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Hotel 626

Hi guys! How's it going???
Well today I'm gonna talk about the Hotel 626.
At a few days ago someone told me about this game. They I get curious and I started to seach more information... And, I confess, I still didn't play it! You know, I use to love things like this, but it seems too scary x.x
To who don't know, the Hotel 626 is an online video game experienced from our point of view that begins with us waking up in our hotel room in the middle of the night hearing strange noises. We get out of bed, enter the hallway and from there, we're required to go through a series of scary-ass experiences (as challenges) in order to get ourselves out of the hotel.
The journey through the hotel is comprised of levels, each of which involves its own creepy, unique task or puzzle. Some are extremely simple: locating the correct door, for example. Others involve more complex undertakings, such as figuring out a code or snapping a picture of a ghost's face. None, to be honest, are objectively very difficult or intellectually taxing. What you're really playing against is your own adrenaline, and the knowledge that if you mess up/take too long you're bound to meet a rather unfortunate end.
Luckily, if you do fail and die, the hotel is magnanimous to offer you the chance to either try it again or move on to the next level.
When you go to the site, there's a bit of a catch: you can only enter the site between 6:00pm and 6:00am. They'll only let you in at night, as the whole viewer experience is supposed to be enhanced by sitting in the dark by yourself wearing headphones.
BUT, if you want to check out the site now, though, just change the time on your computer's clock and you should be able to go in just fine.

At the beginning, while registering, you are given the option to allow access to your computer's webcam and microphone; if you do so, both those elements will be used in later levels. Also, near the end of the game, players in the United States can enter their phone numbers and receive a creepy call from a "friend". And don't forget to check the sound too, the game can give you some clues by that way.
Well, and that's it. If you already play it, let me know how it was ok? x]
And, if you don't, but you want to, you just have to click HERE.
Have fun ;P


  1. Bem , agora fiqei curiosa.
    Mas com medo de jogar . tbm --'
    è assim tao assustador ? ^^

  2. i have tried that game berfore..its not soo good or scary at all..well i think so but ppls are diffrent ^^ hugs*

  3. I have to try it, it seems fun :D
    ** <3

  4. well i triend both types, and without mic it was easier ^^

  5. haha i played..with mic and camera..!
    it was fun, not too scary! :)

    and i put the demon child to sleep by singing durch den monsun! lool

    good game

  6. Hii Kristen!!
    Well when i saw this post i went directly to the site registe myself x)
    I'm a really scared...i think i'll wait thill my dad gets home to help me, so i don't get so scared xP
    I'm frakin out, the hotel just opens at 6pm and it's only 4.38 pm --'

    Bye and kisses <3

  7. Eu nunca joguei, mas deve ser realmente giro *__*
    Mas para jogar sozinha não, assusto-me com bué facilidade xD

    Se jogares depois conta como é!

    Beijinho :*

  8. humm , parece ser fixe :)
    mas é assim muito assutador ?

  9. Deve ser um jogo bem engraçado, e achei particular piada ao facto de controlarem a hora a que jogamos.
    Estou tentada a jogar, mas não sei se não me vou assustar =P

  10. Ok i just played it right now and
    its not scary at all, i thought it was REALLY SCARY but nah, its not, just some challenges are freaking hard, i mean some of them. But the game is so small... i wished it could be longer.

  11. Hi ! i'm from malaysia . Nice blog (: and thx for the info about hotel 626 !

  12. Hey there ! i'm from malaysia. Nice blog ! & thx for the info of hotel 626 (:


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