OMG, my head is about to explode right now... Today and the last one were very confused... Right now I don't know what to think or what to do...well, actually there's nothing I can do anymore... . Ok...this week I heard about the 3rd change to get in the university. Was everything so fast that I didn't knew what to do... I was kinda psychologically prepared to be one here in this course and change to the next year...well, I was thinking and thinking, really to the next final seconds and I couldn't do it... I know it would be great to my future and so on, but I can't leave the friends that I made...not now, not this year. They are all great. We had a lot of lucky to have our doctors...they are all so nice to us...I hate this course, really really hate, but I love these people! . I know it's crazy and 99% of us don't agree with me...but ok, this year will be like this. I've already completed a form to make some classes from the other course, and get a part...