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Short Story (Part 1)

Hello readers! Todays I'm going to post something different. I've been writing a short story for a work I am doing for college. Last class I was talking with my teacher and she told me that I could post it in here so here I am :)
I am going to divide the short story on several posts because of the size of it. So, here it is the first part. I hope you enjoy and please give me your opinion :)

PS: The text was not edited or corrected so I apologize if you find any mistake.

Short Story
Part 1

It was in the Winter of 1761, I was brought by a man to an unknown place, if a man is what you call it.
I woke up in a huge room, feeling weak and confused. I could hear the rain outside and the wind passing though the trees. As I was looking around me I noticed I should be in some kind of palace, an old one. At least it smelled as one, as if no one was living there for a long time.
The strange man was sitting in front of me, staring ant me with his strange face. It was like he was hungry or something…weird. In that moment I felt something wet in my neck… I bought my hand up to it and touched. Then I looked back to my hand…it was blood! Inside, I started to panic and, I don’t know how, he noticed!
Suddenly, he was beside me, saying things with no sense at all. Things like I was going to be his child, helping him to understand these times…come on! I was the one who wasn’t’ understanding anything of what was going on there. Then, I felt a strong pressure in my neck, and I blacked out.

I was running in the woods, everything was red…there was blood everywhere…I was screaming inside, hungry… And I woke up. I was feeling weird… I could feel everything around me…I could hear a little cat outside, leafs falling in the wet grass… My senses were so high, so intense… I felt something in my neck, again, and I remembered of all the blood, but it wasn’t there anymore. Not even a scar, nothing! It was something else, something inside… And now I was focusing myself on my skin…I felt it. It was cold, unusually clear and clean, unusually not me. And there he was again, that man, suddenly he seemed strangely familiar, I could feel him…was he the same man? Or it was me that was different?

And there was me, doing it, over and over again… I couldn’t tell anymore how many people I had bitten so far, how much blood I had drained…it soft and delicious taste, what it makes me feel… I couldn’t stop, I was never satisfied, and that strange feeling in my throat wasn’t gone…it never did.
Now I was a vampire. I was different, I felt different. There were things my body doesn’t tolerated anymore, like the sunlight…how I miss the sunset! I became faster, stronger. I could hear and smell better than ever and now, the only thing I needed to survive was blood, human blood… Eric, the man who made me, taught me everything I know today. It doesn’t sound so bad described like this, but it was, mostly at the beginning, it was horrible, painful. The thirst, the need to feed, the hunt, all the murders… I wasn’t ready…I had no control on myself; the guilt was killing me inside. It took decades to get used to my new condition and to be able to control myself a little better…to accept all of this new me.

I moved a lot. After almost a century I lost Eric’s track. Travelling around the world, discovering new places, new cultures…everything seemed so much more wonderful that it looked on magazines, cards and stuff like that. Nowadays, since 2008, I’m back in town. The London Goth (well, not anymore), city of my short years as human…how I miss this place. I was also getting use to it, after all, 251 years passed since the last time I was here, a lot of things changed…times weren’t the same anymore…

Tears doesn’t stop falling, rolling down on my face…red as blood, making a pond around me. I couldn’t move, I couldn’t run… All around me, all I see are graves all over the place. My mom’s grave, my dad’s grave, my grandma’s grave…all the people that I used to know were dead. Suddenly I can’t breathe…
The same nightmare hunting me, day after day…the suffocating feeling was inevitable, in spite of so much time passed, and every last nightmare seemed like it was the first one.
This evening I was particularly hungry, so I left, waiting that I could satisfy my thirst and hopping this images would go away.
It was a cold and dark night, above that, it seemed like it was going to rain…great. This time I didn’t go to the center of the city… I don’t know why… I knew there was a lot more chances to find something but, at the same time, I wanted to be alone so I found myself in the middle of a road near to the city (but not that close)… Then, I heard something…it was a helicopter flying above my head. At the opposite side I could see three people coming, two men and one woman. After all, I would have some fun tonight.
Or maybe not…there was also a policeman coming in his shift…hiding a missing of a policeman is not that easy, there would be a lot of talking and right now I didn’t needed that kind of problems.
Suddenly my luck seemed to change and looking to the horizon, I saw a car getting closer. So I wait, until the right moment to attack…and then, in the exact moment that I was going to step closer to the vehicle, another car was coming, fast and furious, and it was keep coming, right in front of the other one… Something wasn’t right, I could smell it, I could sense it. And there it was, in the next moment the big crash happened. The two cars crashed, front to front. The impact was so big and the speed so high that the car who provoked the accident, the one who was coming in the wrong side of the road, just stand up and flit, literally, crossing the other car that, in the next moment, was already rolling till the other side of the road.
And that’s it, the chaos was installed. The group that was passing by was in shock. The girl started to cry and scream and one of the guys had a camera in his hands, filming the all scene, while the policeman was calling for help by his cell phone.
There was blood everywhere and I barely could handle my urge for it, and I ran to the bastard’s car, so fast that no one could see me.
There were two people on the car. The driver was unrecognizable, dead already, lying on the back site… I fed on him. The taste of his blood was different; he had been drinking, a lot! He smelled that way too, he stinks. How could someone be so stupid to get in a car like this, provoking all this trouble…? I was so furious! I could not handle myself anymore around him; I would kill him again if I could.
The passenger was pretty bad too but wasn’t dead, only unconscious. He woke up…was dizzy, confused and drunk, also. Anyway, it wasn’t his fault, so I left the car, before he could see me.
A few minutes later an ambulance arrived and four paramedics left of the vehicle to rescue the victims… And there she was, the most beautiful girl I had ever seen in my whole life being rescued from the other car.

She was already at the hospital but she wasn’t fine, she wouldn’t make it…I couldn’t let her die, not like this and not in such horrible situation… I had to do something, and I did. Warily I want to her room…gosh, she smelled so good… Her skin was pale, cold…her hair soft and shiny…
I barely could hear her pulse…I had to do something! In that moment I remembered myself of all Eric’s teaching… I bit my wrist and toke it to her mouth, hoping that she could drink my blood. After a second I felt her fingers moving as her mouth…she was drinking
“Where am I?” – she asked suddenly, waking in a gasp, confused and still weak.
“Shhh…you’re going to be fine.” – I said afraid. How could I be so stupid to let her see me? I would never forgive myself for that and believe me, to me, never is a really very long time… I stopped like a statue….her deep blue eyes were confusing me…I was breathless with so much beauty.
“Am I dead?” – she wondered. I could see her cheeks getting a little blushing already. Gosh, I could smell blood everywhere over here.
“No,” – I answered – “why are you asking that?” – again, why I just couldn’t shut my mouth and leave the room? Or simply make her forget everything…what was happening to me?
“Because you seemed like an angle.” – she replied with a discrete and almost imperceptible smile and then, she went back to sleep again, stable now, and I left…
Seriously? I really had to go to that stupid hospital…why I just couldn’t let her die? You stupid asshole! An angel, me? How could she think that? I was a lot of things, but angel wasn’t one of them for sure…

To be continued...

 Vanessa Oliveira ® All Rights Reserved


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