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Hi guys!

Sorry for my late...again x.x

Well, this weekend I didn't go to my village...mainly because the all problems with my parents and friends...I thought it would be better stay here...and I have exam on Monday so it's been a really long weekend. I don't remember the last time I study so hard eheh But it's been nice. Right now I'm in a coffee shop with some friends studing for the exam...yesterday we did the same thing...

Well, I'm gonna continue my study...I just come here to say hello, I don't have much news to tell...

OHHH, listen this...on Wednesday we had the best time with our doctors...we were in the middle of the mud having a war with water ballons, really! Was CRAZY! Till now the best afternoon ever! I want to repeat! eheh
Then I'll post the photos and videos ^^

Well, cya soon*


  1. Já estas na Universidade certo ?
    Nem me falem em estudar -.-

  2. heey :D
    OMG, deves ser a unica pessoa que não está extremamente indignada e frustrada por estar a estudar muito xD. Acredita que vais ficar assim rapidamente. Gosh, tenho ouvido demasiadas histórias sobre faculdade, ando a ficar assustada, especialmente com as praxes.

    Compreendo porque e que não te apeteceu ir a casa...gosh no meio de tanto problema o melhor é mesmo ficar um bocado sozinho, ou com outras pessoas e esperar que tudo acalme

  3. Imagino essas fotos xD
    Bom estudo e boa sorte para Segunda ;)


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