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"Did I ask you? No... Then SHUT UP!"

ahah I saw this someowhere on Facebook I found it kinda funny xP

Sooo... Everyone is already in a countdown till the first day of school/college/wtv else... eheh
It's kinda weird...I was thinking and kinda dreaming about that and now it doesn't make any difference anymore... Ok, I want to go back to university, hell yeah! But, to the good life xP I'm forgetting about the other hand... I'll have to grab book and study...a LOT! But okay... Right now I'm conserned about get in LLE or not... I really HAVE to! =S

Ok, let's talk about other things =)

Yesterday I realized something, today I was thinking about all the "consequences" and I realized that I'm probably changing... The way I see life, and situations, is changing... Don't know exactly why or how, but it's a fact. Maybe I'm growing a little bit more x3 At least about this situation only... Oh well...

So, things are going normal... Things are good here at home. Same thing with my dad... Thinking about this and that...the usual xP
Sun is saying goodbye so days are more smaller and cold...ok, not cold, just not that hot as it has been. Actually was raining a few hours ago...

Well, these are the last days... There's no much time till the first day...I've already been around my stuff to see what I'm going to take to the apartement, cheking some thing from college (classes xP), think about what I still have to do till the end of vacations...oh well, that stuff.
Oh, and I'm in love by this little video...

No offence to those who like Rihanna, but I think Taylor Momsen's voice would fit way better in Eminem's music... Oh well... x3

And I'm also loving this Hayley Williams "partnership" x3

Ok... I'll keep in touch ;)

About my title, I found some nice/clever quotes and I decided to share with you eheh:

~ "A penis has a sad life. His hair is a mess, his family is nuts, his neighbour is an asshole, his best friend is a pussy and his owner beats him!"
~ "If you're talking behind my back, you're in a good position to kiss my ass!"
~ "First day of school: WOO! SCHOOL! :) Second day of school: Dude, when's Labor Day..."
~ "A real man doesn't love many girls. He loves one girl in many ways."
~ "The happiest people don't have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything they have."
~ "Mom...I'm bored. Mom: Ok, if you're so bored why don't u clean this... Never mind I found something to do."
~ "If the world ends in 2012, I've wasted my whole life in school. . . lovely"
~ "A boy gives a girl 10 roses, 9 real and 1 fake. And he says to the girl that he'll love her, until the last one dies."
~ "You can close your eyes to the things you do not want to see, but you cannot close your heart to the things you do not want to feel."
~ "EVERYONE SHUT THE F*CK UP! *answers phone* Hi Mommy :)"

Great hum?!?! xP

And now, three more letters... I didn't forgot lol

22. Letter to someone you want to give a second chance to
I can’t remember… Maybe there’s no one that important that I want to give a second chance… I think I know what I do, mostly of the time…so, maybe if everything I did was for some reason and, if there’s someone who I pushed away was for the best and I don’t regret it…

23. Letter to the last person you kissed
Excerpt of the question number 3: “Dear mom (…), I love you SO much! Although in most cases I do not show it to you, but never doubt about what I feel for you (…).
You can always count on me and I know that I can feel the same for you and I do my best to not disappoint you. Love (…)!”
Love you mom S2*

24. Letter to the person that gave your favorite memory
There’s so many people that I could talk about… I can’t remember just one… I can’t remember the most important…every good memories are special, each one in its own away =)



  1. Epa eu consigo ver sozinha mas aseguir nao durmo uns dias xD sou um bocado medricas LOL

    É pena nas entrevistas a Taylor só dizer m*rda porque tem muito talento.


  2. Sim, é isso mesmo que eu penso..tenta ser demasiado o que não é, e criticar os outros que acaba por ser ridicula.. mas daqui a 3 aninhos passa-lhe eheh

  3. I know what you are talking about.

    My life change in somehow that i can not truly understand or handle.

    I an too busy whit work that i have lost even my girlfriend.

    Actually i feel like a piece of shi.. i don't know what seek for. Truly sad.

    Hey if want to share life stuffs:


    I realy enjoy your blog, keep going!

  4. Anonymous:

    I hope your life get better =)

    Thanks for the comments and thanks for enjoy my blog =)


  5. alterei o link do meu blog. o novo é: :)

  6. tambem nao gostava de ser homem, de todo! xD

    vais ver que consegues entrar :P

    oh nao quero que o verao va embora :(


  7. foi brutal! umas ferias super intensas mesmo :D ja da saudades..



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