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Showing posts from December, 2010

Happy New Year!

As I probably won't have time to come here tomorrow here it is my wishes of a great New Year. I'll tell you all about mine (and Christmas btw ) in the New Year ;P So... HAPPY NEW YEAR 2011 .

E como não há nada para fazer...

Lado Masculino Tu adoras capuchos. Tu adoras jeans. Cães são melhores que gatos. É hilariante de como as pessoas se magoam. Já jogaste com rapazes na mesma equipa. Compras são uma tortura. Filmes tristes são horríveis. Tu tens uma XBOX. Quando eras pequeno/a querias ser bombeiro/a. Tu tens uma DS, PS2 ou SEGA. Amavas Power Rangers. Vês desportos na televisão. Filmes sangrentos são os melhores. Procuras o teu pai para dar-te conselhos. Tens mais de 3 mil bonés de basketball. Costumavas coleccionar cartas de pokemon. Calças largas são fixes de se usar. É estranho ter "sleepovers" com montes de pessoas. Verde, preto, vermelho, azul e cinzento são uma das minhas cores favoritas. Desportos são divertidos. Às vezes falas de boca cheia. Dormes à noite com as tuas meias. Já pescaste uma vez, pelo menos. Total: 5 Lado Feminino Gostas de fazer compras. Usas eyeliner. Usas cor-de-rosa. Procuras a tua mãe para te dar conselhos. Consideras "cheerleading" um desporto. Odeias ves...

Merry Christmas

I don't know if I'll come back here before Christmas so, here is my wish of a excellent Christmas (and Christmas Eve)! A lot of love and joy in this magical day and, remember, Christmas should not be just once a year but EVERY days of the year! =) So... MERRY CHRISTMAS!! .

I'm sad...

É com muita pena minha que fiquei a saber à minutos que a banda Paramore não será a mesma... A banda vai ficar sem o seu guitarrista e baterista (Josh e Zac Farro respectivamente). Por razões os Paramore vão ficar reduzidos a três elementos. . Aqui fica o comunicado que a banda fez no seu site oficial: "Over the past 6 years, our band has been through some of the most intense and incredible experiences of our lives. None of these things have been without trial. We've worked so hard to get to where we are and the fact that you are all still here with us says something about you that we will never be able to truly understand. You have stuck with us through thick and thin and we are so grateful. A couple of months ago, Josh and Zac let us know they would be leaving the band after our show in Orlando last Sunday. None of us were really shocked. For the last year it hasn't seemed as if they wanted to be around anymore. We want Josh and Zac to do something that makes them happy ...

The Last Week Before Christmas

And that's it. I'm officially on holidays! Christmas holidays. Will be two weeks of pure relax xD No, seriously, I have a lot of things to do and study but right now I'm chillin' of the last final week on university. These are photos from last Tuesday: Me and Flávia on Arska Café before the karaoke lol . Me and Madeira going to BA eheh . Mário, I, Hertz and Marlene Pretty funny pic hmm!? xP . Tocha and I . Barão (the academic Pope), Cardeal de Curso Severina, Madeira, I & Marlene . Me, Bragança, Flávia and Bragança's friend lol . Cardeal Ancião Joana Silva and I Madeira, Cardeal Ancião Joana Silva, I and Cardeal's friend... . Was a pretty crazy night eheh Now I have to post the pictures from Wednesday, of the dinner course but I still don't have them... . Well, I have to go now, I have a lot of presents to wrap eheh . See you soon!! xoxo *

Saturday Afternoon

Hi readers! How's everything going? Well, today I ( finally ) saw the new Harry Potter movie!! I spend the day with my dad and my little brother and we went to the cinema to watch the film. A aaaa nd... I LOVED of course!! ;P Now I badly can't wait till the 2nd part *O* Of course, the afternoon could not be perfect, there's always a problem... the problem ... Oh well, let's not talk about that... Lets think about next week, that's gonna be SUPER!! (at least I hope so ;P ) Well, see you soon readers! xoxo *


These days have been really tiring... party, party and mo ooooo re party! xD Exams finally over and we have been such a great times! These last two nights... O-M-G !! loool So many moments... funny moments... great moments!! eheheh The real dinner! 1 year since Pensão Madeira opened...I miss it so much!! Me, Marlene, Tito and Flávia . looooooool no comments! xD Me and Lobo . What a night! Love you girls!! Marlene, me and Laidinha . And now I say: I DON'T WANT JANUARY TO COME!! loool Ok, maybe first week of January, but ONLY that!! lol But ok, lets thinks about next week, for now... =) Dinner course, last big night before Christmas holidays... And, talk about Christmas, I have so many gifts to buy =S bahhh ... Ok, I let you now, with some new pics of myself ( FINALLY! xD ). xoxo *

XVII Celta and much more!!

. So, where can I start for??? . WHAT A WEEKEND!!! . Well, last weekend was the XVII Celta , a huge festival of academic Tunas and, me and some of my girls were guides of the tunas that came to Braga to participate in the festival. I have to say, although all the less good things, was like, SUPER!! . I was guide with Flávia, and our Tuna were the Magna Tuna Cartola from Aveiro ( official site and facebook ) and they were really nice (most of them...) and their music is great! They won two awards: the award of Best Tuna and of the Cinema Award (the theme of the festival was Cinema) . . . The rest of the night was on Populum where we danced, drinked and had a lot of fun! . As I said, was super cool, but also really tiring...on Sunday I slept till 6:00pm and I was dying... I still am actually xD My body hurts, specially my feet. Was like Sunday have never existed loool . Oh, and, not talking about Friday, that I won the day!! S2 * :3 Gosh, I miss Celta already... =') . Oh w...