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Happy Birthday to me! x3

That's it's my Birthday! 19 years old...gosh, I'm getting older xD Well, thanks to everyone out there who reminded it till now eheh I love you all =)

Happy Birthday to me! x3

So...I have a lot of thing to tell eheh
Sorry but yesterday I was so tired that I didn't came here...

Marés Vivas Festival...well, it was AWESOME! I have no other word to describe it.
We had a lot of fun! Best thing: we didn't saw anyone known from our village, wich is awesome xD
Our group: was me, Ju, Ni (Ju's friend from the university) and her boyfriend, and Juliana (their friend from their town). At the first day we also were with 'our' Juliana and Sónia.

Gosh, Ju have to give me the photos that we took those days!!!

Well, we were camping like I said. You have NO idea of what we walk in the first day to find the god damn campsite park xD (then we walk the same distance or more at night since the festival till there - 'cause we didn't knew where we had to take the bus) I was SO tired! I think I've never walk so much in my life, in the same day (course xP).
These days were really awesome! But it didn't seemed Summer at all, because the wind...but was fine. We went to the pool of the park in the last day and everything eheh Amazing pool btw x3
Well, were three amazing days for sure!

Ohh, btw, at the first day we went to Arrabida Shopping and we went to the cinema. We saw Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.

The movie it's A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! They story, the effects...everything was just perfect!

Well, they festival was amazing! - Taking the huge queues for the WC and the lack or Super Bock's beer xD - Great place, great view... best spot: Licor Beirão's cabin eheh Those 'Morangão' were delicious!

So, at the first day: Lamb, Primal Scream and Kaiser Chiefs.

Vocal from Kaiser Chiefs (left) and Lamb's vocal (right)

Primal Scream's vocal

Best band of the night (my opinion of course): Kaiser Chiefs no doubt!
They were amazing! I din't know then pretty much but I was amazed with the energie of the vocalist...he's awesome!
Then, I didn't know either no one of the two other bands...Lamb was's a different music but I liked...Primal Scream, well, scream is a thing that they don't have at all xD

At the second day...we were drinking wine at the dinner...Ju and Ni went to the festival already drunk xD They were hilarious!
Well, this was the best day I think! Favourite band of the night: GUANO APES of course! eheh
Sandra Nazic (vocal)
OMG they made a great the end the guitarrist throw himself to the audience! Everybody was crazy!!! I loved the concert! They sang two new song. One of them I've already listened it on Enterro da Gata...they are both amazing!
Then, Scorpions! They also made a great show! Much of the people who were there in that day was for the Scorpions! I also loved their show.
Secondhand Serenade were also really nice!

Vocal from Secondhand Serenade (left) and vocal from Scorpions (right)

Third and last day: I was SO tired! I didn't lept much last night so I looked like a zombie lol
Keane made a great concert! But the best moment at the night for me was the duo of Colbie Caillat and Jason Mraz!

Vocal from Keane

Colbie Caillat and her guitarrist (really hot btw eheh)

Jason Mraz

Gabriela Cilmi

Were the most calm day of the festival, but great anyways!
I loved when Colbie sang the song You Found Me from The Fray!!! Was also a great moment. Gabriella Cilmi...well I didn't saw her show...I though she had canceled the concert 'cause we were there all the time and we didn't saw her...but I also took this photo from Blitz site so, she was there xP

Then there was also Portuguese bands all the three days in the other smaller stage but ok, these are the most important x3

So, yesterday we arrived! We woke up at 8:00am to have time to disassemble the tent, get dress, take the but to take the train later x3
I was sleeping all afternoon 'cause we went out at night. There were the Radio's Party last day and, come on, we missed this (or not xD).
Well, I was singing x3
There was a karaoke...and at the last time a decided to sing...well, Ju recorded it all with her cellphone so I'll post it here later x3
Then we were kind of celebrating my birthday eheh was nice...but today there's more! =D

So, and I think it's all. Sorry for the 'no details' of the festival but if I would start to say everything I would be here all day eheh

Peace out!


  1. HAPPY B-DAY! i felt older too... it's our official last year as teenagers haha

    OOOh im so sorry i didn't go to the festival! I saw some videos and it was amazing. Nice pictures you took! Well, I believe you enjoyed it for both me and you haha

    kiss kiss have a nice day with the ones you like LY***

  2. Pam:

    Thanks honey *O*

    ow, I didn't took those photos eheh I 'took' them from Blitz site xP

    kisses <3

  3. Happy B-day xD

    I really hope ur having a nice day (: (and I'm hoping for an even better night).

    Oh and about your photos from Marés Vives... Gosh, I wish I was there *_*

    Kiss *

  4. PARABÉNS. (h)

    o festival foi mesmo awesome! a-do-rei!
    especialmente os Scorpions. *w*

    eu vi-te! duas vezes no mesmo dia.
    no quarto de banho do Arrábida depois do Harry Potter e no festival, depois do concerto dos Kaiser Chiefs. 8D


  5. WOOOOOW, tens mesmo muito para contar.
    em primeiro lugar, PARABENS!!! 19 anos *.* estás a crescer xD.

    Quanto ao sei que foi fantástico porque tinha uma amiga que, por sms, me contava tudo o que se estava a passar. Parece que foi montes de gente e o cartaz era mesmo bom. Ès super fã dos guano apes, quantas vezes já os viste ao vivo? Pelo menos duas sei que viste...os Kaiser chiefs devem ter feito uma actuação tão lindaaaaa *.*

    Claro que no último dia tinha que ser piscina *.*. Agora depois de ler isto fiquei com vontade de ir acampar com os meus amigos. Isto é grave visto que eu não gosto de acampar hahaha

    beijinhos :D

  6. Queria bue ter visto os Guano Apes, ja tinha saudades deles!!!
    Ouviste alguma coisa se íam gravar album novo?

  7. Porque escrevem em inglês? Algum inglês vem cá ver isto?

  8. Anonymous:

    Escrevo em inglês porque gosto e ao mesmo tempo ajuda-me a corrigi-lo e torna-lo melhor

    respondendo à tua pergunta: sim vem

  9. não viste uma gaja vestida de azul no WC? se viste, era eu. (x

    eu não fui falar contigo, porque coise... sou bué tímida e não sabia que dizer. :'$

    mesmo muito! *w*


  10. aha, vá, eu também sou assim às vezes. xD

    yeah. (:


  11. hallo kristen : ) tudo bem? espero que sim ^^
    daqui e Maree_Dramaqueen ^^ remember me?XD
    bem como o teu blog está em ingles eu vou tentar fazer isto em ingles, mas aviso ja que o meu ingles e mt mau XD

    Happy Birthday
    I always read your blog but was ashamed to comment but as today is a special day I will comment
    First I want to say that I think a very special girl, is happy, sweet, courageous, optimistic and have own opinion, unlike many people in this world and you have even more talent to design and think you should enjoy this gift. I usually like a lot of talented people like you think it is always something new to show the world whether in painting or in fashion and they only wish them all good.
    as my English is very bad I want to end this comment a wish the ALL NOTHING, EVERYTHING that makes you happy and nothing that makes you suffer.
    I love you.
    happy birthday
    sorry for my bad english
    kiss the D.Queen

  12. ya, estar com o pessoal é o melhor de tudo. Claro que acabas por não dormir muito mas é super divertido.

    woow, acho que três vezes só vi mesmo os dzrt e era pq eram portugueses e tavam sempre a dar concertos aqui por lisboa xD.

    Mas com 15 é muito pouco provável que a minha mãe alinhe na ideia de acampamentos com os amigos xD

  13. ya, 15 anos é aquela idade mesmo no meio. Mas nos ultimos anos tenho ganho muita liberdade. nunca pensei que a minha mae me deixasse fazer certas coisas que hoje deixa.

    Já viste que outras bandas ao vivo?

  14. ainda foram alguma!
    Eu só vi dzrt, Tokio Hotel e katy perry. São pouquinhos mas as bandas de quem eu gosto não vêm a Portugal --'

  15. Parabéns atrasados! :D

    e omg, secondhand serenade ao vivo, quem me dera *_*

  16. ya e isso é super injusto, porque nós somos muito melhores como público do que os ingleses.
    Toda a gente vai a londres e a paris e a madrid e barcelona e isso mas acabam por se esquecer um bocado dos outros sitios...os fas nao estão todos nas grandes metropoles internacionais --'

  17. Beeem que vida animada =D
    Depois quero ver fotos dessas festas de anos!

    O festival deve ter sido mesmo fixe :) Ainda bem que te divertiste ^^

    Também gostei muito do HP apesar de certas coisas que faltam serem muito importantes! Mas pronto, é sempreee assim!

    Beijinho ^^ *

  18. Antes de mais, PARABÉNS!
    Encontrei o teu blog por falar no Marés Vivas. Eu tb fui e não podia ter delirado mais. Fui, basicamente, pelos Kaiser e pelos keane, mas acabei po delirei com todas as bandas (A escpeção de gabriella e de lamb que nem me dei ao trabalho de ver.)

    Ja agora aproveito para perguntar o nome das novas músicas dos guano! É que há uma música que ninguém sabe qual é xD Eles cantaram a Unborn e outra ... Bah, ninguém sabe o nome da outra xD Se souberes diz-me pf.

    beijoca e feliz dia ^^

  19. Katy:

    Obrigada =)
    Sim, o festival foi muito fixe mesmo! eu a banda que queria mesmo (re)ver eram os guano mas claro, adorei os 3 dias eheh

    Bem, tambem estou à nora =S so sei a unborn e nem essa consigo encontrar... sorry =S

    Bju* e obrigada por comentares ^^

  20. Parabéns atrasados! =X Que contes muitos mais Kris ! *_*


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