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Fallin' Stars

Hi everybody!

Last night I was with my eyes in the sky to see the stars. It's a thing that happens every year around this time of the year.

So, there I was, in my terrace looking to the sky and watching that magnificent beauty (till 3:45am I think eheh). Was really nice =) I wrote in my Facebook page, and September will never come??? lol
I'm badly waiting till then. New year, new things... Decorate my new (and Flávia's) apartement eheh. I also REALLY hope get in LLE, otherwise my mom will not be happy, neither do I =/ But let's think positive =)

So, more news...
Oh, I won't believe what happened with...
I've already talk about the girls I was living with this year on college, and you kinda know what was going on and what happened... Well, at the begining of the year we buy some thing to the apartement that the three of us payed for... Then we talked that in the end of the year we would make the spending accounts and, those who do not stay with anything, would receive their share of the money...
Something that I think it would the normal thing to do, since we buy things like microwave, mine stove, bath curtain and the stick... Well, that kind of things.
So, first of all I want to know that I'm writing this here in my blog 'cause all of you have the right to know that this kind of people unfortunately exist and, sometimes, they can be closer than we can imagine... So, be careful...

So, two days ago, one of them sent me a message remind me that I still had an account to pay...from May!!! Now, tell me how it is possible... But ok... She wanted to get all accounts clear so, let's do it. Yesterday I sent her a message talking about thise things that the three of us buy and explaining that I want my part...
Now, she had the nerve to tell me that I didn't pay anything!!! Can you believe it?!?! When I perfectly know that I pay for all of those stuff... But, as I don't have way to prove it, 'cause she bought everything and then me and the other girl gave her our pafrt of the cash...
I was SO pissed of, you have no idea!!!
The daddies girl that looks like a top model when she go out with that nose more rampant than light pole and, inside, is a two-faced, thief, scrubby, liar and with no ethics at all... Her parent don't know what they have least her father...poor men... I would be shame to have a daughter/son like she is...
Of course, I was so incredulous with all this, that then I told her everything that crossed my mind, with moods of course... Then my mom went to deposit in her account the money of that supposed count of May (yeah, 'cause I never knew what I was paying... I must have been stolen a lot without knowing at all -.-).
I don't want to talk with her ever again...she doesn't worth a thing!!! And I do not have anything to be ashamed of, unlike her...and, above all, I have my conscience clear.
Owh well, let just forget it...
I think I think I have nothing more to say... So let you with three more letters =)
19. Letter to someone that pester your mind (good or bad)
Why am I always thinking about you? Why you just don't go away? Wish I could not feel this about you...

20. Letter to the one that broke your heart the hardest
(copy and paste from the question number 15)

21. Letter to someone you judged by the first impression
Honestly, I don’t remember when was the last time I did that and who the person was…


  1. God, I can't believe that girl did it!! =O
    Girl so unscrupulous. Bah!!
    Not worth consideration...

  2. Ai eu também quero o teu terraço e essa paisagem... *.*


  3. Por volta das 23 ainda estive a olhar para o céu, mas sou demasiado impaciente xD Não cheguei a ver nada então desisti xD

    Partilho contigo o sentimento de querer que Setembro chegue rápido. =P
    Ena! Vais ter um apartamento? =D

  4. Por volta das 23 ainda estive a olhar para o céu, mas sou demasiado impaciente xD Não cheguei a ver nada então desisti xD

    Partilho contigo o sentimento de querer que Setembro chegue rápido. =P
    Ena! Vais ter um apartamento? =D

  5. Ah okok lol
    Mas só o facto de teres um terraço agrada-me imenso :D

  6. Verdade! Quem me dera lol..
    Ja me contento la na aldeia da minha mãe mas poucas vezes lá vou...
    Pode ser que tenha a sorte de me sair o eurmilhoes xD


  7. Pessoas muito sérias nao haja dúvida...


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