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Hi guys! How's it going?

Well, I'm getting a little nervous...Tonight I'm gonna participate in a karaoke.
No big stuff but still then, I'm gonna be really nervous. I don't like to sing in front of no one...alone I mean. And in front an audience...gosh! Seems like it's everybody staring at me in a strange/creepy way...I really don't like it.
Well, it won't be the first time so, everything's gonna be ok...I hope xP
I'm gonna sing other portuguese song...yes 'cause they should think that people in our village don't know/like english music -.- Well, better than nothing.
My bestfriend will record my 'performance' so then I'll post here ^^

So...other stuff...
I finished to see the Blade: The Series. It's super cool!!!

Well, I'm sure everybody know or, at least, hear talk about Blade...the movies. Now there's a serie, with others characters and 'other' central story...but still in the 'Blade style'.

Chase, Marcus, Blade, Krista and Shen
(left to right)

In the plot, Krista Starr returns from military service in Iraq to learn that her twin brother, Zack, has died under mysterious circumstances. Her investigation reveals that Zack was a "familiar" - a kind of indentured servant who agrees to do a vampire's bidding in the hopes that his "master" will eventually reward him with eternal life.
Krista's search for her brother's killer soon brings her face to face with Blade, as well as with the killer himself, Marcus Van Sciver, a powerful vampire and high ranking member of the House of Chthon. Smitten with Krista, Marcus decides to turn her into a vampire by injecting her with his blood. Krista is then approached by Blade, who injects her with the same serum he uses to control his own vampire instincts, and offers her a chance to help him avenge her brother's death and bring down Marcus and the House of Chthon, and revealed that Zack was trying to do a sting operation with Blade. The two form a reluctant partnership.
The remainder of the season follows Krista's attempts to maintain her cover in the House of Chthon, all the while struggling with her growing predatory nature, and Marcus' (supposed) efforts to develop a "vaccine" that will render vampires immune to all their traditional weaknesses... sunlight, silver, garlic, etc. However, late in the season, it is revealed that Marcus' true purpose is to create a virus that will specifically target "purebloods," the ruling vampire class, and leave the turnbloods (normal vampires like Chase and Marcus, who were once human) unscathed. He eventually unleashes his weapon in the series finale, surprisingly enough with Blade's help.
(Chase is like Marcus girlfriend...but it changes during the serie and Shen is kind of helper of Blade).
OMG it's true! New 14 seconds from the new official trailler from New Moon!!! The full trailler will be available only in 14th August.
Check out:

In my opinion I think it is a 'Team Jacob' trailler. It's good =)
I loved and I'm dying to the the full trailler...I mean, I'm dying to see the all movie! xD

Well, I think it's all for now... See you soon and wish me luck for tonight eheh



  1. Boa sorte para logo =D De certeza que te vais sair bem porque a tua voz é mesmo muito fixe ^^

    Também já tinha visto esse mini-trailer *__* Agora quero bué ver inteiro!!


  2. Break a leg amiga :D
    Sabia que havia serie mas nunca vi!
    Twilight... Enfim... Nao quero ferir susceptibilidades :x

  3. Bah que injustiça =/ Infelizmente hoje em dia quase tudo funciona com cunhas.. Enfim!

    De qualquer modo tens que mostrar o video da tua actuação :P


  4. Boa sorte para o karaoke, com a voz que tens não deve ser dificil! ;D

    quando vais postar as fotos do 'Taylor'? =P

    bjs **

  5. Anonymous:

    Obrigada =)

    Nao sei =S ainda nao me passaram s fotos =S mas mal as tenha posto logo =D


  6. ora bem, tenho muito que comentar xD respondendo ao comentario... eu adorava ter ido ver na estreia, mas além de não ter tempo já sabia que ia passar seculos na fila e que nem devia arranjar um bom lugar...e eu queria que fosse perfeito. Por isso fui depois, logo que pude e gostei muito :D

    quanto ao karaoke..aposto que correu bem. TU ES EXCELENTE a cantar...tens bué jeito, se tiveres videos posta D:

    quanto ao New estou a virar definitavamente para team jake. Sou team switzland mas começo a irritar-me com o Edward...mas primeiro leio o BD e depois logo vejo...mas o jake é perfeito e estes 14 segundos fizeram escorrer muita baba xD o tayor esforçou-se bem!

    já sairam as notas dos exames?


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