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Hi readers! How's it going?
So, this will be a very calm week. I don't have nothing to do...
Till now, I was adding more posters to my wall... it is getting pretty cool actually xP (I'll take photos then I'll post here. Promess!) More...I started a new diet...and it is killing me... lol but ok, I REALLY have to lose some pounds...
Well, as you can see it's been a really boring week xP
Oh, is I told you I'm with the idea to dye my hair black (again lol). So I was searching for some photos to inspires me lol
My hairdresser will kill me when she figure out that I dye my home...four days after I had dye it blonde...over and over again... Well, anyway xP
Now I'm going chill a little bit and try not to think about food xD
Current music: Michelle Branch - Everywhere


  1. Diets, gosh... just no xD
    Your hairdresser xD omfg xD okay i'm laughing xD
    LOOL I like to see you with black hair xD so if you like it, go ahead xD
    But I think your hair... xD poor hair.

  2. I told to my mom to make me do the diet...I really have! lool

    gosh, I'm serious! I don't wanna see the face of my hairdresser when she look at me with this hair... anyway xP
    she'll be even more shocked when I would tell you that I wanna dye it black xD

    but I can't do that you said...poor hair xD I can't do nothing with it for now...


  3. Ya my rob haha **

    THe green shirt guy already has a girlfriend love

  4. Hey my week it's been boring too
    I don't like diets...just if it's a healthy one xP Like you i have to lose some pounds and now i'm in the gym and it's great...there are some cute guys there soo x)
    Yeah your hairdresser is really gonna kill if she knows about it =/

    Kisses and hugs ^^

    p.s- Stop saying that the blonde hair looks bad on you cause you're wrong >.< i really liked to see you with blonde hair *__*

  5. Heyyy =D
    O novo cabeçalho esta um maximo (:
    Beijocas **

  6. Sei lá -.- eu já nem sei o que me fica bem ou mal.
    Só devo colocar fotos dos resultados daqui a uns dias porque só o faço quando for de viagem.

    Fogo é por estas e por outras que curto os blogs do sapo. podes dar logo a resposta no teu blog em vez de teres de vir ao da pessoa.

    Dieta? Para quê? Dieta ando eu a fazer e toda a gente me chama de doida :$

    Dá um tempinho e depois pinta, a tinta do super nem sempre é da treta, todas as tintas estragam se o cabelo nao for bem tratado.
    A Lara é LINDA *.* adoro-a mesmo, e a tua foto fazia me lembrar dela.

  7. Se tu tás enorme eu tou obesa -.-
    Nem posso apertar mt as calças pq me faz impressão ver qq coisa a sair de lado :$

    Eu ñ tenho cabeleireira fixa, mas posso sempre ir à minha ultima perguntar. Eu sei lá o que me fica bem ou mal -.- ja nem sei.

  8. I think it was 80 euros I think!

    21 days my gosh...come on April haha


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