio como dizes e um dia oferecer ao mr perfect :)

    A caixa é linda mesmo, adorava ter algo assim ate porque adoro objectos de corda, tenho um daqueles globos de neve e uma boneca de corda lindos :)

  12. Eu queria fazer uma mas nao sei =(

    Acho que foi uma daquelas coisas que voou mesmo, nos States vai ser lindo... meio milhao de pessoas a porta das lojas ;/ que medo!

  13. olá :)

    bem, ja nao vinha cá á net á uns tempos... adoro o novo cabeçalho do teu blog xP

    Fort Minor rulam xD

    eu esta semana tambem nao saí mas para a semana tenho jantar de curso portanto vai haver saida xD porra, ja nao saio faz tempo O.O ando mesmo necessitada de o fazer x) **


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