Cinema & Stuff


A lot of comedy, romance, fear, amazing special effects... Well, you really have to see for yourself.
There's just one scene I didn't liked so much (it seems as if we are watching cartoons) but the final part (of this 1st part) made me forget it... It was really great, and watch it with friends, even better :)

Next events:
  • Recital December 1st (Independence Restoration)
  • XVIII Celta - Certame Lusitano de Tunas Académicas
Until then, I still have a lot of exams and works to do...I think my head is going to explode someday...
Oh well, see you soon!



  1. acreditas que ainda nao vi xD fui a antestreia dos outros todos e ainda nao consegui ir ver este, uma tristeza lol

    anyway, vais actuar na recita? nao sei se ainda andas pelo caum.. costumo ir todos os anos, é muito giro (:


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