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Enjoying the last days :)

Hi my dear readers, how's your Summer going? I hope fine =)
I'm trying to enjoy as much I can this last weeks so...

This week I went to dinner to my grandma's house. Then, I went with my cousins to a coffee and we end up the night in a disco eheh Was a really nice night.

Then, on Sunday me and my brother were with our daddy and we made something different. we went to the ocianarium, SeaLife, on Oporto.
The day was AWESOME!! The ocianarium it's really nice and we saw so amazing species. I took some pictures, but as we couldn't took pictures with flash they are a little blurry =/

Lanes, many of them! So wonderful! The first pic it's fine 'cause the lane was quiet xP The second one was right above our heads, was really nice to see.
The jellyfish were sooooo cute!! Felt like want to pick one and take it home with us eheh These ones were smaller than a fist!
SOOO cute!! These fish were two sharks...kissing!
Was a really cute moment :3
Seahorses were also so cute! Look at it! *-*
Too blurry =S but ok, cute anyway xP
I can't remember the real name of this fish -.-' lol
Second picture, poisonous frogs.
Really cute but terribly deadly.
Look, I found nemo!!! xD
And that's it. After that, we also went to Esposende, to visit my uncles. Was a really nice day =) I loved!
And today, we went to the cinema with mom. We saw "Salt", with Angelina Jolie.

It's not the kind of story that I love...russian spies and stuff but thank god the producer doesn't focused much that part and it end up to be a great action movie. If you like to see Angelina Jolie on movies like Tomb Rider, you certainly will love this one =)
And I couldn't resist. I bought this beautiful blazer x3

And it's all I think ;P
Let's see how will be this next week eheh


  1. as 13h20 ou algo do genero! xD eu vi-te nos wc's (de camisola azul) mas foi tudo tao rapido que quando me apercebi que eras tu ja estavas la dentro e depois quando sai eu, ja nao estavas :/

    foi fiche porque nao teve aquele final feliz dela com o marido.. adoro filmes sem finais felizes xDD


  2. uau! fomos ambas com a mae e o irmao ver o mesmo filmes na mesma sessao e nem combinamos! bota coincidencia! em que fila estavas no cine? eu estava na para ai na quarta a contar de cima, no meio.. que lindo xD
    ainda bem que nao me viste! apanhas-me sempre em dias que estou horrivel rapariga xDD

  3. no way.. nao pode ser, eu acho que estava na g! O.O

  4. nao sei se era 14, 15 e 16 mas acho que pelo menos o 15 era!
    ao meu lado estava uma rapariga e um rapaz... nao eras tu, a nao ser que estivesse vesga xD
    e tu em que lugares estavas?

  5. isso quer dizer que deves ir ter comprado os bilhetes pouco antes de mim.
    ok, tem a sua piada a situaçao xD



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