First reactions about University

Hi readers!
I'm SO so sorry for hadn't updated the blog earlier...but now with the university... I still don't have internet in my laptop so basically I'm without internet five days for week *going crazy* xP

Well, about that, it's going ok. People are nice and the activities are not very hard so, it's been cool meet everybody. My classmates are kinda quiet but I think it's the normal reaction from the first days...I'm also like that... I just hope they start to be more active from now on eheh
The only problem it's the course...Math x.x gosh! Anyway I'm already sorry for had made the 2nd application. I mean, I really want to go to a course that I really like but it is my 1st and 2nd options...the last four are just like math and, as I already met so nice people I'll be really sorry if I change to a course that I don't like... Well, wish me luck to get in my first or 2nd options, if not, with me luck to not get in the other four xP

To the next week we'll have course's dinner (on Tuesday) it will be fun xP and on Wednesday we'll have an activity that calls "Caloiro ao Molho". It's an activity that every students from the first year will go to the municipal pool with clothes and everything...people say that it's fun...let's see.

Bye, cya soon* (I hope x3)


  1. awww, ainda bem que estás a gostar da faculdade. Estar sem net 5 dias por semana é muito chato, mas pode ser que consigas arranjar net para o portátil...

    as praxes estão a ser muito duras? bolas eu tenho montes de medo das praxes, tenho mesmo.

    Vais tentar entrar nas primeiras escolhas? *.* fazes bem, pode ser que ainda consiga qualquer coisa. É preciso corajoso para estar na área em que estás.

    Boa sorte, beijinho

  2. ai o caloiro ao molho é ja na Quarta?! entao ainda te volto a ver por la lool so tenho pena de nao ter podido ir no meu ano, toda a gente diz que é altamente


  3. I knew you would like, it's the best week at university :P

  4. Ainda bem que estás a gostar!! Diverte-te no resto das praxes ;)


  5. Caloiros ao molho deve ser giro xD tudo na piscina com roupas =O deve ser bonito deve =P

  6. uau , está a correr tudo bem pelo que li.
    boa sorte :p

  7. lool então descança e estuda *-*
    e obrigada pelo apoio <3



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